522 papers:
CASE-2015-LiS #parallel- A parallel computing model for container terminal logistics (BL, WS), pp. 267–273.
PODS-2015-CalauttiGP #termination- Chase Termination for Guarded Existential Rules (MC, GG, AP), pp. 91–103.
ESOP-2015-DavidKL #source code #strict #termination- Unrestricted Termination and Non-termination Arguments for Bit-Vector Programs (CD, DK, ML), pp. 183–204.
ESOP-2015-DavidKL15a #reasoning #safety #source code #termination- Propositional Reasoning about Safety and Termination of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CD, DK, ML), pp. 661–684.
TACAS-2015-StroderAFHG #c #contest #memory management #named #safety #source code #termination- AProVE: Termination and Memory Safety of C Programs — (Competition Contribution) (TS, CA, FF, JH, JG), pp. 417–419.
TACAS-2015-Urban #abstract domain #contest #named #termination- FuncTion: An Abstract Domain Functor for Termination — (Competition Contribution) (CU), pp. 464–466.
PLDI-2015-LeQC #specification #termination- Termination and non-termination specification inference (TCL, SQ, WNC), pp. 489–498.
ICGT-2015-Bruggink0NZ #graph #graph transformation #proving #termination #using- Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems Using Weighted Type Graphs over Semirings (HJSB, BK, DN, HZ), pp. 52–68.
ECOOP-2015-BostromM #composition #finite #source code #verification- Modular Verification of Finite Blocking in Non-terminating Programs (PB, PM), pp. 639–663.
ECOOP-2015-JacobsBK #composition #termination #verification- Modular Termination Verification (BJ, DB, RK), pp. 664–688.
PPDP-2015-Fruhwirth #recursion #termination- A devil’s advocate against termination of direct recursion (TWF), pp. 103–113.
POPL-2015-FioritiH #composition #probability #termination- Probabilistic Termination: Soundness, Completeness, and Compositionality (LMFF, HH), pp. 489–501.
CADE-2015-GieslMRTW #contest #termination- Termination Competition (termCOMP 2015) (JG, FM, AR, RT, JW), pp. 105–108.
CADE-2015-IborraNVY #dependence #problem #termination- Reducing Relative Termination to Dependency Pair Problems (JI, NN, GV, AY), pp. 163–178.
CAV-2015-DSilvaU #termination- Conflict-Driven Conditional Termination (VD, CU), pp. 271–286.
CAV-2015-KuwaharaSU0 #abstraction #functional #higher-order #source code #termination- Predicate Abstraction and CEGAR for Disproving Termination of Higher-Order Functional Programs (TK, RS, HU, NK), pp. 287–303.
RTA-2015-EndrullisZ #automaton #finite #proving- Proving non-termination by finite automata (JE, HZ), pp. 160–176.
TLCA-2015-JouannaudL #termination- Termination of Dependently Typed Rewrite Rules (JPJ, JL), pp. 257–272.
DATE-2014-BishnoiEOT #power management #symmetry #termination- Asynchronous Asymmetrical Write Termination (AAWT) for a low power STT-MRAM (RB, ME, FO, MBT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-SilvaLCH #multi- Electromigration-aware and IR-Drop avoidance routing in analog multiport terminal structures (RMAeS, NCL, AC, NH), pp. 1–6.
ESOP-2014-KuwaharaTU0 #automation #functional #higher-order #source code #termination #verification- Automatic Termination Verification for Higher-Order Functional Programs (TK, TT, HU, NK), pp. 392–411.
WRLA-2014-LucasM #order #termination- Strong and Weak Operational Termination of Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (SL, JM), pp. 178–194.
WRLA-2014-LucasM14a #2d #dependence #proving #termination- 2D Dependency Pairs for Proving Operational Termination of CTRSs (SL, JM), pp. 195–212.
SAS-2014-BrotherstonG #abduction #safety #termination- Cyclic Abduction of Inductively Defined Safety and Termination Preconditions (JB, NG), pp. 68–84.
SAS-2014-UrbanM #abstract domain #proving #termination- A Decision Tree Abstract Domain for Proving Conditional Termination (CU, AM), pp. 302–318.
ICALP-v2-2014-GogaczM #decidability #termination- All-Instances Termination of Chase is Undecidable (TG, JM), pp. 293–304.
ICEIS-v1-2014-Rios-AguilarLP #behaviour #information management #mobile #monitoring #using- Business Information System for the Control of Workforce Through Behaviour Monitoring Using Reactive and Terminal-based Mobile Location Technologies (SRA, FJLM, APS), pp. 30–38.
PPDP-2014-LucasM #declarative #logic #proving #source code #termination- Proving Operational Termination of Declarative Programs in General Logics (SL, JM), pp. 111–122.
SLE-J-2012-KrishnanW #analysis #attribute grammar #composition #higher-order #termination- Monolithic and modular termination analyses for higher-order attribute grammars (LK, EVW), pp. 511–526.
CAV-2014-HeizmannHP #analysis #learning #source code #termination- Termination Analysis by Learning Terminating Programs (MH, JH, AP), pp. 797–813.
CAV-2014-KupriyanovF #concurrent #multi #source code #termination #thread- Causal Termination of Multi-threaded Programs (AK, BF), pp. 814–830.
CAV-2014-LarrazNORR #proving #using- Proving Non-termination Using Max-SMT (DL, KN, AO, ERC, AR), pp. 779–796.
ICLP-J-2014-DuckHS #confluence #consistency #on the #termination #type inference- On Termination, Confluence and Consistent CHR-based Type Inference (GJD, RH, MS), pp. 619–632.
IJCAR-2014-GieslBEFFOPSSST #automation #proving #source code #termination- Proving Termination of Programs Automatically with AProVE (JG, MB, FE, FF, CF, CO, MP, PSK, TS, SS, RT), pp. 184–191.
IJCAR-2014-PapacchiniS #generative #logic- Terminating Minimal Model Generation Procedures for Propositional Modal Logics (FP, RAS), pp. 381–395.
IJCAR-2014-StroderGBFFHS #memory management #pointer #proving #safety #source code #termination- Proving Termination and Memory Safety for Programs with Pointer Arithmetic (TS, JG, MB, FF, CF, JH, PSK), pp. 208–223.
LICS-CSL-2014-LiangFS #composition #concurrent #refinement #source code #verification- Compositional verification of termination-preserving refinement of concurrent programs (HL, XF, ZS), p. 10.
RTA-TLCA-2014-SternagelT #algebra #certification #complexity #formal method #proving #termination- Formalizing Monotone Algebras for Certification of Termination and Complexity Proofs (CS, RT), pp. 441–455.
RTA-TLCA-2014-ZantemaKB #termination- Termination of Cycle Rewriting (HZ, BK, HJSB), pp. 476–490.
VMCAI-2014-Masse #policy #ranking #termination- Policy Iteration-Based Conditional Termination and Ranking Functions (DM), pp. 453–471.
CASE-2013-HuMW #automation #energy- Energy-efficient dispatching solution in an automated air cargo terminal (WH, JM, KW), pp. 144–149.
TACAS-2013-CookSZ #proving #termination- Ramsey vs. Lexicographic Termination Proving (BC, AS, FZ), pp. 47–61.
LATA-2013-AotoI #calculus #rule-based #termination- Termination of Rule-Based Calculi for Uniform Semi-Unification (TA, MI), pp. 56–67.
ICFP-2013-AbelP #approach #pattern matching #recursion #termination- Wellfounded recursion with copatterns: a unified approach to termination and productivity (AA, BP), pp. 185–196.
PADL-2013-LiangK #automation #logic programming #named #scalability #source code- Terminyzer: An Automatic Non-termination Analyzer for Large Logic Programs (SL, MK), pp. 173–189.
SAC-2013-JancewiczKMRS #execution- Malicious takeover of voting systems: arbitrary code execution on optical scan voting terminals (RJJ, AK, LDM, AR, AAS), pp. 1816–1823.
ESEC-FSE-2013-Nori0 #proving #termination #testing- Termination proofs from tests (AVN, RS), pp. 246–256.
PPoPP-2013-LifflanderMK #detection #fault tolerance #protocol #termination- Adoption protocols for fanout-optimal fault-tolerant termination detection (JL, PM, LVK), pp. 13–22.
CAV-2013-BrockschmidtCF #proving #termination- Better Termination Proving through Cooperation (MB, BC, CF), pp. 413–429.
CAV-2013-GantyG #proving #termination- Proving Termination Starting from the End (PG, SG), pp. 397–412.
ICLP-J-2013-GrecoMT #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #termination- Logic programming with function symbols: Checking termination of bottom-up evaluation through program adornments (SG, CM, IT), pp. 737–752.
ICLP-J-2013-LiangK #analysis #logic programming #scalability #source code- A practical analysis of non-termination in large logic programs (SL, MK), pp. 705–719.
RTA-2013-BauLNW #analysis #term rewriting #termination- Compression of Rewriting Systems for Termination Analysis (AB, ML, EN, JW), pp. 97–112.
RTA-2013-WinklerZM #automation #proving #sequence #termination- Beyond Peano Arithmetic — Automatically Proving Termination of the Goodstein Sequence (SW, HZ, AM), pp. 335–351.
TLCA-2013-AschieriZ #nondeterminism #normalisation- Non-determinism, Non-termination and the Strong Normalization of System T (FA, MZ), pp. 31–47.
DAC-2012-SuYZ #named #order #performance #reduction- AMOR: an efficient aggregating based model order reduction method for many-terminal interconnect circuits (YS, FY, XZ), pp. 295–300.
WRLA-J-2010-EscobarSM12 #termination- Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination (SE, RS, JM), pp. 898–928.
TACAS-2012-BozgaIK #termination- Deciding Conditional Termination (MB, RI, FK), pp. 252–266.
TACAS-2012-PopeeaR #composition #concurrent #multi #proving #source code #termination #thread- Compositional Termination Proofs for Multi-threaded Programs (CP, AR), pp. 237–251.
SCAM-2012-Vidal #execution #symbolic computation #termination #verification- Closed Symbolic Execution for Verifying Program Termination (GV), pp. 34–43.
PEPM-2012-AlbertAGGP #named #termination- COSTABS: a cost and termination analyzer for ABS (EA, PA, SG, MGZ, GP), pp. 151–154.
