Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × UK
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
A.Sourouni D.Askounis I.Makarouni G.Mitrou G.Kourlimpinis S.Mouzakitis F.Lampathaki G.Kostaras
Talks about:
industri (2) problem (2) real (2) methodolog (1) enterpris (1) criteria (1) approach (1) sequenc (1) schedul (1) process (1)
Person: John E. Psarras
DBLP: Psarras:John_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- KMIS-2009-SourouniKPA #enterprise #modelling #ontology #process
- An Upper Ontology for Enterprise Process Modelling (AMS, GK, JEP, DA), pp. 328–331.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-MouzakitisSLP #approach #integration
- A Methodological Approach for Measuring B2B Integration Readiness of SMEs (SM, AMS, FL, JEP), pp. 298–303.
- ICEIS-2000-KostarasMMP #industrial #multi #problem #scalability
- Solving Large Scale Multi-Criteria Job Sequencing Problems in Real Industrial Environments (GK, IM, GM, JEP), pp. 157–162.
- ICEIS-1999-PsarrasMMA #industrial #optimisation #problem #scheduling
- Optimizing a Real-World Scheduling Problem in the Steel Industry (JEP, GM, IM, DA), p. 767.