Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Belgium
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × India
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Germany
3 × Canada
4 × France
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Galster D.Tofan A.W.Kamal U.v.Heesch U.Zdun T.B.C.Arias P.America N.B.Harrison Z.Li P.Liang P.Lago A.Jansen A.Ampatzoglou R.Capilla R.Hilliard K.Stol M.A.Babar G.A.Lewis M.Riebisch D.Feitosa E.Y.Nakagawa D.Ameller X.Franch T.d.Vries M.v.Veelen P.Kruchten J.S.v.d.Ven D.K.Hammer X.He Georgios Digkas M.Lungu A.Chatzigeorgiou N.Guelfi C.Manteuffel H.Koziolek T.Goldschmidt O.Zimmermann J.M.Küster Chen Yang 0007 Peng Liang 0001 U.Eliasson R.Heldal P.Pelliccione
Talks about:
architectur (27) softwar (8) system (8) pattern (7) decis (7) knowledg (6) architect (5) technic (4) survey (4) model (4)
Person: Paris Avgeriou
DBLP: Avgeriou:Paris
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 34 papers:
- QoSA-2015-FeitosaAAN #embedded #open source #quality #trade-off
- Investigating Quality Trade-offs in Open Source Critical Embedded Systems (DF, AA, PA, EYN), pp. 113–122.
- WICSA-2015-LiLA #architecture #identification #technical debt
- Architectural Technical Debt Identification Based on Architecture Decisions and Change Scenarios (ZL, PL, PA), pp. 65–74.
- QoSA-2014-LiLAGA #architecture #composition #empirical #metric #technical debt
- An empirical investigation of modularity metrics for indicating architectural technical debt (ZL, PL, PA, NG, AA), pp. 119–128.
- WICSA-2014-ManteuffelTKGA #architecture #documentation #framework #implementation #industrial
- Industrial Implementation of a Documentation Framework for Architectural Decisions (CM, DT, HK, TG, PA), pp. 225–234.
- ECSA-2013-AmellerGAF #architecture #overview #quality
- The Role of Quality Attributes in Service-Based Systems Architecting: A Survey (DA, MG, PA, XF), pp. 200–207.
- ECSA-2013-TofanGA #architecture #overview
- Difficulty of Architectural Decisions — A Survey with Professional Architects (DT, MG, PA), pp. 192–199.
- SEKE-2013-TofanGA #architecture #information management
- Improving Architectural Knowledge Management in Public Sector Organizations — an Interview Study (DT, MG, PA), pp. 568–573.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-GalsterA #enterprise #variability
- A Variability Viewpoint for Enterprise Software Systems (MG, PA), pp. 267–271.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-HeeschAH #architecture
- Forces on Architecture Decisions — A Viewpoint (UvH, PA, RH), pp. 101–110.
- ECSA-2011-CapillaZZAK #architecture #design #lifecycle #metamodelling #re-engineering
- An Enhanced Architectural Knowledge Metamodel Linking Architectural Design Decisions to other Artifacts in the Software Engineering Lifecycle (RC, OZ, UZ, PA, JMK), pp. 303–318.
- ECSA-2011-StolAB #design pattern #evaluation #identification #open source #process
- Design and Evaluation of a Process for Identifying Architecture Patterns in Open Source Software (KJS, PA, MAB), pp. 147–163.
- ECSA-2011-TofanGA #architecture #grid
- Reducing Architectural Knowledge Vaporization by Applying the Repertory Grid Technique (DT, MG, PA), pp. 244–251.
- ICSE-2011-TofanGA #architecture #grid #using
- Capturing tacit architectural knowledge using the repertory grid technique (DT, MG, PA), pp. 916–919.
- QoSA-ISARCS-2011-GalsterA #architecture
- Empirically-grounded reference architectures: a proposal (MG, PA), pp. 153–158.
- WICSA-2011-GalsterA #architecture #problem #variability
- Handling Variability in Software Architecture: Problems and Implications (MG, PA), pp. 171–180.
- WICSA-2011-HeeschA #architecture #maturity #overview #process #reasoning
- Mature Architecting — A Survey about the Reasoning Process of Professional Architects (UvH, PA), pp. 260–269.
- ECSA-2010-HeeschA #architecture #comprehension #overview #process #reasoning #student
- Naive Architecting — Understanding the Reasoning Process of Students — A Descriptive Survey (UvH, PA), pp. 24–37.
- ECSA-2010-KamalA #design pattern #mining
- Mining Relationships between the Participants of Architectural Patterns (AWK, PA), pp. 401–408.
- SAC-2010-KamalA #design pattern #modelling #variability
- Modeling the variability of architectural patterns (AWK, PA), pp. 2344–2351.
- WICSA-ECSA-2009-AriasAA #execution #scalability
- Defining execution viewpoints for a large and complex software-intensive system (TBCA, PA, PA), pp. 1–10.
- ECSA-2008-KamalA #behaviour #design pattern #modelling #using
- Modeling Architectural Patterns’ Behavior Using Architectural Primitives (AWK, PA), pp. 164–179.
- QoSA-2008-JansenVAV #analysis #architecture
- Sharing the Architectural Knowledge of Quantitative Analysis (AJ, TdV, PA, MvV), pp. 220–234.
- WCRE-2008-AriasAA #dependence #execution #scalability
- Analyzing the Actual Execution of a Large Software-Intensive System for Determining Dependencies (TBCA, PA, PA), pp. 49–58.
- WICSA-2008-HarrisonA #analysis #design pattern #documentation #legacy
- Analysis of Architecture Pattern Usage in Legacy System Architecture Documentation (NBH, PA), pp. 147–156.
- WICSA-2008-LagoACK #architecture #bound #community
- Wishes and Boundaries for a Software Architecture Knowledge Community (PL, PA, RC, PK), pp. 271–274.
- ECSA-2007-HarrisonA #design pattern #quality
- Leveraging Architecture Patterns to Satisfy Quality Attributes (NBH, PA), pp. 263–270.
- WICSA-2007-JansenVAH #architecture #tool support
- Tool Support for Architectural Decisions (AJ, JSvdV, PA, DKH), p. 4.
- OOPSLA-2005-ZdunA #design pattern #modelling #using
- Modeling architectural patterns using architectural primitives (UZ, PA), pp. 133–146.
- WCRE-1999-AriasAA99a #resource management #scalability
- Constructing a Resource Usage View of a Large and Complex Software-Intensive System (TBCA, PA, PA), pp. 247–255.
- MoDELS-2016-HeALL #case study #technical debt
- Technical debt in MDE: a case study on GMF/EMF-based projects (XH, PA, PL, ZL), pp. 162–172.
- WICSA-2016-LewisLA
- A Decision Model for Cyber-Foraging Systems (GAL, PL, PA), pp. 51–60.
- ECSA-2017-DigkasLCA #ecosystem #evolution #technical debt
- The Evolution of Technical Debt in the Apache Ecosystem (GD, ML, AC, PA), pp. 51–66.
- ECSA-2017-YangLAEHP #architecture #case study #industrial
- Architectural Assumptions and Their Management in Industry - An Exploratory Study (CY0, PL0, PA, UE, RH, PP), pp. 191–207.
- ICSA-2019-AvgeriouRZ
- Message from the General Chair and PC Chairs of ICSA 2019 (PA, MR, UZ), p. ix-x.