SAS-2012-ChenFM #linear #proving #termination- Termination Proofs for Linear Simple Loops (HYC, SF, SM), pp. 422–438.
SAS-2012-EmmiL #distributed #source code- Finding Non-terminating Executions in Distributed Asynchronous Programs (ME, AL), pp. 439–455.
FLOPS-2012-Lobachev #parallel #termination- Parallel Computation Skeletons with Premature Termination Property (OL), pp. 197–212.
DLT-2012-KetemaS #normalisation #string #termination- Characterizing Languages by Normalization and Termination in String Rewriting — (Extended Abstract) (JK, JGS), pp. 459–464.
ICALP-v1-2012-KleinM- Solving Planar k-Terminal Cut in $O(n^(c√k)) Time (PNK, DM), pp. 569–580.
ICALP-v1-2012-KrauthgamerZ #using- Preserving Terminal Distances Using Minors (RK, TZ), pp. 594–605.
ICALP-v1-2012-Marx #bound #multi- A Tight Lower Bound for Planar Multiway Cut with Fixed Number of Terminals (DM), pp. 677–688.
ICALP-v2-2012-BrazdilKNW #markov #process #termination- Minimizing Expected Termination Time in One-Counter Markov Decision Processes (TB, AK, PN, DW), pp. 141–152.
LATA-2012-Bozzelli #abstraction #constraints #termination- Strong Termination for Gap-Order Constraint Abstractions of Counter Systems (LB), pp. 155–168.
ICFP-2012-StefanRBLMM #concurrent #data flow #termination- Addressing covert termination and timing channels in concurrent information flow systems (DS, AR, PB, AL, JCM, DM), pp. 201–214.
POPL-2012-CousotC #abstract interpretation #framework #termination- An abstract interpretation framework for termination (PC, RC), pp. 245–258.
SAC-2012-ChoeYYR #algorithm #automation #realtime #scheduling #search-based #using- Real-time scheduling of twin stacking cranes in an automated container terminal using a genetic algorithm (RC, HY, YY, KRR), pp. 238–243.
ICSE-2012-Ghardallou #analysis #invariant #termination #using- Using invariant relations in the termination analysis of while loops (WG), pp. 1519–1522.
SLE-2012-KrishnanW #analysis #attribute grammar #higher-order #termination- Termination Analysis for Higher-Order Attribute Grammars (LK, EVW), pp. 44–63.
CAV-2012-AtigBEL #detection #parallel #source code #thread- Detecting Fair Non-termination in Multithreaded Programs (MFA, AB, ME, AL), pp. 210–226.
CAV-2012-BrockschmidtMOG #automation #java #proving #source code #termination- Automated Termination Proofs for Java Programs with Cyclic Data (MB, RM, CO, JG), pp. 105–122.
CAV-2012-EsparzaGK #probability #proving #source code #termination #using- Proving Termination of Probabilistic Programs Using Patterns (JE, AG, SK), pp. 123–138.
CAV-2012-LeeWY #algorithm #analysis #learning #termination- Termination Analysis with Algorithmic Learning (WL, BYW, KY), pp. 88–104.
ICLP-2012-GrecoST #logic programming #on the #source code #termination- On the Termination of Logic Programs with Function Symbols (SG, FS, IT), pp. 323–333.
IJCAR-2012-EmmesEG #automation #proving- Proving Non-looping Non-termination Automatically (FE, TE, JG), pp. 225–240.
IJCAR-2012-RauSS #correctness #problem #program transformation #termination- Correctness of Program Transformations as a Termination Problem (CR, DS, MSS), pp. 462–476.
RTA-2012-ThiemannAN #formal method #multi #on the #order #termination- On the Formalization of Termination Techniques based on Multiset Orderings (RT, GA, JN), pp. 339–354.
VMCAI-2012-Ben-AmramGM #integer #on the #termination- On the Termination of Integer Loops (AMBA, SG, ANM), pp. 72–87.
CASE-2011-AmbrosinoBPSS #modelling #problem- Modeling and solving the train load planning problem in seaport container terminals (DA, AB, MP, SS, SS), pp. 208–213.
CASE-2011-HuangG #deployment #heuristic- An improved Least Cost Heuristic for dynamic yard crane deployment in container terminals (SYH, XG), pp. 84–89.
VLDB-2011-GrecoST #termination- Stratification Criteria and Rewriting Techniques for Checking Chase Termination (SG, FS, IT), pp. 1158–1168.
TACAS-2011-PodelskiR #abstraction #invariant #termination- Transition Invariants and Transition Predicate Abstraction for Program Termination (AP, AR), pp. 3–10.
TACAS-2011-TsitovichSWK #analysis #summary #termination- Loop Summarization and Termination Analysis (AT, NS, CMW, DK), pp. 81–95.
ICALP-v2-2011-BrazdilBEK #approximate #game studies #probability #termination- Approximating the Termination Value of One-Counter MDPs and Stochastic Games (TB, VB, KE, AK), pp. 332–343.
FM-2011-Dunne #csp #termination- Termination without √ in CSP (SD), pp. 278–292.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BlockLT #approach #social #social media- A Context Centric Approach to Utilize Social Media Services on Public Terminals (MB, JL, ST), pp. 474–482.
LOPSTR-2011-PilozziS #analysis #self #termination #using- Improved Termination Analysis of CHR Using Self-sustainability Analysis (PP, DDS), pp. 189–204.
LOPSTR-2011-SneyersS #probability #source code #termination- Probabilistic Termination of CHRiSM Programs (JS, DDS), pp. 221–236.
LOPSTR-2011-StroderESGF #analysis #complexity #linear #prolog #semantics #termination- A Linear Operational Semantics for Termination and Complexity Analysis of ISO Prolog (TS, FE, PSK, JG, CF), pp. 237–252.
CADE-2011-Cook #liveness #proving #roadmap #termination- Advances in Proving Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
CADE-2011-WinklerM #termination #tool support- AC Completion with Termination Tools (SW, AM), pp. 492–498.
ICLP-J-2011-CodishGBFG #analysis #constraints #integer #satisfiability #termination #using- SAT-based termination analysis using monotonicity constraints over the integers (MC, IG, AMBA, CF, JG), pp. 503–520.
ICLP-J-2011-VoetsS #analysis #integer #logic programming #source code- Non-termination analysis of logic programs with integer arithmetics (DV, DDS), pp. 521–536.
ICST-2011-Bogdanov #generative #testing- Test Generation for X-machines with Non-terminal States and Priorities of Operations (KB), pp. 130–139.
RTA-2011-AotoT #confluence #proving #term rewriting- A Reduction-Preserving Completion for Proving Confluence of Non-Terminating Term Rewriting Systems (TA, YT), pp. 91–106.
RTA-2011-BrockschmidtOG #bytecode #composition #java #proving #recursion #source code #term rewriting #termination- Modular Termination Proofs of Recursive Java Bytecode Programs by Term Rewriting (MB, CO, JG), pp. 155–170.
RTA-2011-FalkeKS #analysis #c #compilation #source code #termination #using- Termination Analysis of C Programs Using Compiler Intermediate Languages (SF, DK, CS), pp. 41–50.
RTA-2011-MoserS #complexity #dependence #framework #multi #proving #recursion #termination- Termination Proofs in the Dependency Pair Framework May Induce Multiple Recursive Derivational Complexity (GM, AS), pp. 235–250.
RTA-2011-NeurauterM #matrix #proving #term rewriting #termination- Revisiting Matrix Interpretations for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting (FN, AM), pp. 251–266.
VMCAI-2011-PiskacW #automation #proving #termination- Decision Procedures for Automating Termination Proofs (RP, TW), pp. 371–386.
VLDB-2010-SpezzanoG #approach #constraints #termination- Chase Termination: A Constraints Rewriting Approach (FS, SG), pp. 93–104.
TACAS-2010-Aderhold #analysis #automation #higher-order #recursion #source code #termination- Automated Termination Analysis for Programs with Second-Order Recursion (MA), pp. 221–235.
WRLA-2010-AlarconLM #dependence #framework- A Dependency Pair Framework for A OR C-Termination (BA, SL, JM), pp. 35–51.
WRLA-2010-EscobarSM #termination- Folding Variant Narrowing and Optimal Variant Termination (SE, RS, JM), pp. 52–68.
WRLA-2010-GutierrezL #dependence #framework #proving #termination- Proving Termination in the Context-Sensitive Dependency Pair Framework (RG, SL), pp. 18–34.
MSR-2010-Lanza #visual notation- The visual terminator (ML).
PEPM-2010-AndersonK #approximate #bound #termination- Regular approximation and bounded domains for size-change termination (HA, SCK), pp. 53–62.
PEPM-2010-ContejeanPUCPF #approach #automation #proving #termination- A3PAT, an approach for certified automated termination proofs (EC, AP, XU, PC, OP, JF), pp. 63–72.
SAS-2010-AliasDFG #bound #complexity #multi #ranking #source code #termination- Multi-dimensional Rankings, Program Termination, and Complexity Bounds of Flowchart Programs (CA, AD, PF, LG), pp. 117–133.
SAS-2010-HarrisLNR #termination- Alternation for Termination (WRH, AL, AVN, SKR), pp. 304–319.
SAS-2010-HeizmannJP #invariant #termination- Size-Change Termination and Transition Invariants (MH, NDJ, AP), pp. 22–50.
IFM-2010-Dimovski #composition #equivalence #nondeterminism #source code #termination- A Compositional Method for Deciding Equivalence and Termination of Nondeterministic Programs (AD), pp. 121–135.
ICGT-2010-BisztrayH #termination- Combining Termination Criteria by Isolating Deletion (DB, RH), pp. 203–217.
LOPSTR-2010-StroderSG #analysis #dependence #logic programming #source code #termination- Dependency Triples for Improving Termination Analysis of Logic Programs with Cut (TS, PSK, JG), pp. 184–199.
LOPSTR-2010-VoetsS #analysis #logic programming #source code #using- Non-termination Analysis of Logic Programs Using Types (DV, DDS), pp. 133–148.
SAC-2010-GuoH #algorithm #clustering- A two stage yard crane workload partitioning and job sequencing algorithm for container terminals (XG, SYH), pp. 2383–2388.
CAV-2010-KroeningSTW #analysis #composition #invariant #termination- Termination Analysis with Compositional Transition Invariants (DK, NS, AT, CMW), pp. 89–103.
