Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
M.Sitaraman C.T.Cook H.Smith J.O.Hallstrom J.White S.Drachova-Strang D.P.Leonard J.Krone R.Pak
Talks about:
specif (2) experiment (1) student (1) modular (1) verifi (1) reason (1) integr (1) compil (1) verif (1) evalu (1)
Person: Heather K. Harton
DBLP: Harton:Heather_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICSE-2012-CookHSS #compilation #composition #specification #using #verification
- Specification engineering and modular verification using a web-integrated verifying compiler (CTC, HKH, HS, MS), pp. 1379–1382.
- ITiCSE-2009-SitaramanHWDHLKP #evaluation #reasoning #specification #student
- Engaging students in specification and reasoning: “hands-on” experimentation and evaluation (MS, JOH, JW, SDS, HKH, DPL, JK, RP), pp. 50–54.