74 papers:
DAC-2015-RajendranVK #detection- Detecting malicious modifications of data in third-party intellectual property cores (JR, VV, RK), p. 6.
TACAS-2015-MullerPV #contest- Predator Hunting Party (Competition Contribution) (PM, PP, TV), pp. 443–446.
ICFP-2015-BahrBE #contract #multi- Certified symbolic management of financial multi-party contracts (PB, JB, ME), pp. 315–327.
DUXU-IXD-2015-AkerO #effectiveness #interactive #social #social media- Social Media Interactions and the Use of Third-Party Management Applications on Effectiveness and Perception of Information (ÇA, ÖÖ), pp. 3–12.
KDD-2015-LinLC #framework #multi #network #social- A Learning-based Framework to Handle Multi-round Multi-party Influence Maximization on Social Networks (SCL, SDL, MSC), pp. 695–704.
VLDB-2014-FuOPZ #component #declarative #javascript #named #using- FORWARD: Data-Centric UIs using Declarative Templates that Efficiently Wrap Third-Party JavaScript Components (YF, KWO, YP, EZ), pp. 1649–1652.
STOC-2014-HaitnerT #protocol- An almost-optimally fair three-party coin-flipping protocol (IH, ET), pp. 408–416.
CHI-2014-MengZHZES #development #named #user interface- WADE: simplified GUI add-on development for third-party software (XM, SZ, YH, ZZ, JE, RS), pp. 2221–2230.
EDOC-2014-PourmirzaDG #collaboration #runtime- Switching Parties in a Collaboration at Run-Time (SP, RMD, PWPJG), pp. 136–141.
CC-2014-FranzHKSV #c #compilation #named- CBMC-GC: An ANSI C Compiler for Secure Two-Party Computations (MF, AH, SK, CS, HV), pp. 244–249.
CBSE-2013-SchwittekE #case study #component #enterprise #java #open source #reuse- A study on third party component reuse in Java enterprise open source software (WS, SE), pp. 75–80.
CSMR-2013-Businge #co-evolution #eclipse #framework #plugin- Co-evolution of the Eclipse SDK Framework and Its Third-Party Plug-Ins (JB), pp. 427–430.
CSMR-2013-JezekHB #analysis #compilation #library- Supplying Compiler’s Static Compatibility Checks by the Analysis of Third-Party Libraries (KJ, LH, PB), pp. 375–378.
ICALP-v1-2013-KonradR #approximate #communication #streaming- Approximating Semi-matchings in Streaming and in Two-Party Communication (CK, AR), pp. 637–649.
HCI-IMT-2013-TungGKM #human-computer #interactive #multimodal #using- Multi-party Human-Machine Interaction Using a Smart Multimodal Digital Signage (TT, RG, TK, TM), pp. 408–415.
ECIR-2013-McParlaneMW #detection #recommendation #semantics- Detecting Friday Night Party Photos: Semantics for Tag Recommendation (PJM, YM, IW), pp. 756–759.
RE-2013-SaitoTHKA #quality #requirements #specification- Requirements clinic: Third party inspection methodology and practice for improving the quality of software requirements specifications (SS, MT, MH, TK, MA), pp. 290–295.
CAV-2013-KhalimovJB #synthesis- PARTY Parameterized Synthesis of Token Rings (AK, SJ, RB), pp. 928–933.
CSMR-2012-KlattDKKSW #component #evolution #identification- Identify Impacts of Evolving Third Party Components on Long-Living Software Systems (BK, ZD, HK, KK, JS, RW), pp. 461–464.
ICSM-2012-BauerHD #approach #library- A structured approach to assess third-party library usage (VB, LH, FD), pp. 483–492.
ICSM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin- Survival of Eclipse third-party plug-ins (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 368–377.
SCAM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin #predict- Compatibility Prediction of Eclipse Third-Party Plug-ins in New Eclipse Releases (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 164–173.
CSCW-2012-MellisB #arduino #collaboration #hardware #open source- Collaboration in open-source hardware: third-party variations on the arduino duemilanove (DM, LB), pp. 1175–1178.