CSL-2010-SternagelT #dependence #proving #termination- Signature Extensions Preserve Termination — An Alternative Proof via Dependency Pairs (CS, RT), pp. 514–528.
ICLP-J-2010-BetzRF #constraints #execution- A complete and terminating execution model for Constraint Handling Rules (HB, FR, TWF), pp. 597–610.
ICLP-J-2010-Schneider-KampGSST #analysis #automation #logic programming #source code #termination- Automated termination analysis for logic programs with cut (PSK, JG, TS, AS, RT), pp. 365–381.
IJCAR-2010-HirokawaM #diagrams #termination- Decreasing Diagrams and Relative Termination (NH, AM), pp. 487–501.
IJCAR-2010-KaminskiS #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with Eventualities (MK, GS), pp. 240–254.
IJCAR-2010-WinklerM #order #termination #tool support- Termination Tools in Ordered Completion (SW, AM), pp. 518–532.
RTA-2010-DurandSS #bound #linear #term rewriting #termination- Termination of linear bounded term rewriting systems (ID, GS, MS), pp. 341–356.
RTA-2010-OttoBEG #analysis #automation #bytecode #java #term rewriting #termination- Automated Termination Analysis of Java Bytecode by Term Rewriting (CO, MB, CvE, JG), pp. 259–276.
PODS-2009-Marnette #termination- Generalized schema-mappings: from termination to tractability (BM), pp. 13–22.
VLDB-2009-MeierSL #on the #termination- On Chase Termination Beyond Stratification (MM, MS, GL), pp. 970–981.
WRLA-2008-LucasM09 #equation #order #source code #termination- Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
TACAS-2009-FogartyV #automaton #termination- Büchi Complementation and Size-Change Termination (SF, MYV), pp. 16–30.
TACAS-2009-ManoliosT- All-Termination(T) (PM, AT), pp. 398–412.
CIAA-2009-IosifR #proving #termination- Automata-Based Termination Proofs (RI, AR), pp. 165–177.
LATA-2009-Gnaedig #termination- Termination of Priority Rewriting (IG), pp. 386–397.
HIMI-II-2009-HasegawaOWMM #estimation #mobile #using- Legible Character Size on Mobile Terminal Screens: Estimation Using Pinch-in/Out on the iPod Touch Panel (SH, MO, TW, SM, MM), pp. 395–402.
LOPSTR-2009-IborraNV #dependence #proving #termination- Goal-Directed and Relative Dependency Pairs for Proving the Termination of Narrowing (JI, NN, GV), pp. 52–66.
LOPSTR-2009-Schneider-KampGN #dependence #framework #logic programming #source code #termination- The Dependency Triple Framework for Termination of Logic Programs (PSK, JG, MTN), pp. 37–51.
PPDP-2009-BiernackaB #proving #termination- Context-based proofs of termination for typed delimited-control operators (MB, DB), pp. 289–300.
SAC-2009-DavtyanKKMNRSSS- Taking total control of voting systems: firmware manipulations on an optical scan voting terminal (SD, SK, AK, LDM, NCN, AR, AS, NS, AAS), pp. 2049–2053.
SAC-2009-ParkPR #algorithm #automation #using- Planning for remarshaling in an automated container terminal using cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (KP, TP, KRR), pp. 1098–1105.
CADE-2009-FalkeK #analysis #approach #automation #imperative #source code #term rewriting #termination- A Term Rewriting Approach to the Automated Termination Analysis of Imperative Programs (SF, DK), pp. 277–293.
CADE-2009-SwiderskiPGFS #analysis #dependence #induction #proving #termination #theorem proving- Termination Analysis by Dependency Pairs and Inductive Theorem Proving (SS, MP, JG, CF, PSK), pp. 322–338.
CAV-2009-Ben-Amram #constraints #ranking #termination- Size-Change Termination, Monotonicity Constraints and Ranking Functions (AMBA), pp. 109–123.
CSL-2009-BlanquiR #on the #semantics #termination- On the Relation between Sized-Types Based Termination and Semantic Labelling (FB, CR), pp. 147–162.
ICLP-2009-Pilozzi #research #summary #termination- Research Summary: Termination of CHR (PP), pp. 534–535.
ICLP-2009-PilozziS #proving #termination- Proving Termination by Invariance Relations (PP, DDS), pp. 499–503.
ICLP-2009-PilozziS09a #automation #proving #termination- Automating Termination Proofs for CHR (PP, DDS), pp. 504–508.
ICLP-2009-Voets #analysis #logic programming #research #source code #summary- Research Summary: Non-termination Analysis of Logic Programs (DV), pp. 553–554.
ICLP-2009-VoetsS #analysis #approach #logic programming #source code- A New Approach to Non-termination Analysis of Logic Programs (DV, DDS), pp. 220–234.
RTA-2009-EndrullisVW #termination- Local Termination (JE, RCdV, JW), pp. 270–284.
RTA-2009-FuhsGPSF #integer #proving #term rewriting #termination- Proving Termination of Integer Term Rewriting (CF, JG, MP, PSK, SF), pp. 32–47.
RTA-2009-KorpSZM #termination- Tyrolean Termination Tool 2 (MK, CS, HZ, AM), pp. 295–304.
RTA-2009-SchernhammerG #composition #named #termination- VMTL — A Modular Termination Laboratory (FS, BG), pp. 285–294.
RTA-2009-Waldmann #automation #termination- Automatic Termination (JW), pp. 1–16.
RTA-2009-Zantema #termination- Well-Definedness of Streams by Termination (HZ), pp. 164–178.
VMCAI-2009-Cook #liveness #roadmap #termination- Advances in Program Termination and Liveness (BC), p. 4.
DAC-2008-SavolainenR #design #interface #mobile #performance #standard- Standard interfaces in mobile terminals: increasing the efficiency of device design and accelerating innovation (RS, TR), p. 592.
TACAS-2008-Ben-AmramC #approach #ranking #satisfiability #termination- A SAT-Based Approach to Size Change Termination with Global Ranking Functions (AMBA, MC), pp. 218–232.
FLOPS-2008-Vidal #linear #termination- Termination of Narrowing in Left-Linear Constructor Systems (GV), pp. 113–129.
LATA-2008-KorpM #bound #dependence #proving #term rewriting #termination- Match-Bounds with Dependency Pairs for Proving Termination of Rewrite Systems (MK, AM), pp. 321–332.
GT-VC-2007-Bruggink08 #graph transformation #proving #termination #towards- Towards a Systematic Method for Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems (HJSB), pp. 23–38.
KR-2008-ClassenL #logic #source code- A Logic for Non-Terminating Golog Programs (JC, GL), pp. 589–599.
SEKE-2008-Chavarria-BaezL #approach #confluence #petri net #termination- Analyzing Termination and Confluence in Active Rule Base via a Petri Net Approach (LCB, XL), pp. 363–366.
SIGIR-2008-YasukawaY #clustering #mobile- Clustering search results for mobile terminals (MY, HY), p. 880.
POPL-2008-BrotherstonBC #logic #proving #termination- Cyclic proofs of program termination in separation logic (JB, RB, CC), pp. 101–112.
POPL-2008-GuptaHMRX #proving- Proving non-termination (AG, TAH, RM, AR, RGX), pp. 147–158.
CAV-2008-CookGLRS #proving #termination- Proving Conditional Termination (BC, SG, TLA, AR, MS), pp. 328–340.
CSL-2008-BartheGR #termination #type system- Type-Based Termination with Sized Products (GB, BG, CR), pp. 493–507.
ICLP-2008-AlpuenteEI #dependence #termination #using- Termination of Narrowing Using Dependency Pairs (MA, SE, JI), pp. 317–331.
ICLP-2008-PilozziS #analysis #revisited #termination- Termination Analysis of CHR Revisited (PP, DDS), pp. 501–515.
IJCAR-2008-DuranLM #maude #named #termination- MTT: The Maude Termination Tool (System Description) (FD, SL, JM), pp. 313–319.
IJCAR-2008-KaminskiS #difference #hybrid #logic- Terminating Tableaux for Hybrid Logic with the Difference Modality and Converse (MK, GS), pp. 210–225.
IJCAR-2008-SatoWKM #multi #termination #tool support- Multi-completion with Termination Tools (System Description) (HS, SW, MK, AM), pp. 306–312.
RTA-2008-AlpuenteEI #composition #termination- Modular Termination of Basic Narrowing (MA, SE, JI), pp. 1–16.
RTA-2008-FuhsGMSTZ #termination- Maximal Termination (CF, JG, AM, PSK, RT, HZ), pp. 110–125.
RTA-2008-KoprowskiW #termination- Arctic Termination ...Below Zero (AK, JW), pp. 202–216.
RTA-2008-Toyama #lisp #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination- Termination Proof of S-Expression Rewriting Systems with Recursive Path Relations (YT), pp. 381–391.
TAP-2008-VelroyenR #imperative #source code- Non-termination Checking for Imperative Programs (HV, PR), pp. 154–170.
PEPM-2007-Vidal #logic programming #partial evaluation #source code #termination- Quasi-terminating logic programs for ensuring the termination of partial evaluation (GV), pp. 51–60.
PLDI-2007-CookPR #concurrent #proving #termination #thread- Proving thread termination (BC, AP, AR), pp. 320–330.
STOC-2007-AnshelevichK #3d #graph #polynomial- Terminal backup, 3D matching, and covering cubic graphs (EA, AK), pp. 391–400.
SEFM-2007-BabicHRC #proving #termination- Proving Termination by Divergence (DB, AJH, ZR, BC), pp. 93–102.
ICFP-2007-Sereni #analysis #functional #graph #higher-order #source code #termination- Termination analysis and call graph construction for higher-order functional programs (DS), pp. 71–84.
HCI-IDU-2007-StrybelVDKNCG #predict #using- Predicting Perceived Situation Awareness of Low Altitude Aircraft in Terminal Airspace Using Probe Questions (TZS, KPLV, JPD, JK, TKN, VC, FPG), pp. 939–948.
