Travelled to:
1 × Austria
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Swamy J.G.Castaños M.G.Wloka D.A.Carlson
Talks about:
tradeoff (2) space (2) pebbl (2) graph (2) time (2) framework (1) difficult (1) parallel (1) multipl (1) heurist (1)
Person: John E. Savage
DBLP: Savage:John_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- HPDC-1999-CastanosS #adaptation #framework #named
- PARED: A Framework for the Adaptive Solution of PDEs (JGC, JES), pp. 133–140.
- ICALP-1990-SavageW #clustering #heuristic #on the
- On Parallelizing Graph-Partitioning Heuristics (JES, MGW), pp. 476–489.
- STOC-1980-CarlsonS #graph
- Graph Pebbling with Many Free Pebbles can be Difficult (DAC, JES), pp. 326–332.
- ICALP-1979-SavageS #integer #multi #trade-off
- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Oblivious Integer Multiplications (JES, SS), pp. 498–504.
- POPL-1979-SavageS #linear #recursion #trade-off
- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Linear Recursion (SS, JES), pp. 135–142.