Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Greece
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Ailamaki N.Polyzotis S.Papadomanolakis A.Ailamaki V.Kantere G.Gratsias I.Alagiannis K.Schnaitter J.Rao N.Megiddo G.M.Lohman
Talks about:
interact (2) portabl (2) design (2) queri (2) autom (2) discoveri (1) workload (1) scalabl (1) predict (1) databas (1)
Person: Debabrata Dash
DBLP: Dash:Debabrata
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGMOD-2011-KantereDGA #predict #query
- Predicting cost amortization for query services (VK, DD, GG, AA), pp. 325–336.
- VLDB-2011-DashPA #interactive #named #scalability
- CoPhy: A Scalable, Portable, and Interactive Index Advisor for Large Workloads (DD, NP, AA), pp. 362–372.
- SIGMOD-2010-AlagiannisDSAP #automation #design #interactive
- An automated, yet interactive and portable DB designer (IA, DD, KS, AA, NP), pp. 1183–1186.
- CIKM-2008-DashRMAL #analysis
- Dynamic faceted search for discovery-driven analysis (DD, JR, NM, AA, GML), pp. 3–12.
- VLDB-2007-PapadomanolakisDA #automation #database #design #performance #query
- Efficient Use of the Query Optimizer for Automated Database Design (SP, DD, AA), pp. 1093–1104.