HCI-MIE-2007-NodaITF #adaptation #semantics #web- An Adaptive Web Browsing Method for Various Terminals: A Semantic Over-Viewing Method (HN, TI, YT, SF), pp. 440–448.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShibuyaTKT #3d- Operation-Action Mapping in 3D Information Space on Portable Information Terminal (YS, HT, IK, YT), pp. 628–634.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkKXKHJ #mobile #user interface- A Mobile Terminal User Interface for Intelligent Robots (JHP, GOK, XDP, KHK, SHH, JWJ), pp. 903–911.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkPLC #adaptation #framework #human-computer #mobile #network #power management- A Network Framework on Adaptive Power Management in HCI Mobile Terminals (HP, KP, TJL, HC), pp. 728–737.
OOPSLA-2007-Rinard #termination #using- Using early phase termination to eliminate load imbalances at barrier synchronization points (MCR), pp. 369–386.
LOPSTR-2007-Codish #proving #termination- Proving Termination with (Boolean) Satisfaction (MC), pp. 1–7.
LOPSTR-2007-NguyenGSS #analysis #dependence #graph #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination Analysis of Logic Programs Based on Dependency Graphs (MTN, JG, PSK, DDS), pp. 8–22.
PPDP-2007-Gnaedig #induction #termination- Induction for positive almost sure termination (IG), pp. 167–178.
PPDP-2007-Lucas #proving #termination- Practical use of polynomials over the reals in proofs of termination (SL), pp. 39–50.
CADE-2007-GieslTSS #bound #proving #termination- Proving Termination by Bounded Increase (JG, RT, SS, PSK), pp. 443–459.
CADE-2007-Krauss #termination- Certified Size-Change Termination (AK), pp. 460–475.
CAV-2007-Cook #automation #proving #termination- Automatically Proving Program Termination (BC), p. 1.
RTA-2007-GodoyHT #termination- Termination of Rewriting with Right-Flat Rules (GG, EH, AT), pp. 200–213.
RTA-2007-KorpM #bound #proving #term rewriting #termination #using- Proving Termination of Rewrite Systems Using Bounds (MK, AM), pp. 273–287.
RTA-2007-MarcheZ #contest #termination- The Termination Competition (CM, HZ), pp. 303–313.
RTA-2007-ZantemaW #termination- Termination by Quasi-periodic Interpretations (HZ, JW), pp. 404–418.
SAT-2007-FuhsGMSTZ #analysis #polynomial #satisfiability #termination- SAT Solving for Termination Analysis with Polynomial Interpretations (CF, JG, AM, PSK, RT, HZ), pp. 340–354.
DAC-2006-InoueIKSE #architecture #mobile #named- VIRTUS: a new processor virtualization architecture for security-oriented next-generation mobile terminals (HI, AI, MK, JS, ME), pp. 484–489.
DATE-DF-2006-IaconoZMPSB #architecture #multi #standard- ASIP architecture for multi-standard wireless terminals (DLI, JZ, EM, NP, GS, AB), pp. 118–123.
ESOP-2006-CodishLSS #analysis #termination- Size-Change Termination Analysis in k-Bits (MC, VL, PS, PJS), pp. 230–245.
TACAS-2006-LeueW #approach #graph #proving #termination- A Region Graph Based Approach to Termination Proofs (SL, WW), pp. 318–333.
PLDI-2006-CookPR #proving #termination- Termination proofs for systems code (BC, AP, AR), pp. 415–426.
SAS-2006-ChenR #dependence #parametricity- Parametric and Termination-Sensitive Control Dependence (FC, GR), pp. 387–404.
FLOPS-2006-Avery #analysis #bound #termination- Size-Change Termination and Bound Analysis (JA), pp. 192–207.
ICGT-2006-VarroVEPT #analysis #model transformation #petri net #termination- Termination Analysis of Model Transformations by Petri Nets (DV, SVG, HE, UP, GT), pp. 260–274.
ICPR-v4-2006-HerzogNKMOB #detection #image- Detection of presynaptic terminals on dendritic spines in double labeling confocal images (AH, RN, GK, BM, WO, KB), pp. 715–718.
LOPSTR-2006-NguyenS #automation #named #polynomial #proving #termination- Polytool: Proving Termination Automatically Based on Polynomial Interpretations (MTN, DDS), pp. 210–218.
LOPSTR-2006-Payet #detection #term rewriting #using- Detecting Non-termination of Term Rewriting Systems Using an Unfolding Operator (ÉP), pp. 194–209.
LOPSTR-2006-Schneider-KampGST #analysis #automation #logic programming #source code #term rewriting #termination- Automated Termination Analysis for Logic Programs by Term Rewriting (PSK, JG, AS, RT), pp. 177–193.
PPDP-2006-GnaedigK #source code- Computing constructor forms with non terminating rewrite programs (IG, HK), pp. 121–132.
ICSE-2006-ManoliosV #proving #static analysis #termination #theorem proving- Integrating static analysis and general-purpose theorem proving for termination analysis (PM, DV), pp. 873–876.
CAV-2006-BerdineCDO #automation #proving #source code #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs for Programs with Shape-Shifting Heaps (JB, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 386–400.
CAV-2006-Braverman #integer #linear #source code #termination- Termination of Integer Linear Programs (MB), pp. 372–385.
CAV-2006-CookPR #named #safety- Terminator: Beyond Safety (BC, AP, AR), pp. 415–418.
CAV-2006-ManoliosV #analysis #graph #termination- Termination Analysis with Calling Context Graphs (PM, DV), pp. 401–414.
CSL-2006-Abel #termination- Semi-continuous Sized Types and Termination (AA0), pp. 72–88.
IJCAR-2006-EndrullisWZ #matrix #proving #term rewriting #termination- Matrix Interpretations for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting (JE, JW, HZ), pp. 574–588.
IJCAR-2006-GieslST #automation #dependence #framework #proving #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs in the Dependency Pair Framework (JG, PSK, RT), pp. 281–286.
RTA-2006-BournezG #proving #termination- Proving Positive Almost Sure Termination Under Strategies (OB, FG), pp. 357–371.
RTA-2006-CodishLS #constraints #partial order #termination- Solving Partial Order Constraints for LPO Termination (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 4–18.
RTA-2006-GieslSST #analysis #automation #haskell #programming language #term rewriting #termination- Automated Termination Analysis for Haskell: From Term Rewriting to Programming Languages (JG, SS, PSK, RT), pp. 297–312.
RTA-2006-HofbauerW #matrix #string #termination- Termination of String Rewriting with Matrix Interpretations (DH, JW), pp. 328–342.
RTA-2006-Koprowski06a #automation #named #termination- TPA: Termination Proved Automatically (AK), pp. 257–266.
RTA-2006-OhtaH #confluence #linear #λ-calculus- A Terminating and Confluent Linear λ Calculus (YO, MH), pp. 166–180.
RTA-2006-WangS #decidability #linear #termination- Decidability of Termination for Semi-constructor TRSs, Left-Linear Shallow TRSs and Related Systems (YW, MS), pp. 343–356.
RTA-2006-WehrmanSW #named #termination- Slothrop: Knuth-Bendix Completion with a Modern Termination Checker (IW, AS, EMW), pp. 287–296.
FASE-2005-EhrigELTVV #model transformation #termination- Termination Criteria for Model Transformation (HE, KE, JdL, GT, DV, SVG), pp. 49–63.
SAS-2005-BruynoogheGH #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Inference of Well-Typings for Logic Programs with Application to Termination Analysis (MB, JPG, WVH), pp. 35–51.
SAS-2005-CookPR #abstraction #refinement #termination- Abstraction Refinement for Termination (BC, AP, AR), pp. 87–101.
STOC-2005-ChekuriKS #multi #problem- Multicommodity flow, well-linked terminals, and routing problems (CC, SK, FBS), pp. 183–192.
CIAA-J-2004-GeserHWZ05 #automaton #finite #string #term rewriting #termination- Finding finite automata that certify termination of string rewriting systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 471–486.
ICFP-2005-FengS #assembly #composition #concurrent #termination #thread #verification- Modular verification of concurrent assembly code with dynamic thread creation and termination (XF, ZS), pp. 254–267.
ICFP-2005-KiselyovSFS #backtracking #functional #monad- Backtracking, interleaving, and terminating monad transformers: (functional pearl) (OK, CcS, DPF, AS), pp. 192–203.
ICEIS-v1-2005-ChaariL #adaptation #generative #named #user interface #visual notation- SEFAGI: Simple Environment for Adaptable Graphical Interfaces — Generating User Interfaces for Different Kinds of Terminals (TC, FL), pp. 232–237.
POPL-2005-PodelskiR #abstraction #termination- Transition predicate abstraction and fair termination (AP, AR), pp. 132–144.
CADE-2005-GodoyT #linear #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Rewrite Systems with Shallow Right-Linear, Collapsing, and Right-Ground Rules (GG, AT), pp. 164–176.
ICLP-2005-CodishLS #constraints #termination #testing- Testing for Termination with Monotonicity Constraints (MC, VL, PJS), pp. 326–340.
ICLP-2005-NguyenS #analysis #logic programming #polynomial #source code #termination- Polynomial Interpretations as a Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs (MTN, DDS), pp. 311–325.
RTA-2005-BournezG #proving #termination- Proving Positive Almost-Sure Termination (OB, FG), pp. 323–337.
RTA-2005-FernandezGR #order #termination- Orderings for Innermost Termination (MLF, GG, AR), pp. 17–31.
RTA-2005-GeserHWZ #automaton #linear #on the #term rewriting #termination- On Tree Automata that Certify Termination of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 353–367.
RTA-2005-Hamana #algebra #higher-order #termination- Universal Algebra for Termination of Higher-Order Rewriting (MH), pp. 135–149.
RTA-2005-HirokawaM #termination- Tyrolean Termination Tool (NH, AM), pp. 175–184.
RTA-2005-MoczydlowskiG #termination #thread- Termination of Single-Threaded One-Rule Semi-Thue Systems (WM, AG), pp. 338–352.
TLCA-2005-BartheGP #polymorphism #termination #type system- Practical Inference for Type-Based Termination in a Polymorphic Setting (GB, BG, FP), pp. 71–85.
VMCAI-2005-BradleyMS #polynomial #source code #termination- Termination of Polynomial Programs (ARB, ZM, HBS), pp. 113–129.
VMCAI-2005-Cousot #abstraction #parametricity #programming #proving #termination- Proving Program Invariance and Termination by Parametric Abstraction, Lagrangian Relaxation and Semidefinite Programming (PC), pp. 1–24.
