Alessandro De Gloria, Sara de Freitas
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications
VS-Games-2012, 2012.
Contents (48 items)
- VS-Games-2012-GloriaBB #community #game studies
- Building a Comprehensive R&D Community on Serious Games (ADG, FB, RB), pp. 1–3.
- VS-Games-2012-HulusicP #framework #learning #quote
- “LeFCA”: Learning Framework for Children with Autism (VH, NP), pp. 4–16.
- VS-Games-2012-NeyEE #education #game studies #learning #matrix
- Paving the Way to Game Based Learning: A Question Matrix for Teacher Reflection (MN, VE, JE), pp. 17–24.
- VS-Games-2012-FreitasEOKNPRUS #game studies #learning
- Hot Issues in Game Enhanced Learning: The GEL Viewpoint (SdF, JE, MO, KK, MN, MP, MR, MU, IAS), pp. 25–31.
- VS-Games-2012-ObikweluR #framework #game studies #learning
- The Serious Game Constructivist Framework for Children's Learning (CO, JCR), pp. 32–37.
- VS-Games-2012-ClarkeADB #approach #game studies #named
- PR: EPARe: A Game-Based Approach to Relationship Guidance for Adolescents (SC, SA, ID, KB), pp. 38–44.
- VS-Games-2012-BahreiniNW #framework #game studies #online
- FILTWAM - A Framework for Online Affective Computing in Serious Games (KB, RN, WW), pp. 45–52.
- VS-Games-2012-PereiraBPPBKK #game studies #learning #roadmap #social
- Serious Games for Personal and Social Learning & Ethics: Status and Trends (GDGP, AB, RP, AP, FB, MK, RK), pp. 53–65.
- VS-Games-2012-FernandesDRFPS #approach #collaboration #elicitation #game studies #named #towards
- iThink: A Game-Based Approach Towards Improving Collaboration and Participation in Requirement Elicitation (JF, DD, CR, CF, JMP, MMdS), pp. 66–77.
- VS-Games-2012-KiiliFAL #design #education #experience #game studies
- The Design Principles for Flow Experience in Educational Games (KK, SdF, SA, TL), pp. 78–91.
- VS-Games-2012-CuratelliM #design #education #learning #tool support
- Design Criteria for Educational Tools to Overcome Mathematics Learning Difficulties (FC, CM), pp. 92–102.
- VS-Games-2012-SivanathanLLR
- Temporal Synchronisation of Data Logging in Racing Gameplay (AS, TL, SL, JMR), pp. 103–110.
- VS-Games-2012-VardaxoglouB #framework #game studies #platform
- Developing a Platform for Serious Gaming: Open Innovation through Closed Innovation (GV, EB), pp. 111–121.
- VS-Games-2012-KraayenbrinkKTHMMB #reuse #semantics
- Semantic Crowds: Reusable Population for Virtual Worlds (NK, JK, TT, GdH, FM, SRM, RB), pp. 122–139.
- VS-Games-2012-AsteriadisKSY #behaviour #clustering #detection #towards #using #visual notation
- Towards Detecting Clusters of Players using Visual and Gameplay Behavioral Cues (SA, KK, NS, GNY), pp. 140–147.
- VS-Games-2012-Lombardi #game studies #learning
- Not-so-Serious Games for Language Learning. Now with 99, 9% More Humour on Top (IL), pp. 148–158.
- VS-Games-2012-PerezA #smarttech
- A Smart Phone Tool to Create Photo Collages (AMP, OA), pp. 159–162.
- VS-Games-2012-KiiliP
- Exerbraining for Schools: Combining Body and Brain Training (KK, PT, AP), pp. 163–173.
- VS-Games-2012-BellottiBGLDORUM #design #education #game studies
- Designing a Course for Stimulating Entrepreneurship in Higher Education through Serious Games (FB, RB, ADG, EL, FMD, MO, MR, MU, ISM), pp. 174–186.
- VS-Games-2012-LavenderG #game studies
- Audition, The Game (TJL, DG), pp. 187–192.
- VS-Games-2012-PadrosRU #collaboration #convergence #game studies #process
- Measuring the Knowledge Convergence Process in the Collaborative Game MetaVals (AP, MR, MU), pp. 193–202.
- VS-Games-2012-Serrano-LagunaTMF #assessment #game studies #learning #student
- Tracing a Little for Big Improvements: Application of Learning Analytics and Videogames for Student Assessment (ÁSL, JT, PMG, BFM), pp. 203–209.
- VS-Games-2012-HaugeR #education #evaluation #game studies #simulation
- Evaluation of Simulation Games for Teaching Engineering and Manufacturing (JBH, JckhR), pp. 210–220.
- VS-Games-2012-BachvarovaBPPR #effectiveness #game studies #learning
- Measuring the Effectiveness of Learning with Serious Games in Corporate Training (YB, SB, BvdP, MP, IR), pp. 221–232.
