Travelled to:
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
Peter Gorniak A.Pentland C.R.Wren Juliana Nazare Anneli Hershman Ivan Sysoev
Talks about:
bilingu (2) speech (2) word (2) understand (1) sidekick (1) perceptu (1) investig (1) interfac (1) intellig (1) individu (1)
Person: Deb Roy
DBLP: Roy:Deb
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HCI-EI-1999-PentlandRW #adaptation #gesture #interface #learning #word
- Perceptual Intelligence: learning gestures and words for individualized, adaptive interfaces (AP, DR, CRW), pp. 286–290.
- AIIDE-2005-GorniakR #comprehension #game studies #speech
- Speaking with your Sidekick: Understanding Situated Speech in Computer Role Playing Games (PG, DR), pp. 57–62.
- CHI-PLAY-2017-NazareHSR #how #word
- Bilingual SpeechBlocks: Investigating How Bilingual Children Tinker with Words in English and Spanish (JN, AH, IS, DR), pp. 183–193.