WICSA-2004-Matinlassi #architecture #case study #maintenance #product line- Evaluating the Portability and Maintainability of Software Product Family Architecture: Terminal Software Case Study (MM), pp. 295–300.
DATE-DF-2004-BerensKW #architecture #mobile- Channel Decoder Architecture for 3G Mobile Wireless Terminals (FB, GK, NW), pp. 192–197.
DATE-DF-2004-HollevoetDDCL #memory management- A Power Optimized Display Memory Organization for Handheld User Terminal (LH, AD, KD, FC, FL), pp. 294–299.
DATE-v1-2004-NikitovicB #mobile #power management- A Low Power Strategy for Future Mobile Terminals (MN, MB), pp. 702–703.
DATE-v2-2004-Feldmann #linear #order #reduction #scalability- Model Order Reduction Techniques for Linear Systems with Large Numbers of Terminals (PF), pp. 944–947.
FoSSaCS-2004-Lucas #proving #termination- Polynomials for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (SL), pp. 318–332.
PEPM-2004-DuranLMMU #equation #proving #source code #termination- Proving termination of membership equational programs (FD, SL, JM, CM, XU), pp. 147–158.
SAS-2004-PayetM #constraints #logic programming #source code- Non-termination Inference for Constraint Logic Programs (ÉP, FM), pp. 377–392.
CIAA-2004-GeserHWZ #automaton #finite #string #termination- Finding Finite Automata That Certify Termination of String Rewriting (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 134–145.
SFM-2004-BaetenR #algebra #process #termination- Timed Process Algebra (With a Focus on Explicit Termination and Relative-Timing) (JCMB, MAR), pp. 59–97.
LOPSTR-2004-Rao #logic programming #source code- Input-Termination of Logic Programs (MRKKR), pp. 215–230.
LOPSTR-2004-SerebrenikM #on the #source code #termination- On Termination of Binary CLP Programs (AS, FM), pp. 231–244.
PDCL-2004-LindenstraussSS #approach #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- Proving Termination for Logic Programs by the Query-Mapping Pairs Approach (NL, YS, AS), pp. 453–498.
PDCL-2004-PedreschiRS #logic programming #termination- Characterisations of Termination in Logic Programming (DP, SR, JGS), pp. 376–431.
CAV-2004-Tiwari #linear #source code #termination- Termination of Linear Programs (AT), pp. 70–82.
CSL-2004-DawsonG #termination #theorem- A General Theorem on Termination of Rewriting (JED, RG), pp. 100–114.
ICLP-2004-Dershowitz #abstraction #termination- Termination by Abstraction (ND), pp. 1–18.
ICLP-2004-Smaus #logic programming #source code #termination #using- Termination of Logic Programs Using Various Dynamic Selection Rules (JGS), pp. 43–57.
IJCAR-2004-ThiemannGS #composition #dependence #proving #termination #using- Improved Modular Termination Proofs Using Dependency Pairs (RT, JG, PSK), pp. 75–90.
LICS-2004-Leivant #logic #proving #termination- Proving Termination Assertions in Dynamic Logics (DL), pp. 89–98.
RTA-2004-Blanqui #higher-order #term rewriting #termination #type system- A Type-Based Termination Criterion for Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Rewrite Systems (FB), pp. 24–39.
RTA-2004-GieslTSF #automation #proving #termination- Automated Termination Proofs with AProVE (JG, RT, PSK, SF), pp. 210–220.
RTA-2004-JonesB #analysis #calculus #termination- Termination Analysis of the Untyped lamba-Calculus (NDJ, NB), pp. 1–23.
RTA-2004-Lucas #named #proving #termination- mu-term: A Tool for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (SL), pp. 200–209.
RTA-2004-Toyama #higher-order #lisp #term rewriting #termination- Termination of S-Expression Rewriting Systems: Lexicographic Path Ordering for Higher-Order Terms (YT), pp. 40–54.
RTA-2004-Zantema #automation #named #termination- TORPA: Termination of Rewriting Proved Automatically (HZ), pp. 95–104.
DAC-2003-CraninckxD #design #how #question- 4G terminals: how are we going to design them? (JC, SD), pp. 79–84.
DATE-2003-HelmschmidtSRRMB #configuration management- Reconfigurable Signal Processing in Wireless Terminals (JH, ES, PR, SR, SdM, RB), pp. 20244–20249.
ICDAR-2003-JagerN #concept- The Callpaper Concept: Turning Paper into Computer Terminals (SJ, MN), pp. 1065–1069.
SIGMOD-2003-GotoK #integration #mobile #using- Integration of Electronic Tickets and Personal Guide System for Public Transport using Mobile Terminals (KG, YK), pp. 642–646.
FoSSaCS-2003-BlanchetP #encryption #protocol #termination #verification- Verification of Cryptographic Protocols: Tagging Enforces Termination (BB, AP), pp. 136–152.
SAS-2003-TardieuS #termination- Instantaneous Termination in Pure Esterel (OT, RdS), pp. 91–108.
LOPSTR-2003-SerebrenikS #proving #termination- Proving Termination with Adornments (AS, DDS), pp. 108–109.
PPDP-2003-FissoreGK #rule-based #termination- Simplification and termination of strategies in rule-based languages (OF, IG, HK), pp. 124–135.
ICLP-2003-LagoonMS #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis with Types Is More Accurate (VL, FM, PJS), pp. 254–268.
ICLP-2003-Serebrenik #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination Analysis of Logic Programs: Extended Abstract (AS), pp. 507–508.
ICLP-2003-Smaus03a #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Logic Programs for Various Dynamic Selection Rules (JGS), pp. 511–512.
RTA-2003-AotoY #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Simply Typed Term Rewriting by Translation and Labelling (TA, TY), pp. 380–394.
RTA-2003-Geser #string #termination- Termination of String Rewriting Rules That Have One Pair of Overlaps (AG), pp. 410–423.
RTA-2003-HirokawaM #termination- Tsukuba Termination Tool (NH, AM), pp. 311–320.
RTA-2003-ThiemannG #term rewriting #termination- Size-Change Termination for Term Rewriting (RT, JG), pp. 264–278.
TestCom-2003-Bergengruen #perspective #testing- UMTS Terminal Testing: A Practical Perspective (OB), pp. 10–19.
TLCA-2003-Abel #termination- Termination and Productivity Checking with Continuous Types (AA0), pp. 1–15.
WRLA-2002-FissoreGK #termination- Outermost ground termination (OF, IG, HK), pp. 188–207.
CSMR-2002-Raghavan #approach #mobile #re-engineering- A Practical Reengineering Approach for Mobile Terminal Software (GR), p. 193–?.
SAS-2002-BruynoogheCGV #analysis #logic programming #reuse #source code #termination- Reuse of Results in Termination Analysis of Typed Logic Programs (MB, MC, SG, WV), pp. 477–492.
SAS-2002-MesnardPN #detection #logic programming #source code #termination- Detecting Optimal Termination Conditions of Logic Programs (FM, ÉP, UN), pp. 509–526.
SAS-2002-SerebrenikS #float #logic programming #on the #source code #termination- On Termination of Logic Programs with Floating Point Computations (AS, DDS), pp. 151–164.
DLT-2002-GieslM #termination- Innermost Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (JG, AM), pp. 231–244.
ICFP-2002-JonesG #analysis #generative #termination- Program generation, termination, and binding-time analysis (NDJ, AJG), p. 283.
ICGT-2002-GodardMMS #algorithm #detection #distributed #graph #termination- Termination Detection of Distributed Algorithms by Graph Relabelling Systems (EG, YM, MM, AS), pp. 106–119.
ICPR-v3-2002-Al-OhaliCS #termination- Introducing Termination Probabilities to HMM (YAO, MC, CYS), pp. 319–322.
GPCE-2002-JonesG #analysis #generative #termination- Program Generation, Termination, and Binding-Time Analysis (NDJ, AJG), pp. 1–31.
GPCE-2002-Lee #analysis #polynomial #termination- Program Termination Analysis in Polynomial Time (CSL), pp. 218–235.
PPDP-2002-FissoreGK #induction #proving #termination- System Presentation — CARIBOO: An induction based proof tool for termination with strategies (OF, IG, HK), pp. 62–73.
PPDP-2002-GramlichL #composition #termination- Modular termination of context-sensitive rewriting (BG, SL), pp. 50–61.
PPDP-2002-JonesG #analysis #generative #termination- Abstract and conclusions of PLI invited paper: program generation, termination, and binding-time analysis (NDJ, AJG), p. 1.
CAV-2002-ColonS #proving #termination- Practical Methods for Proving Program Termination (MC, HS), pp. 442–454.
RTA-2002-Lucas #canonical #termination- Termination of (Canonical) Context-Sensitive Rewriting (SL), pp. 296–310.
VMCAI-2002-CharatonikMP #analysis #composition #termination- Compositional Termination Analysis of Symbolic Forward Analysis (WC, SM, AP), pp. 109–125.
VMCAI-2002-GenaimCGL #termination- Combining Norms to Prove Termination (SG, MC, JPG, VL), pp. 126–138.
ESOP-2001-BossiERS #logic programming #scheduling #semantics #source code #termination- Semantics and Termination of Simply-Moded Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling (AB, SE, SR, JGS), pp. 402–416.
SAS-2001-MesnardN #logic programming #source code #static analysis #termination- Applying Static Analysis Techniques for Inferring Termination Conditions of Logic Programs (FM, UN), pp. 93–110.
SAS-2001-Monniaux #analysis #probability #source code #termination- An Abstract Analysis of the Probabilistic Termination of Programs (DM), pp. 111–126.
CIKM-2001-Couchot #analysis #composition #set #termination- Termination Analysis of Active Rules Modular Sets (AC), pp. 326–333.
SIGIR-2001-VoKM #effectiveness #ranking #termination- Vector-Space Ranking with Effective Early Termination (VNA, OdK, AM), pp. 35–42.
PPDP-2001-BossiCR #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Well-Typed Logic Programs (AB, NC, SR), pp. 73–81.
PPDP-2001-Lucas #on-demand #source code #termination- Termination of On-Demand Rewriting and Termination of OBJ Programs (SL), pp. 82–93.
POPL-2001-LeeJB #termination- The size-change principle for program termination (CSL, NDJ, AMBA), pp. 81–92.
CSL-2001-Schroder- Life without the Terminal Type (LS), pp. 429–442.
