Travelled to:
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.E.Sward D.Schweitzer L.Scharff
Talks about:
architectur (3) implement (3) concept (3) servic (3) orient (3) soa (3) classroom (1) interact (1) graphic (1) tool (1)
Person: Jeff Boleng
DBLP: Boleng:Jeff
Facilitated 5 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- HILT-2013-BolengS #architecture #concept #implementation
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts and implementations (JB, RES), pp. 11–12.
- HILT-2012-SwardB #architecture #concept #implementation
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts and implementations (RES, JB), pp. 11–12.
- ITiCSE-2011-SchweitzerBS #interactive #tool support
- Interactive tools in the graphics classroom (DS, JB, LS), pp. 113–117.
- SIGAda-2011-SwardB #architecture #concept #implementation
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA)concepts and implementations (RES, JB), pp. 3–4.