Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Z.Lin P.Shrotriya S.Sundararajan Q.Zou
Talks about:
approach (2) distanc (2) control (2) measur (2) biolog (2) applic (2) speed (2) iter (2) high (2) forc (2)
Person: Kyong-Soo Kim
DBLP: Kim:Kyong=Soo
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2007-KimLSSZ #approach #biology #metric #performance #using
- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), pp. 219–224.
- CASE-2007-KimLSSZ07a #approach #biology #metric #performance #using
- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), p. 91–?.