IJCAR-2001-Jones #analysis #graph #termination- Program Termination Analysis by Size-Change Graphs (Abstract) (NDJ), pp. 1–4.
IJCAR-2001-Pientka #higher-order #logic programming #reduction #source code #termination- Termination and Reduction Checking for Higher-Order Logic Programs (BP), pp. 401–415.
IJCAR-2001-Urbain #automation #incremental #proving #term rewriting #termination- Automated Incremental Termination Proofs for Hierarchically Defined Term Rewriting Systems (XU), pp. 485–498.
LICS-2001-Xi #dependent type #termination #verification- Dependent Types for Program Termination Verification (HX), pp. 231–242.
RTA-2001-Hofbauer #proving #termination- Termination Proofs by Context-Dependent Interpretations (DH), pp. 108–121.
RTA-2001-Raamsdonk #higher-order #on the #termination- On Termination of Higher-Order Rewriting (FvR), pp. 261–275.
RTA-2001-Yamada #confluence #term rewriting #termination- Confluence and Termination of Simply Typed Term Rewriting Systems (TY), pp. 338–352.
TLCA-2001-Altenkirch #algebra #first-order- Representations of First Order Function Types as Terminal Coalgebras (TA), pp. 8–21.
DAC-2000-PiS #analysis #approach #diagrams #multi- Multi-terminal determinant decision diagrams: a new approach to semi-symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits (TP, CJRS), pp. 19–22.
FASE-2000-HuismanJ #hoare #java #logic #termination #verification- Java Program Verification via a Hoare Logic with Abrupt Termination (MH, BJ), pp. 284–303.
WRLA-2000-KirchnerG #normalisation #proving #termination- Termination and normalisation under strategy Proofs in ELAN (HK, IG), pp. 93–120.
SAS-2000-Mauborgne #termination- Tree Schemata and Fair Termination (LM), pp. 302–321.
ICPR-v2-2000-Fernau #n-gram- k-gram Extensions of Terminal Distinguishable Languages (HF), pp. 2125–2128.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Macaire #framework- An Open and Secure Terminal Infrastructure for Hosting Personal Services (AM), pp. 10–21.
LOPSTR-2000-SerebrenikS #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Non-tranformational termination analysis of logic programs, based on general term-orderings (AS, DDS).
LOPSTR-J-2000-SerebrenikS #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Non-transformational Termination Analysis of Logic Programs, Based on General Term-Orderings (AS, DDS), pp. 69–85.
PPDP-2000-Gramlich #preprocessor #proving #term rewriting #termination- Simplifying termination proofs for rewrite systems by preprocessing (BG), pp. 139–150.
SAIG-2000-SongF #approach #termination- A New Termination Approach for Specialization (LS, YF), pp. 72–91.
CL-2000-BraileyPN #analysis #approach #database #termination- A Dynamic Approach to Termination Analysis for Active Database Rules (JB, AP, PN), pp. 1106–1120.
CL-2000-DebrayH #analysis #constraints #database #termination- Constraint-Based Termination Analysis for Cyclic Active Database Rules (SKD, TJH), pp. 1121–1136.
CSL-2000-OhsakiMG #equation #semantics #termination- Equational Termination by Semantic Labelling (HO, AM, JG), pp. 457–471.
RTA-2000-Blanqui #confluence #higher-order #term rewriting #termination- Termination and Confluence of Higher-Order Rewrite Systems (FB), pp. 47–61.
RTA-2000-OhlebuschCM #analysis #logic programming #named #source code #termination- TALP: A Tool for the Termination Analysis of Logic Programs (EO, CC, CM), pp. 270–273.
VLDB-1999-LeeL #termination- Unrolling Cycles to Decide Trigger Termination (SYL, TWL), pp. 483–493.
FLOPS-1999-VerbaetenS #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination #using- Termination Analysis of Tabled Logic Programs Using Mode and Type Information (SV, DDS), pp. 163–178.
DLT-1999-BordihnH #component #distributed- Cooperating distributed grammar systems with non-terminating components (HB, MH), pp. 305–315.
FM-v2-1999-Eschbach #algorithm #detection #specification #termination #verification- A Termination Detection Algorithm: Specification and Verification (RE), pp. 1720–1737.
HCI-CCAD-1999-CranePP #integration- Flight crew factors CTAS/FMS integration in the terminal airspace (BC, TP, EAP), pp. 1276–1280.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Miki #branch #design #multi- Designing awareness for multipurpose remote branch terminals (HM), pp. 553–557.
HCI-EI-1999-HosonoIT #evaluation #requirements- Sensory Evaluation Method for Determining Portable Information Terminal Requirements for Nursing Care Applications (NH, HI, YT), pp. 953–957.
HCI-EI-1999-KitakazeAIF #adaptation #evaluation- Study of Adaptive Input System for Telecommunication Terminal — Evaluation of Discriminant which Controls Computer key-input - (SK, YA, TI, SF), pp. 74–78.
LOPSTR-1999-BossiCE #source code- Transformation of Left Terminating Programs (AB, NC, SE), pp. 156–175.
PPDP-1999-KamareddineM #on the #proving #recursion #termination- On Formalised Proofs of Termination of Recursive Functions (FK, FM), pp. 29–46.
PPDP-1999-NeumerkelM #logic programming #source code- Localizing and Explaining Reasons for Non-terminating Logic Programs with Failure-Slices (UN, FM), pp. 328–342.
PPDP-1999-VerbaetenSS #composition #prolog #proving #termination- Modular Termination Proofs for Prolog with Tabling (SV, KFS, DDS), pp. 342–359.
LCTES-1999-Ryu #challenge #embedded- Issues and Challenges in Developing Embedded Software for Information Appliances and Telecommunication Terminals (IR), pp. 104–120.
ICLP-1999-Smaus #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- Proving Termination of Input-Consuming Logic Programs (JGS), pp. 335–349.
ICLP-1999-Verbaeten #abduction #analysis #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination Analysis for Abductive General Logic Programs (SV), pp. 365–379.
TLCA-1999-Ritter #termination- Characterising Explicit Substitutions which Preserve Termination (ER), pp. 325–339.
DATE-1998-FreundF #approximate #linear #modelling #multi #scalability #using- Reduced-Order Modeling of Large Linear Passive Multi-Terminal Circuits Using Matrix-Pade Approximation (RWF, PF), pp. 530–537.
PODS-1998-BaileyDR #database #decidability #problem #termination- Decidability and Undecidability Results for the Termination Problem of Active Database Rules (JB, GD, KR), pp. 264–273.
SAS-1998-Leuschel #on the #online #power of #termination- On the Power of Homeomorphic Embedding for Online Termination (ML), pp. 230–245.
ALP-PLILP-1998-SmausHK #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Logic Programs with block Declarations Running in Several Modes (JGS, PMH, AK), pp. 73–88.
LOPSTR-1998-HoarauM #compilation #constraints #logic programming #source code #termination- Inferring and Compiling Termination for Constraint Logic Programs (SH, FM), pp. 240–254.
LOPSTR-1998-Leuschel #online #termination- Improving Homeomorphic Embedding for Online Termination (ML), pp. 199–218.
CADE-1998-BrauburgerG #analysis #evaluation #induction #termination- Termination Analysis by Inductive Evaluation (JB, JG), pp. 254–269.
JICSLP-1998-DecorteS #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis: Some Practical Properties of the Norm and Level Mapping Space (SD, DDS), pp. 235–249.
RTA-1998-AotoT #termination- Termination Transformation by Tree Lifting Ordering (TA, YT), pp. 256–270.
RTA-1998-ArtsG #composition #dependence #termination #using- Modularity of Termination Using Dependency pairs (TA, JG), pp. 226–240.
RTA-1998-MarcheU #commutative #dependence #termination- Termination of Associative-Commutative Rewriting by Dependency Pairs (CM, XU), pp. 241–255.
RTA-1998-Xi #automation #proving #termination #towards- Towards Automated Termination Proofs through “Freezing” (HX), pp. 271–285.
SAS-1997-Braunburger #analysis #automation #order #polynomial #termination #using- Automatic Termination Analysis for Partial Functions Using Polynomial Orderings (JB), pp. 330–344.
SAS-1997-PanitzS #automation #functional #higher-order #named #proving #source code #strict #termination- TEA: Automatically Proving Termination of Programs in a Non-strict Higher-Order Functional Language (SEP, MSS), pp. 345–360.
SAS-1997-SpeirsSS #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis for Mercury (CS, ZS, HS), pp. 160–171.
DLT-1997-TokudaYW #re-engineering- Deterministic Reconstruction of Context-Free Derivations for a Sentence with Shuffled Terminal Symbols (TT, KY, YW), pp. 551–558.
ICALP-1997-Ruggieri #constraints #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Constraint Logic Programs (SR), pp. 838–848.
AdaEurope-1997-WellingsBP #ada #termination- Task Termination in Ada 95 (AJW, AB, OP), pp. 149–160.
ALP-1997-BartheR #algebra #approach #termination #type system- Termination of Algebraic Type Systems: The Syntactic Approach (GB, FvR), pp. 174–193.
ALP-1997-CodishT #analysis #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code #termination #using- A Semantic Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs and Its Realization Using Symbolic Norm Constraints (MC, CT), pp. 31–45.
LOPSTR-1997-DecorteSLMS #analysis #logic programming #termination- Termination Analysis for Tabled Logic Programming (SD, DDS, ML, BM, KFS), pp. 111–127.
LOPSTR-1997-LeuschelMS #logic programming #source code #termination- Preserving Termination of Tabled Logic Programs While Unfolding (ML, BM, KFS), pp. 189–205.
SAC-1997-KhuriC #algorithm #heuristic #problem- Heuristic algorithms for the terminal assignment problem (SK, TC), pp. 247–251.
CAV-1997-LindenstraussSS #logic programming #named #query #source code #termination- TermiLog: A System for Checking Termination of Queries to Logic Programs (NL, YS, AS), pp. 444–447.
ICLP-1997-DecorteS #analysis #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code- Demand-Driven and Constraint-Based Automatic Left-Termination Analysis for Logic Programs (SD, DDS), pp. 78–92.
ICLP-1997-LindenstraussS #analysis #automation #logic programming #source code #termination- Automatic Termination Analysis of Logic Programs (NL, YS), pp. 63–77.
