Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Georgia
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.T.Hancock J.P.Birnholtz N.N.Bazarova J.Spiegel M.Drislane B.Weiß W.Donner J.Perlin B.Amos
Talks about:
decept (2) awar (2) interperson (1) distribut (1) contagion (1) narrat (1) design (1) butler (1) upset (1) group (1)
Person: Jamie Guillory
DBLP: Guillory:Jamie
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2011-GuillorySDWDH #distributed
- Upset now?: emotion contagion in distributed groups (JG, JS, MD, BW, WD, JTH), pp. 745–748.
- CSCW-2010-BirnholtzGHB #quote
- “On my way”: deceptive texting and interpersonal awareness narratives (JPB, JG, JTH, NNB), pp. 1–4.
- CHI-2009-HancockBBGPA #design
- Butler lies: awareness, deception and design (JTH, JPB, NNB, JG, JP, BA), pp. 517–526.