Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × USA
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
F.Henglein H.Makholm P.H.Eidorff C.Mossin M.H.Sørensen M.Tofte L.Birkedal S.Debois E.Elsborg T.T.Hildebrandt
Talks about:
approach (2) domini (2) year (2) type (2) anno (2) theoret (1) problem (1) practic (1) convers (1) control (1)
Person: Henning Niss
DBLP: Niss:Henning
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- FoSSaCS-2006-BirkedalDEHN #modelling
- Bigraphical Models of Context-Aware Systems (LB, SD, EE, TTH, HN), pp. 187–201.
- PPDP-2001-HengleinMN #approach #control flow #memory management
- A Direct Approach to Control-Flow Sensitive Region-Based Memory Management (FH, HM, HN), pp. 175–186.
- POPL-1999-EidorffHMNST #named #type system
- AnnoDomini: From Type Theory to Year 2000 Conversion Tool (PHE, FH, CM, HN, MHS, MT), pp. 1–14.
- TLCA-1999-EidorffHMNST #approach #problem
- AnnoDomini in Practice: A Type-Theoretic Approach to the Year 2000 Problem (PHE, FH, CM, HN, MHS, MT), pp. 6–13.