RTA-1997-KapurS #order #proving #term rewriting #termination- A Total, Ground path Ordering for Proving Termination of AC-Rewrite Systems (DK, GS), pp. 142–156.
RTA-1997-Zantema #termination- Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (HZ), pp. 172–186.
ESOP-1996-RohwedderP #higher-order #logic programming #source code #termination- Mode and Termination Checking for Higher-Order Logic Programs (ER, FP), pp. 296–310.
SAS-1996-AndersenH #analysis #functional #higher-order #partial evaluation #termination- Termination Analysis for Offline Partial Evaluation of a Higher Order Functional Language (PHA, CKH), pp. 67–82.
SAS-1996-BrauburgerG #analysis #termination- Termination Analysis for Partial Functions (JB, JG), pp. 113–127.
SAS-1996-MullerGS #automation #composition #prolog #proving #source code #termination- Automated Modular Termination Proofs for Real Prolog Programs (MM, TG, KS), pp. 220–237.
ICALP-1996-Lucas #termination- Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting by Rewriting (SL), pp. 122–133.
ALP-1996-OlveszkyL #order #termination- Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted Way (PCÖ, OL), pp. 92–106.
LOPSTR-1996-BossiC #termination- Replacement Can Preserve Termination (AB, NC), pp. 104–129.
HPDC-1996-SisalemSS #network #video- The Network Video Terminal (DS, HS, CS), pp. 3–10.
CADE-1996-KolbeW #proving #reuse #termination #theorem proving- Termination of Theorem Proving by Reuse (TK, CW), pp. 106–120.
CADE-1996-MiddeldorpOZ #self #termination- Transforming Termination by Self-Labelling (AM, HO, HZ), pp. 373–387.
CADE-1996-Sengler #algorithm #data type #termination- Termination of Algorithms over Non-freely Generated Data Types (CS), pp. 121–135.
JICSLP-1996-Mesnard #constraints #logic programming #query #source code- Inferring Left-terminating Classes of Queries for Constraint Logic Programs (FM), pp. 7–21.
RTA-1996-ArtsG #termination- Termination of Constructor Systems (TA, JG), pp. 63–77.
RTA-1996-FettigL #finite #higher-order #unification #λ-calculus- Unification of Higher-Order patterns in a Simply Typed λ-Calculus with Finite Products and terminal Type (RF, BL), pp. 347–361.
RTA-1996-Gramlich #on the #proving #termination- On Proving Termination by Innermost Termination (BG), pp. 93–107.
RTA-1996-GramlichW #confluence #revisited #term rewriting- Confluence of Terminating Conditional Rewrite Systems Revisited (BG, CPW), pp. 245–259.
RTA-1996-Rao #composition #graph grammar #termination- Modularity of Termination in Term Graph Rewriting (MRKKR), pp. 230–244.
RTA-1996-Senizergues #on the #problem #termination- On the Termination Problem for One-Rule Semi-Thue System (GS), pp. 302–316.
SAS-1995-Giesl #analysis #functional #order #source code #termination #using- Termination Analysis for Functional Programs using Term Orderings (JG), pp. 154–171.
STOC-1995-Karger #approximate #network #polynomial #problem #random #reliability- A randomized fully polynomial time approximation scheme for the all terminal network reliability problem (DRK), pp. 11–17.
ICALP-1995-DiekertG #concurrent #termination- A Domain for Concurrent Termination: A Generalization of Mazurkiewicz Traces (Extended Abstract) (VD, PG), pp. 15–26.
LOPSTR-1995-ArtsZ #logic programming #semantics #source code #termination #unification #using- Termination of Logic Programs Using Semantic Unification (TA, HZ), pp. 219–233.
LOPSTR-1995-BossiCE #order #problem #source code- Transformation of Left Terminating Programs: the Reordering Problem (AB, NC, SE), pp. 33–45.
ICLP-1995-MartensG #deduction #flexibility #termination- Ensuring Global Termination of Partial Deduction while Allowing Flexible Polyvariance (BM, JPG), pp. 597–611.
ILPS-1995-LauOPP #correctness #logic programming #program transformation #termination- Correctness of Logic Program Transformations Based on Existential Termination (KKL, MO, AP, MP), pp. 480–494.
ILPS-1995-MarchioriT #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- Proving Termination of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations (EM, FT), pp. 447–461.
RTA-1995-Giesl #generative #order #polynomial #proving #termination- Generating Polynomial Orderings for Termination Proofs (JG), pp. 426–431.
RTA-1995-Kahrs #proving #termination #towards- Towards a Domain Theory for Termination Proofs (SK), pp. 241–255.
RTA-1995-LysneP #higher-order #term rewriting #termination- A Termination Ordering for Higher Order Rewrite System (OL, JP), pp. 26–40.
RTA-1995-Steinbach #automation #order #proving #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs With Transformation Orderings (JS), pp. 11–25.
RTA-1995-ZantemaG #termination- A Complete Characterization of Termination of Op 1q -> 1r Os (HZ, AG), pp. 41–55.
TLCA-1995-Leclerc #coq #development #multi #order #proving #term rewriting #termination- Termination Proof of Term Rewriting System with the Multiset Path Ordering. A Complete Development in the System Coq (FL), pp. 312–327.
TLCA-1995-Mellie #λ-calculus- Typed λ-calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate (PAM), pp. 328–334.
TLCA-1995-PolS #proving #strict #termination- Strict Functionals for Termination Proofs (JvdP, HS), pp. 350–364.
DAC-1994-GuptaP #named #termination- OTTER: Optimal Termination of Transmission Lines Excluding Radiation (RG, LTP), pp. 640–645.
ALP-1994-BossiC #termination- Preserving Universal Termination through Unfold/Fold (AB, NC), pp. 269–286.
ALP-1994-FerreiraZ #analysis #termination- Syntactical Analysis of Total Termination (MCFF, HZ), pp. 204–222.
ALP-1994-Gramlich #composition #confluence #on the #term rewriting #termination- On Modularity of Termination and Confluence Properties of Conditional Rewrite Systems (BG), pp. 186–203.
LOPSTR-1994-CookG #analysis #source code #termination- A Transformation System for Definite Programs Based on Termination Analysis (JC, JPG), pp. 51–68.
LOPSTR-1994-SemeraroEMBP #case study #learning #logic #source code- Avoiding Non-Termination when Learning Logical Programs: A Case Study with FOIL and FOCL (GS, FE, DM, CB, MJP), pp. 183–198.
SAC-1994-GhazalO #constraints #query #source code #termination- Termination of programs in constraint query languages (AG, AMO), pp. 266–270.
CADE-1994-BasinW #order #termination- Termination Orderings for Rippling (DAB, TW), pp. 466–483.
CADE-1994-Martin #geometry #invariant #termination- Termination, Geometry and Invariants (UM), pp. 432–434.
CADE-1994-MiddeldorpZ #revisited #termination- Simple Termination Revisited (AM, HZ), pp. 451–465.
ICALP-1993-BarbaneraF #composition #confluence #term rewriting #termination- Modularity of Termination and Confluence in Combinations of Rewrite Systems with λω (FB, MF), pp. 657–668.
ICALP-1993-CosmoK #confluence #recursion #reduction #λ-calculus- A Confluent Reduction for the Extensional Typed λ-Calculus with Pairs, Sums, Recursion and terminal Object (RDC, DK), pp. 645–656.
INTERCHI-1993-HigakiTM #using- A telewriting system on a LAN using a pen-based computer as the terminal (SH, HT, SM), p. 303.
CIKM-1993-VoortS #confluence #execution #termination- Termination and Confluence of Rule Execution (LvdV, AS), pp. 245–255.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-KhoslaD #object-oriented- Application of Object-Oriented Technology in a Terminal Power Station (RK, TSD), pp. 21–35.
ICLP-1993-RaoKS #haskell #proving #source code #termination- Proving Termination of GHC Programs (MRKKR, DK, RKS), pp. 720–736.
ILPS-1993-AguzziM #logic programming #source code #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Logic Programs via Equivalent Rewrite Systems (GA, UM), p. 634.
ILPS-1993-DecorteSF #analysis #automation #termination- Automatic Inference of Norms: A Missing Link in Automatic Termination Analysis (SD, DDS, MF), pp. 420–436.
ILPS-1993-NystromJ #concurrent #constraints #fixpoint #programming #semantics- Indeterminate Concurrent Constraint Programming: A Fixpoint Semantics for Non-Terminating Computations (SON, BJ), pp. 335–352.
RTA-1993-DershowitzH #termination #topic- Topics in Termination (ND, CH), pp. 198–212.
RTA-1993-FerreiraZ #term rewriting #termination- Total Termination of Term Rewriting (MCFF, HZ), pp. 213–227.
RTA-1993-MiddeldorpG #termination- Simple Termination is Difficult (AM, BG), pp. 228–242.
RTA-1993-Plaisted #constraints #polynomial #termination #testing- Polynomial Time Termination and Constraint Satisfaction Tests (DAP), pp. 405–420.
RTA-1993-Senizergues #decidability #problem #termination- Some Undecidable Termination Problems for Semi-Thue Systems (Abstract) (GS), p. 434.
SIGMOD-1992-AikenWH #behaviour #confluence #database #termination- Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence, and Observable Determinism (AA, JW, JMH), pp. 59–68.
CHI-1992-DonBLS #morphism #named- Anthropomorphism: From Eliza to Terminator 2 (AD, SB, BL, BS), pp. 67–70.
ALP-1992-Gnaedig #order #termination- Termination of Order-sorted Rewriting (IG), pp. 37–52.
ALP-1992-Gramlich #composition #termination- Generalized Sufficient Conditions for Modular Termination of Rewriting (BG), pp. 53–68.
ALP-1992-Lescanne #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Rewrite Systems by Elementary Interpretations (PL), pp. 21–36.
LOPSTR-1992-VerschaetseDS #analysis #automation #termination- Automatic Termination Analysis (KV, SD, DDS), pp. 168–183.
PLILP-1992-Amtoft #termination- Unfold/fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties (TA), pp. 187–201.
CADE-1992-Christian #termination- Some Termination Criteria for Narrowing and E-Narrowing (JC), pp. 582–588.
JICSLP-1992-BronsardLR #framework #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- A Framework of Directionality for Proving Termination of Logic Programs (FB, TKL, USR), pp. 321–335.
