Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.A.Streitz J.M.Haake J.Hol A.Bapat D.L.Hicks D.A.Tietze T.Holmer S.Konomi C.Müller-Tomfelde W.Reischl P.Rexroth P.Seitz R.Steinmetz
Talks about:
dolphin (2) meet (2) whiteboard (1) distribut (1) landscap (1) interact (1) electron (1) support (1) program (1) environ (1)
Person: Jörg Geißler
DBLP: Gei=szlig=ler:J=ouml=rg
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-1999-StreitzGHKMRRSS #interactive #named
- i-LAND: An Interactive Landscape for Creativity and Innovation (NAS, JG, TH, SK, CMT, WR, PR, PS, RS), pp. 120–127.
- CSCW-1996-BapatGHST #distributed #video
- From Electronic Whiteboards to Distributed Meetings: Extending the Scope of DOLPHIN (Video Program) (AB, JG, DLH, NAS, DAT), p. 10.
- CSCW-1994-StreitzGHH #named
- DOLPHIN: Integrated Meeting Support Across Local and Remote Desktop Environments and LiveBoards (NAS, JG, JMH, JH), pp. 345–358.