Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.A.R.Ortega V.L.A.Vanacloig Á.R.Jordá I.S.Igual A.J.P.Jiménez J.M.Valiente-Gonalez J.M.V.González D.Cuesta-Frau J.C.Pérez-Cortes D.Novák
Talks about:
recognit (2) method (2) peopl (2) electrocardiograph (1) preprocess (1) constraint (1) background (1) configur (1) surveil (1) extract (1)
Person: Gabriela Andreu García
DBLP: Garc=iacute=a:Gabriela_Andreu
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICPR-2010-OrtegaGJV #configuration management #self #video
- A Combined Self-Configuring Method for Object Tracking in Colour Video (JARO, GAG, ÁRJ, VLAV), pp. 2081–2084.
- ICPR-2010-VanacloigOGV #image #integration #people
- Locating People in Images by Optimal Cue Integration (VLAV, JARO, GAG, JMVG), pp. 1804–1807.
- ICPR-2008-OrtegaGJV #modelling
- Background modelling in demanding situations with confidence measure (JARO, GAG, ÁRJ, VLAV), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-VanacloigOGG #constraints #people #realtime #recognition
- People and luggage recognition in airport surveillance under real-time constraints (VLAV, JARO, GAG, JMVG), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-v3-2002-Cuesta-FrauPAN #case study #clustering #comparative #feature model
- Feature Extraction Methods Applied to the Clustering of Electrocardiographic Signals. A Comparative Study (DCF, JCPC, GAG, DN), pp. 961–964.
- ICPR-v3-2002-IgualGJ #preprocessor #recognition
- Preprocessing and Recognition of Characters in Container Codes (ISI, GAG, AJPJ), pp. 143–146.