Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Croatia
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Lago D.B.Smith G.Procaccianti E.J.Morris R.C.Seacord S.A.Hissam P.Avgeriou M.Kajko-Mattsson N.Chapin S.Simanta K.Ha M.Satyanarayanan Adriatik Bedjeti R.C.d.Boer R.Hilliard K.Kontogiannis S.R.Tilley D.Siracusa T.Nelson M.Heydt J.Nocks H.Snee J.Elm W.Goethert D.Plakosh J.E.Robert L.Wrage M.Lindvall
Talks about:
architectur (6) forag (4) cyber (4) system (3) context (2) tactic (2) compon (2) model (2) preliminari (1) methodolog (1)
♀ Person: Grace A. Lewis
DBLP: Lewis:Grace_A=
Facilitated 13 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- ECSA-2015-LewisL
- Characterization of Cyber-Foraging Usage Contexts (GAL, PL), pp. 195–211.
- QoSA-2015-LewisL #architecture
- A Catalog of Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging (GAL, PL), pp. 53–62.
- ECSA-2014-LewisLP #architecture #overview #perspective
- Architecture Strategies for Cyber-Foraging: Preliminary Results from a Systematic Literature Review (GAL, PL, GP), pp. 154–169.
- WICSA-2014-ProcacciantiLL #architecture
- Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud (GP, PL, GAL), pp. 41–44.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-SimantaLMHS #architecture #mobile
- A Reference Architecture for Mobile Code Offload in Hostile Environments (SS, GAL, EJM, KH, MS), pp. 282–286.
- CSMR-2008-LewisS #tool support
- SMART Tool Demonstration (GAL, DBS), pp. 332–334.
- ICSM-2007-LewisSKTKC #evolution #maintenance #research
- A Research Agenda for Maintenance & Evolution of SOA-Based Systems (GAL, DBS, KK, SRT, MKM, NC), pp. 481–484.
- CSMR-2006-LewisMS #architecture #component #legacy #migration #reuse
- Analyzing the Reuse Potential of Migrating Legacy Components to a Service-Oriented Architecture (GAL, EJM, DBS), pp. 15–23.
- ICSM-2006-Kajko-MattssonLSNCHNS #agile #lifecycle
- Long-term Life Cycle Impact of Agile Methodologies (MKM, GAL, DS, TN, NC, MH, JN, HS), pp. 422–425.
- ICSM-2003-SeacordEGLPRWL
- Measuring Software Sustainability (RCS, JE, WG, GAL, DP, JER, LW, ML), p. 450–?.
- ICSE-2002-HissamSL #component
- Building systems from commercial components (SAH, RCS, GAL), pp. 679–680.
- WICSA-2016-LewisLA
- A Decision Model for Cyber-Foraging Systems (GAL, PL, PA), pp. 51–60.
- ICSA-2017-BedjetiLLBH #architecture #modelling
- Modeling Context with an Architecture Viewpoint (AB, PL, GAL, RCdB, RH), pp. 117–120.