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Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.L.Ramsey H.G.Cobb D.F.Gordon A.C.Schultz
Talks about:
learn (4) reactiv (2) control (2) increment (1) algorithm (1) strategi (1) competit (1) approach (1) persist (1) environ (1)

Person: John J. Grefenstette

DBLP DBLP: Grefenstette:John_J=

Contributed to:

ML 19921992
ML 19911991
ML 19901990
ML 19891989

Wrote 5 papers:

ML-1992-GrefenstetteR #approach #learning
An Approach to Anytime Learning (JJG, CLR), pp. 189–195.
ML-1991-CobbG #learning #persistent
Learning the Persistence of Actions in Reactive Control Rules (HGC, JJG), pp. 292–297.
ML-1990-GordonG #empirical
Explanations of Empirically Derived Reactive Plans (DFG, JJG), pp. 198–203.
ML-1990-RamseyGS #contest #difference #learning
Simulation-Assisted Learning by Competition: Effects of Noise Differences Between Training Model and Target Environment (CLR, JJG, ACS), pp. 211–215.
ML-1989-Grefenstette #algorithm #incremental #learning #search-based
Incremental Learning of Control Strategies with Genetic algorithms (JJG), pp. 340–344.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.