Travelled to:
1 × Jamaica
1 × New Zealand
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Herrmann ∅ V.Slåtten R.T.Sanders H.N.Castejón R.Bræk
Talks about:
specif (3) uml (3) collabor (2) servic (2) activ (2) transform (1) increment (1) exemplifi (1) distribut (1) industri (1)
Person: Frank Alexander Kraemer
DBLP: Kraemer:Frank_Alexander
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- GPCE-2011-SlattenKH #automation #case study #distributed #generative #industrial #reliability #specification #towards #validation #verification
- Towards automatic generation of formal specifications to validate and verify reliable distributed systems: a method exemplified by an industrial case study (VS, FAK, PH), pp. 147–156.
- MoDELS-2011-Kraemer #android #process #uml
- Engineering Android Applications Based on UML Activities (FAK), pp. 183–197.
- MoDELS-2009-KraemerH #automation #development #encapsulation #incremental #process #uml #verification
- Automated Encapsulation of UML Activities for Incremental Development and Verification (FAK, PH), pp. 571–585.
- GT-VMT-2007-KraemerH #collaboration #execution #specification #state machine
- Transforming Collaborative Service Specifications into Efficiently Executable State Machines (FAK, PH).
- MoDELS-2005-SandersMKB #composition #specification #uml #using
- Using UML 2.0 Collaborations for Compositional Service Specification (RTS, HNC, FAK, RB), pp. 460–475.