Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Poland
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
F.Spoto F.Mesnard F.Mesnard G.Vidal ∅ U.Neumerkel W.Vanhoof
Talks about:
program (5) logic (4) termin (3) constraint (2) android (2) analysi (2) detect (2) oper (2) non (2) transform (1)
Person: Étienne Payet
DBLP: Payet:=Eacute=tienne
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- ICLP-J-2015-MesnardPV #logic programming #testing
- Concolic testing in logic programming (FM, ÉP, GV), pp. 711–725.
- PEPM-2014-PayetS #android #process #semantics
- An operational semantics for android activities (ÉP, FS), pp. 121–132.
- CADE-2011-PayetS #android #source code #static analysis
- Static Analysis of Android Programs (ÉP, FS), pp. 439–445.
- SAS-2007-PayetS #analysis #bytecode #java
- Magic-Sets Transformation for the Analysis of Java Bytecode (ÉP, FS), pp. 452–467.
- LOPSTR-2006-Payet #detection #term rewriting #using
- Detecting Non-termination of Term Rewriting Systems Using an Unfolding Operator (ÉP), pp. 194–209.
- SAS-2004-PayetM #constraints #logic programming #source code
- Non-termination Inference for Constraint Logic Programs (ÉP, FM), pp. 377–392.
- SAS-2002-MesnardPN #detection #logic programming #source code #termination
- Detecting Optimal Termination Conditions of Logic Programs (FM, ÉP, UN), pp. 509–526.
- IJCAR-2018-PayetS #abstract interpretation #array #bound
- Checking Array Bounds by Abstract Interpretation and Symbolic Expressions (ÉP, FS), pp. 706–722.
- PPDP-2016-MesnardPV #algorithm #framework #recognition #towards
- Towards a framework for algorithm recognition in binary code (FM, ÉP, WV), pp. 202–213.
- PPDP-2017-MesnardPV #constraints #logic programming #unification
- Selective unification in constraint logic programming (FM, ÉP, GV), pp. 115–126.