Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ T.Arendt A.Habel G.Täntzer N.Nassar J.S.Becker
Talks about:
graph (5) constraint (2) second (2) invari (2) condit (2) order (2) nest (2) sup (2) ocl (2) translat (1)
Person: Hendrik Radke
DBLP: Radke:Hendrik
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICGT-2015-RadkeABHT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl #set
- Translating Essential OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints Focusing on Set Operations (HR, TA, JSB, AH, GT), pp. 155–170.
- ICGT-2014-ArendtHRT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl
- From Core OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints (TA, AH, HR, GT), pp. 97–112.
- GCM-J-2012-Radke #graph #higher-order #monad
- HR* Graph Conditions Between Counting Monadic Second-Order and Second-Order Graph Formulas (HR).
- ICGT-2010-Radke #correctness #graph #source code
- Correctness of Graph Programs Relative to HR + Conditions (HR), pp. 410–412.
- ICMT-2017-NassarRA #approach #automation #emf #interactive #modelling #rule-based
- Rule-Based Repair of EMF Models: An Automated Interactive Approach (NN, HR, TA), pp. 171–181.