ICPR-2012-WuMML #collaboration #recognition #representation #robust- Robust object recognition via third-party collaborative representation (YW, MM, MM, SL), pp. 3423–3426.
CHI-2011-ByrneKJ #editing- Life editing: third-party perspectives on lifelog content (DB, AK, GJFJ), pp. 1501–1510.
HCI-UA-2011-HopeOHL #design #multi- Spatial Design, Designers and Users: Exploring the Meaning of Multi-party Service Cognition (TH, MO, YH, MHL), pp. 328–335.
HIMI-v1-2011-NamPKLW #authentication- Server-Aided Password-Authenticated Key Exchange: From 3-Party to Group (JN, JP, JK, YL, DW), pp. 339–348.
KDIR-2011-ShaikhSW #classification #multi- Classification of Dialogue Acts in Urdu Multi-party Discourse (SS, TS, NW), pp. 406–412.
RecSys-2011-GuzziRB #interactive #multi #recommendation- Interactive multi-party critiquing for group recommendation (FG, FR, RDB), pp. 265–268.
CBSE-2010-GamaD #component #execution #self- A Self-healing Component Sandbox for Untrustworthy Third Party Code Execution (KG, DD), pp. 130–149.
ECSA-2010-TibermacineK #component #development #web #web service- From Web Components to Web Services: Opening Development for Third Parties (CT, MLK), pp. 480–484.
CIAA-2010-KutribM- Two-Party Watson-Crick Computations (MK, AM), pp. 191–200.
KDD-2010-SozioG #how #problem- The community-search problem and how to plan a successful cocktail party (MS, AG), pp. 939–948.
OOPSLA-2010-LernerVG #aspect-oriented #javascript #using- Supporting dynamic, third-party code customizations in JavaScript using aspects (BSL, HV, DG), pp. 361–376.
SAC-2010-DolevGK #multi #scalability #trust- Computing multi-party trust privately: in O(n) time units sending one (possibly large) message at a time (SD, NG, MK), pp. 1460–1465.
CBSE-2009-LiCHMC #component #fault tolerance #model checking- Selecting Fault Tolerant Styles for Third-Party Components with Model Checking Support (JL, XC, GH, HM, FC), pp. 69–86.
ICEIS-J-2009-BacarinMM #contract #multi- Assembling and Managing Virtual Organizations out of Multi-party Contracts (EB, ERMM, CBM), pp. 758–769.
KMIS-2009-RohrbaughH #information management #multi #process- Value Knowledge Management — Process Structuring for Multi-party Conflict (JR, SH), pp. 63–68.
RE-2009-JuretaMF #analysis #multi #requirements #validation- Analysis of Multi-Party Agreement in Requirements Validation (IJ, JM, SF), pp. 57–66.
SAC-2009-KerschbaumDSB #communication #complexity #multi #on the #protocol- On the practical importance of communication complexity for secure multi-party computation protocols (FK, DD, AS, DB), pp. 2008–2015.
LDTA-2008-Jonge09 #component #product line- Developing Product Lines with Third-Party Components (MdJ), pp. 63–80.
STOC-2008-GordonHKL- Complete fairness in secure two-party computation (SDG, CH, JK, YL), pp. 413–422.
ICALP-C-2008-HirtNP #communication #multi #polynomial- Asynchronous Multi-Party Computation with Quadratic Communication (MH, JBN, BP), pp. 473–485.
PADL-2008-FernandezFFGM #developer #ml #programming #tool support- A Generic Programming Toolkit for PADS/ML: First-Class Upgrades for Third-Party Developers (MFF, KF, JNF, MG, YM), pp. 133–149.
CSCW-2006-AokiSPTWY #multi- Where’s the “party” in “multi-party”?: analyzing the structure of small-group sociable talk (PMA, MHS, LDP, JDT, AW, WY), pp. 393–402.
SAC-2006-CreeseGRX #ad hoc #multi #security- Bootstrapping multi-party ad-hoc security (SC, MG, BR, MX), pp. 369–375.
