Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Yee J.N.Bailenson E.Robles A.Sukumaran C.Nass
Talks about:
be (3) interfac (1) surveil (1) special (1) realism (1) monitor (1) analysi (1) inclus (1) impact (1) experi (1)
Person: Kathryn Rickertsen
DBLP: Rickertsen:Kathryn
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2007-YeeBR #case study #experience #user interface
- A meta-analysis of the impact of the inclusion and realism of human-like faces on user experiences in interfaces (NY, JNB, KR), pp. 1–10.
- CHI-2006-RoblesSRN #how
- Being watched or being special: how I learned to stop worrying and love being monitored, surveilled, and assessed (ER, AS, KR, CN), pp. 831–839.