- VS-Games-2012-Mayer #evaluation #game studies #research #towards
- Towards a Comprehensive Methodology for the Research and Evaluation of Serious Games (IM), pp. 233–247.
- VS-Games-2012-PinheiroFMCPFPMMR #development #maintenance
- Development of a Mechanical Maintenance Training Simulator in OpenSimulator for F-16 Aircraft Engines (AP, PF0, AM, GC, DP, BF, HP, PM0, LM, JR), pp. 248–255.
- VS-Games-2012-PourabdollahianTK #education #evaluation #game studies
- Serious Games in Manufacturing Education: Evaluation of Learners' Engagement (BP, MT, EK), pp. 256–265.
- VS-Games-2012-YuLRSLSRF #assembly #automation #game studies
- Exploring the Application of Computer Game Theory to Automated Assembly (HY, TL, JMR, RCWS, SL, IAS, IR, SdF), pp. 266–273.
- VS-Games-2012-OliveiraCGR #game studies #security
- Serious Game in Security: A Solution for Security Trainees (VO, AC, RG, CR), pp. 274–282.
- VS-Games-2012-OostendorpK #3d #navigation #using
- Using a Cognitive Model of Web-Navigation to Generate Support for 3D Virtual Navigation (HvO, SK), pp. 283–284.
- VS-Games-2012-KosmadoudiLRSLSS #effectiveness #game studies
- Game Interactivity in CAD as Productive Systems (ZK, TL, JMR, RCWS, YL0, IAS, AS), pp. 285–288.
- VS-Games-2012-FreitasKNOPRS #game studies #learning #named
- GEL: Exploring Game Enhanced Learning (SdF, KK, MN, MO, MP, MR, IAS), pp. 289–292.
- VS-Games-2012-WattanasoontornBBS #framework #simulation
- The Framework of a Life Support Simulation Application (VW, IB, CB, MS), pp. 293–294.
- VS-Games-2012-RivaP #game studies
- The Unimportance of Flawless Game Mechanics (PRR, MP), pp. 295–298.
- VS-Games-2012-PerezA12a #game studies #learning #social
- Learning with your Friend's Data: Game Entity Social Mapping in Serious Games (AMP, OA), pp. 299–300.
- VS-Games-2012-BozantaKNS #game studies #multi
- Multi User Virtual Environments and Serious Games for Team Building (AB, BK, NN, SS), pp. 301–302.
- VS-Games-2012-CarrozzinoEBLB #education #game studies #network #novel #social #tool support
- Social Networks and Web-based Serious Games as Novel Educational Tools (MC, CE, RB, CL, MB), pp. 303–306.
- VS-Games-2012-Djaouti0HJKTCL #maintenance #towards
- Towards A Serious Application for Telescope Maintenance (DD, ED0, MHP, JPJ, MK, PT, RC, FL), pp. 307–309.
- VS-Games-2012-HasegawaINS #modelling
- Digital-Kakejiku Typhoon Model based on Fluid Mechanics (AH, HI, TN, SS), pp. 310–311.
- VS-Games-2012-JonesS
- An Affective Model for a Virtual Recruiter in a Job Interview Context (HJ, NS), pp. 312–313.
- VS-Games-2012-SuttieLLMWBD #aspect-oriented #framework #game studies
- Introducing the “Serious Games Mechanics”: A Theoretical Framework to Analyse Relationships Between “Game” and “Pedagogical Aspects” of Serious Games (NS, SL, TL, AM, WW, DB, DD), pp. 314–315.
- VS-Games-2012-SuttieLLR #adaptation #approach #game studies #realtime #towards
- Towards a Biocybernetic Approach for Serious Games Real-time Psychophysiological Inferences for Adaptive Agents in Serious Games (NS, SL, TL, JR), pp. 316–317.
- VS-Games-2012-JacobSCR #artificial reality #game studies #towards
- Towards Location-based Augmented Reality games (JTPNJ, HdS, ALC, RAR), pp. 318–319.
- VS-Games-2012-TeseiBK #game studies #overview #safety #security
- Survey on Serious Games Applied to Security, Safety and Crisis Management (AT, AB, RTK), pp. 320–321.
- VS-Games-2012-KesselT #game studies #modelling #physics #requirements
- Accuracy Requirements for Physical Models in Serious Games (RTK, AT), pp. 322–325.
- VS-Games-2012-Pannese #game studies #named #tutorial
- Workshop: Tutorial on Serious Games for Entrepreneurship (LP), pp. 326–327.
- VS-Games-2012-Sedano #design #game studies #named
- Workshop: Designing games for Specific Contexts (CIS), pp. 328–339.
- VS-Games-2012-HaugePR #education #game studies #using
- Workshop on the Use of Serious Games in the Education of Engineers (JBH, BP, JckhR), pp. 341–342.