Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Italy
1 × Norway
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
1 × Uruguay
Collaborated with:
T.Slaats R.R.Mukkamala S.Debois G.Perrone H.A.López A.J.Faithfull T.Hallwyl F.Henglein L.Birkedal E.Elsborg H.Niss
Talks about:
process (3) bigraph (3) system (3) dynam (3) respons (2) condit (2) model (2) manag (2) graph (2) case (2)
Person: Thomas T. Hildebrandt
DBLP: Hildebrandt:Thomas_T=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- FM-2015-DeboisHS #composition #information management #liveness #process #refinement #runtime #safety
- Safety, Liveness and Run-Time Refinement for Modular Process-Aware Information Systems with Dynamic Sub Processes (SD, TTH, TS), pp. 143–160.
- EDOC-2013-MukkamalaHS #adaptation #graph #towards
- Towards Trustworthy Adaptive Case Management with Dynamic Condition Response Graphs (RRM, TTH, TS), pp. 127–136.
- GCM-J-2012-FaithfullPH #development #graph
- Big Red: A Development Environment for Bigraphs (AJF, GP, TTH).
- SAC-2012-PerroneDH #graph #model checking
- A model checker for Bigraphs (GP, SD, TTH), pp. 1320–1325.
- EDOC-2011-HildebrandtMS #design #graph #using
- Designing a Cross-Organizational Case Management System Using Dynamic Condition Response Graphs (TTH, RRM, TS), pp. 161–170.
- SEFM-2011-HildebrandtMS #declarative #process
- Safe Distribution of Declarative Processes (TTH, RRM, TS), pp. 237–252.
- SAC-2010-HallwylHH #standard
- A standard-driven implementaion of WS-BPEL 2.0 (TH, FH, TTH), pp. 2472–2476.
- ICLP-2009-HildebrandtL #concurrent #constraints #pattern matching #programming
- Types for Secure Pattern Matching with Local Knowledge in Universal Concurrent Constraint Programming (TTH, HAL), pp. 417–431.
- FoSSaCS-2006-BirkedalDEHN #modelling
- Bigraphical Models of Context-Aware Systems (LB, SD, EE, TTH, HN), pp. 187–201.