Travelled to:
1 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.M.Aoki M.H.Szymanski A.Woodruff R.E.Grinter A.Hurst L.D.Plurkowski W.Yi M.Romaine D.Wilson
Talks about:
parti (3) convers (2) visit (2) space (2) mobil (2) audio (2) understand (1) technolog (1) interplay (1) structur (1)
Person: James D. Thornton
DBLP: Thornton:James_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSCW-2006-AokiSPTWY #multi
- Where’s the “party” in “multi-party”?: analyzing the structure of small-group sociable talk (PMA, MHS, LDP, JDT, AW, WY), pp. 393–402.
- CHI-2003-AokiRSTWW #mobile #multi #social
- The mad hatter’s cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations (PMA, MR, MHS, JDT, DW, AW), pp. 425–432.
- CHI-2002-AokiGHSTW #mobile
- Sotto voce: exploring the interplay of conversation and mobile audio spaces (PMA, REG, AH, MHS, JDT, AW), pp. 431–438.
- CSCW-2002-GrinterASTWH #comprehension #how
- Revisiting the visit: : understanding how technology can shape the museum visit (REG, PMA, MHS, JDT, AW, AH), pp. 146–155.