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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.Fisher D.Walker H.Wang A.E.Santosa Z.Zhang J.Jaffar R.H.C.Yap W.Wu H.Li N.Foster Q.Xi P.White D.S.Dantas L.Jia Y.Mandelbaum V.S.Pai
Talks about:
data (5) hoc (5) ad (5) program (2) languag (2) generat (2) automat (2) system (2) learn (2) tool (2)

Person: Kenny Qili Zhu

DBLP DBLP: Zhu:Kenny_Qili

Contributed to:

KDD 20122012
PADL 20122012
SIGMOD 20122012
ICFP 20112011
PADL 20092009
PPDP 20092009
POPL 20082008
SIGMOD 20082008
ICLP 20052005
CAiSE 20022002

Wrote 10 papers:

KDD-2012-ZhangZW #web
A system for extracting top-K lists from the web (ZZ, KQZ, HW), pp. 1560–1563.
PADL-2012-ZhuFW #ad hoc #incremental
LearnPADS + + : Incremental Inference of Ad Hoc Data Formats (KQZ, KF, DW), pp. 168–182.
SIGMOD-2012-WuLWZ #comprehension #named #probability #taxonomy
Probase: a probabilistic taxonomy for text understanding (WW, HL, HW, KQZ), pp. 481–492.
ICFP-2011-FisherFWZ #named #programming #tool support
Forest: a language and toolkit for programming with filestores (KF, NF, DW, KQZ), pp. 292–306.
PADL-2009-XiFWZ #ad hoc #ambiguity #problem
Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem (QX, KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 91–106.
PPDP-2009-ZhuDFJMPW #ad hoc #distributed
Language support for processing distributed ad hoc data (KQZ, DSD, KF, LJ, YM, VSP, DW), pp. 243–254.
POPL-2008-FisherWZW #ad hoc #automation #generative
From dirt to shovels: fully automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ, PW), pp. 421–434.
SIGMOD-2008-FisherWZ #ad hoc #automation #generative #named
LearnPADS: automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 1299–1302.
ICLP-2005-JaffarYZ #coordination
Coordination of Many Agents (JJ, RHCY, KQZ), pp. 98–112.
CAiSE-2002-ZhuS #constraints #programming #scheduling
A Meeting Scheduling System Based on Open Constraint Programming (KQZ, AES), pp. 792–796.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.