Travelled to:
1 × Greece
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Lee J.Jeong K.C.Lee
Talks about:
approach (2) speak (2) spatiotempor (1) smartphon (1) structur (1) interfac (1) spatial (1) network (1) context (1) visual (1)
Person: Dong-Hee Shin
DBLP: Shin:Dong=Hee
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HCI-IT-2015-JeongS #case study #how #smarttech #user interface #what
- It’s not What It Speaks, but It’s How It Speaks: A Study into Smartphone Voice-User Interfaces (VUI) (JJ, DHS), pp. 284–291.
- HIMI-IKD-2015-0002S #approach #visualisation
- An Approach to Spatial Visualizing Method for Information Structure to Enhance Remember to Look (JGL, DHS), pp. 67–73.
- SCSM-2014-LeeLS #approach #network #social
- A New Approach to Exploring Spatiotemporal Space in the Context of Social Network Services (JGL, KCL, DHS), pp. 221–228.