Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Morstatter K.Mayer H.Liu C.Castillo M.El-Haddad M.Stempeck Fares Kayali Vera Schwarz Gerit Götzenbrucker Barbara Franz P.Purgathofer
Talks about:
serious (2) social (2) topic (2) onlin (2) transdisciplinari (1) methodolog (1) consensus (1) character (1) research (1) reaction (1)
Person: Jürgen Pfeffer
DBLP: Pfeffer:J=uuml=rgen
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- HT-2015-MorstatterPML #statistics #topic
- Text, Topics, and Turkers: A Consensus Measure for Statistical Topics (FM, JP, KM, HL), pp. 123–131.
- CSCW-2014-CastilloEPS #lifecycle #online #social #social media #using
- Characterizing the life cycle of online news stories using social media reactions (CC, MEH, JP, MS), pp. 211–223.
- DiGRA-2011-KayaliSGPFP #design #game studies #online #research
- Serious Beats: Transdisciplinary research methodologies for designing and evaluating a socially integrative serious music-based online game (FK, VS, GG, JP, BF, PP).