CASE-2005-JungCJ #coordination- A production-distribution coordinating model for third party logistics partnership (HJ, FFC, BJ), pp. 99–104.
STOC-2005-AhnHL- Covert two-party computation (LvA, NJH, JL), pp. 513–522.
STOC-2005-SanghviV #complexity #random- The round complexity of two-party random selection (SS, SPV), pp. 338–347.
CIKM-2005-CarminatiFB #xml- Securing XML data in third-party distribution systems (BC, EF, EB), pp. 99–106.
OOPSLA-2005-KojarskiL #aspect-oriented #composition #design- Pluggable AOP: designing aspect mechanisms for third-party composition (SK, DHL), pp. 247–263.
SAC-2005-Strangio #performance #protocol- Efficient Diffie-Hellmann two-party key agreement protocols based on elliptic curves (MAS), pp. 324–331.
STOC-2004-HarnikNRR #perspective- Completeness in two-party secure computation: a computational view (DH, MN, OR, AR), pp. 252–261.
STOC-2004-Pass #bound #multi- Bounded-concurrent secure multi-party computation with a dishonest majority (RP), pp. 232–241.
STOC-2003-Lindell #bound- Bounded-concurrent secure two-party computation without setup assumptions (YL), pp. 683–692.
CHI-2003-AokiRSTWW #mobile #multi #social- The mad hatter’s cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations (PMA, MR, MHS, JDT, DW, AW), pp. 425–432.
STOC-2002-CanettiLOS #composition #multi- Universally composable two-party and multi-party secure computation (RC, YL, RO, AS), pp. 494–503.
STOC-2002-CrepeauGS #multi #quantum- Secure multi-party quantum computation (CC, DG, AS), pp. 643–652.
DLT-2002-Adorna #nondeterminism #on the- On the Separation between k-Party and (k-1)-Party Nondeterministic Message Complexities (HNA), pp. 152–161.
CBSE-2001-Councill #certification- Third-Party Certification and Its Required Elements (WTC), p. 20.
CBSE-2001-StaffordW #certification #question- Is Third Party Certification Necessary? (JAS, KCW), p. 5.
DATE-2001-CharestRAB #open source- A methodology for interfacing open source systemC with a third party software (LC, MR, EMA, GB), p. 16.
ICALP-2001-Baum-Waidner #contract #multi- Optimistic Asynchronous Multi-party Contract Signing with Reduced Number of Rounds (BBW), pp. 898–911.
STOC-2000-Kilian #theorem- More general completeness theorems for secure two-party computation (JK), pp. 316–324.
ICALP-2000-Baum-WaidnerW #contract #multi- Round-Optimal and Abuse Free Optimistic Multi-party Contract Signing (BBW, MW), pp. 524–535.
CSCW-2000-JacksonAMM #behaviour #video- Impact of video frame rate on communicative behaviour in two and four party groups (MJ, AHA, RM, JM), pp. 11–20.
STOC-1999-CanettiO #what- Secure Computation with Honest-Looking Parties: What If Nobody Is Truly Honest? (Extended Abstract) (RC, RO), pp. 255–264.
STOC-1996-CanettiFGN #adaptation #multi- Adaptively Secure Multi-Party Computation (RC, UF, OG, MN), pp. 639–648.
STOC-1995-BellareR- Provably secure session key distribution: the three party case (MB, PR), pp. 57–66.
HT-ECHT-1994-DavisKH #case study #hypermedia #integration- Light Hypermedia Link Services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration (HCD, SK, WH), pp. 41–50.
IWPTS-1992-TangLF #consistency #multi- The IS-IS Multi-Party Conformance Test System (DT, JL, JPF), pp. 251–262.
STOC-1991-Kilian #game studies #theorem- A General Completeness Theorem for Two-Party Games (JK), pp. 553–560.
POPL-1990-AttieFG #interactive #multi- Fairness and Hyperfairness in Multi-Party Interactions (PCA, NF, OG), pp. 292–305.
STOC-1983-ChandraFL83b #multi #protocol- Multi-Party Protocols (AKC, MLF, RJL), pp. 94–99.