JICSLP-1992-GrogerP #automation #logic programming #proving #recursion #source code #termination- Handling of Mutual Recursion in Automatic Termination Proofs for Logic Programs (GG, LP), pp. 336–350.
DAC-1991-HolmesSS #algorithm #using- New Algorithm for Over-the-Cell Channel Routing Using Vacant Terminals (NDH, NAS, MS), pp. 126–131.
PODS-1991-SohnG #detection #logic programming #source code #termination #using- Termination Detection in Logic Programs using Argument Sizes (KS, AVG), pp. 216–226.
ICALP-1991-CurienC #reduction #λ-calculus- A Concluent Reduction for the λ-Calculus with Surjective Pairing and Terminal Object (PLC, RDC), pp. 291–302.
CSL-1991-RaoKS #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- A Transformational Methodology for Proving Termination of Logic Programs (MRKKR, DK, RKS), pp. 213–226.
CSL-1991-Weiermann #proving #term rewriting #termination- Proving Termination for Term Rewriting Systems (AW), pp. 419–428.
ICLP-1991-RossS #algebra #prolog #semantics #termination- An Algebraic Semantics of Prolog Program Termination (BJR, AS), pp. 316–330.
ICLP-1991-VerschaetseS #logic programming #proving #source code #termination #using- Deriving Termination Proofs for Logic Programs, Using Abstract Procedures (KV, DDS), pp. 301–315.
ISLP-1991-Plumer #automation #prolog #proving #source code #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs for Prolog Programs Operating on Nonground Terms (LP), pp. 503–517.
ISLP-1991-Sagiv #logic programming #source code #termination- A Termination Test for Logic Programs (YS), pp. 518–532.
RTA-1991-DrewesL #incremental #proving #termination- Incremental Termination Proofs and the Length of Derivations (FD, CL), pp. 49–61.
RTA-1991-Hofbauer #bound #proving #term rewriting #termination- Time Bounded Rewrite Systems and Termination Proofs by Generalized Embedding (DH), pp. 62–73.
RTA-1991-Salomaa #confluence #decidability #monad #term rewriting #termination- Decidability of Confluence and Termination of Monadic Term Rewriting Systems (KS), pp. 275–286.
ALP-1990-Hofbauer #multi #order #proving #recursion #termination- Termination Proofs by Multiset Path Orderings Imply Primitive Recursive Derivation Lengths (DH), pp. 347–358.
ALP-1990-Steinbach #term rewriting- AC-Termination of Rewrite Systems: A Modified Knuth-Bendix Ordering (JS), pp. 372–386.
PLILP-1990-WangS #logic programming #source code #termination #towards- Towards a Characterization of Termination of Logic Programs (BW, RKS), pp. 204–221.
CLP-1990-Plumer90 #logic programming #proving #source code #termination- Termination Proofs for Logic Programs Based on Predicate Inequalities (LP), pp. 634–648.
CLP-1990-SchreyeVB90 #detection #graph #horn clause #query #strict #using- A Practical Technique for Detecting Non-terminating Queries for a Restricted Class of Horn Clauses, Using Directed, Weighted Graphs (DDS, KV, MB), pp. 649–663.
LICS-1989-Middeldorp #term rewriting #termination- A Sufficient Condition for the Termination of the Direct Sum of Term Rewriting Systems (AM), pp. 396–401.
NACLP-1989-Bezem #logic programming #source code #termination- Characterizing Termination of Logic Programs with Level Mappings (MB), pp. 69–80.
RTA-1989-HofbauerL #proving #termination- Termination Proofs and the Length of Derivations (Preliminary Version) (DH, CL), pp. 167–177.
RTA-1989-LatchS #term rewriting #termination- A Local Termination Property for Term Rewriting Systems (DML, RS), pp. 222–233.
RTA-1989-Tison #decidability #termination- Fair Termination is Decidable for Ground Systems (ST), pp. 462–476.
RTA-1989-ToyamaKB #linear #term rewriting #termination- Termination for the Direct Sum of left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems -Preliminary Draft- (YT, JWK, HPB), pp. 477–491.
CADE-1988-Walther #algorithm #automation #bound #proving #termination- Argument-Bounded Algorithms as a Basis for Automated Termination Proofs (CW), pp. 602–621.
CSL-1988-Plumer #automation #prolog #proving #source code #termination- Predicate Inequalities as a Basis for Automated Termination Proofs for Prolog Programs (LP), pp. 254–271.
LICS-1988-Baudinet #approach #prolog #proving #semantics #source code #termination- Proving Termination Properties of Prolog Programs: A Semantic Approach (MB), pp. 336–347.
LICS-1988-CartwrightD #termination- The Topology of Program Termination (RC, AJD), pp. 296–308.
ICALP-1986-Lai #communication #detection #distributed #termination- A Termination Detector for Static and Dynamic Distributed Systems with Asynchronous Non-first-in-first-out Communication (Extended Abstract) (THL), pp. 196–205.
ICALP-1986-RosierY #complexity #concurrent #finite #on the #probability #source code #termination- On The Complexity of Deciding Fair Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Finite-State Programs (LER, HCY), pp. 334–343.
CADE-1986-BachmairD #termination- Commutation, Transformation, and Termination (LB, ND), pp. 5–20.
CADE-1986-CherifaL #implementation #polynomial #term rewriting #termination- An Actual Implementation of a Procedure That Mechanically Proves Termination of Rewriting Systems Based on Inequalities Between Polynomial Interpretations (ABC, PL), pp. 42–51.
CADE-1986-GnaedigL #commutative #proving #term rewriting #termination- Proving Termination of Associative Commutative Rewriting Systems by Rewriting (IG, PL), pp. 52–61.
CADE-1986-Plaisted- A Simple Non-Termination Test for the Knuth-Bendix Method (DAP), pp. 79–88.
CADE-1986-PoratF #equation #term rewriting- Full-Commutation and Fair-Termination in Equational (and Combined) Term-Rewriting Systems (SP, NF), pp. 21–41.
SLP-1986-VasakP86 #logic programming #source code- Characterisation of Terminating Logic Programs (TV, JP), pp. 140–147.
RTA-1985-DetlefsF #automation #proving #set #termination- A Procedure for Automatically Proving the Termination of a Set of Rewrite Rules (DD, RF), pp. 255–270.
SIGIR-1984-EstallS- Shared Processing with an Advanced Intelligent Terminal (CE, FJS), pp. 153–166.
POPL-1984-FrancezK #termination- Generalized Fair Termination (NF, DK), pp. 46–53.
CADE-1984-JouannaudM #equation #set #termination- Termination of a Set of Rules Modulo a Set of Equations (JPJ, MM), pp. 175–193.
DAC-1983-OgiharaMTKF #bidirectional #design #generative #testing- Test generation for scan design circuits with tri-state modules and bidirectional terminals (TO, SM, YT, KK, HF), pp. 71–78.
PODS-1983-ChinR #clustering #network #termination- Optimal Termination Prococols for Network Partitioning (FYLC, KVSR), pp. 25–35.
SIGIR-1982-Morrissey #feedback #implementation #retrieval #scalability- An Intelligent Terminal for Implementing Relevance Feedback on Large Operational Retrieval Systems (JMM), pp. 38–50.
POPL-1982-HartSP #concurrent #probability #source code #termination- Termination of Probabilistic Concurrent Programs (SH, MS, AP), pp. 1–6.
ICSE-1982-MiyazawaOK #communication #protocol- The Portable Communication Protocol Program COMPAS for Data Terminal Systems (KM, MO, SK), pp. 420–421.
DAC-1981-Corbin- Custom VLSI electrical rule checking in an intelligent terminal (LVC), pp. 696–701.
ICALP-1981-Dershowitz #linear #term rewriting #termination- Termination of Linear Rewriting Systems (Preliminary Version) (ND), pp. 448–458.
ICALP-1981-LehmannPS #concurrent #termination- Impartiality, Justice and Fairness: The Ethics of Concurrent Termination (DJL, AP, JS), pp. 264–277.
ICALP-1981-Pettorossi #order #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination- Comparing and Putting Together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems (AP), pp. 432–447.
SOSP-1981-MeyrowitzM #adaptation #design #named- BRUWIN: An Adaptable Design Strategy for Window Manager / Virtual Terminal Systems (NKM, MM), pp. 180–189.
ICALP-1980-HornungR #algebra #data type #semantics- Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types (GH, PR), pp. 310–323.
CADE-1980-Jeanrond #algebra #term rewriting #termination- Deciding Unique Termination of Permutative Rewriting Systems: Choose Your Term Algebra Carefully (HJJ), pp. 335–355.
ICALP-1979-DershowitzM #multi #order #proving #termination- Proving termination with Multiset Orderings (ND, ZM), pp. 188–202.
ICALP-1979-Jeanrond #axiom #commutative #termination #theorem- A Unique Termination Theorem for a Theory with Generalised Commutative Axioms (HJJ), pp. 316–330.
SIGIR-1979-Jamieson #implementation #retrieval #scalability #using- The Economic Implementation of Experimental Retrieval Techniques on a Very Large Scale Using an Intelligent Terminal (SHJ), pp. 45–51.
SOSP-1979-LantzR #multi #process- Virtual Terminal Management in a Multiple Process Environment (KAL, RFR), pp. 86–97.
ICALP-1977-BohmCD #termination #testing #λ-calculus- Termination Tests inside λ-Calculus (CB, MC, MDC), pp. 95–110.
ICALP-1976-Bakker #nondeterminism #recursion #semantics #source code #termination- Semantics and Termination of Nondeterministic Recursive Programs (JWdB), pp. 435–477.
ICALP-1976-Schwarz #proving #reasoning #source code #termination- Event Based Reasoning — A System for Proving Correct Termination of Programs (JS), pp. 131–146.
DAC-1972-Rosenthal #interactive- Increasing capabilities in interactive computer graphics terminals (CWR), pp. 317–325.
ICALP-1972-HitchcockP #induction #proving #termination- Induction Rules and Termination Proofs (PH, DMRP), pp. 225–251.
DAC-1971-Scanlon #automation #component #multi- Automated placement of multi-terminal components (TS), pp. 143–154.
DAC-1968-Bernstein #analysis #graph #online- Electronic circuit analysis with on-line graphs via a time-sharing terminal (SB).