Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × France
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ S.Chakrabarti A.Krishnamurthy A.Kamil S.J.Garland J.L.Zachary B.Liblit A.Aiken K.E.Schauser C.J.Scheiman R.Y.Wang D.E.Culler
Talks about:
distribut (4) parallel (3) program (3) system (3) algorithm (2) memori (2) type (2) multiprocessor (1) architectur (1) irregular (1)
Person: Katherine A. Yelick
DBLP: Yelick:Katherine_A=
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- HPDC-2011-Yelick #challenge
- Exascale opportunities and challenges (KAY), pp. 1–2.
- SAS-2007-KamilY #analysis #distributed #pointer #source code
- Hierarchical Pointer Analysis for Distributed Programs (AK, KAY), pp. 281–297.
- PPoPP-2005-Yelick
- Language innovations for HPCS (KAY), p. 119.
- SAS-2003-LiblitAY #distributed #type system
- Type Systems for Distributed Data Sharing (BL, AA, KAY), pp. 273–294.
- ASPLOS-1996-KrishnamurthySSWCY #architecture #communication #evaluation #parallel #scalability
- Evaluation of Architectural Support for Global Address-Based Communication in Large-Scale Parallel Machines (AK, KES, CJS, RYW, DEC, KAY), pp. 37–48.
- PLDI-1995-KrishnamurthyY #optimisation #parallel #source code
- Optimizing Parallel Programs with Explicit Synchronization (AK, KAY), pp. 196–204.
- PPoPP-1993-ChakrabartiY #distributed #implementation #memory management #multi
- Implementing an Irregular Application on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor (SC, KAY), pp. 169–178.
- RTA-1993-ChakrabartiY #algorithm #correctness #distributed #memory management #on the
- On the Correctness of a Distributed Memory Gröbner basis Algorithm (SC, KAY), pp. 77–91.
- CADE-1992-YelickG #parallel #term rewriting
- A Parallel Completion Procedure for Term Rewriting Systems (KAY, SJG), pp. 109–123.
- POPL-1989-YelickZ #logic programming #type system
- Moded Type Systems for Logic Programming (KAY, JLZ), pp. 116–124.
- RTA-1985-Yelick #algorithm #equation #unification
- Combining Unification Algorithms for Confined Regular Equational Theories (KAY), pp. 365–380.