430 papers:
- CASE-2015-XieZLSD #agile #analysis #approach #multi #process
- Analysis of multi-patient rapid response processes: An iterative approach (XX, ZZ, JL, CHS, PD), pp. 740–745.
- DATE-2015-SonghoriMLK #automation #data analysis #framework #hardware #named
- AHEAD: automated framework for hardware accelerated iterative data analysis (EMS, AM, XL, FK), pp. 942–947.
- SIGMOD-2015-DudoladovXSKETM
- Optimistic Recovery for Iterative Dataflows in Action (SD, CX, SS, AK, SE, KT, VM), pp. 1439–1443.
- VLDB-2015-LiCM #approach #data-driven #query
- Query From Examples: An Iterative, Data-Driven Approach to Query Construction (HL, CYC, DM), pp. 2158–2169.
- VLDB-2015-ZhouLLZ #graph #named #optimisation #performance
- GraphTwist: Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Two-tier Optimizations (YZ, LL, KL, QZ), pp. 1262–1273.
- CSCW-2015-XuRDB #design #feedback #process #using
- A Classroom Study of Using Crowd Feedback in the Iterative Design Process (AX, HR, SPD, BPB), pp. 1637–1648.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-GuYWD #behaviour #design #interactive #network #social #visualisation
- Visualizing Group User Behaviors for Social Network Interaction Design Iteration (ZG, JMY, ZW, ZD), pp. 36–45.
- ICML-2015-LesnerS #approximate #policy
- Non-Stationary Approximate Modified Policy Iteration (BL, BS), pp. 1567–1575.
- SEKE-2015-SaharAA #approach #case study #detection #image #modelling #prototype
- A Case Study Approach: Iterative Prototyping Model Based Detection of Macular Edema in Retinal OCT Images (SS, SA, MUA), pp. 266–271.
- AMT-2015-HilkenBGV #development #modelling #using
- Iterative Development of Transformation Models by Using Classifying Terms (FH, LB, MG, AV), pp. 1–6.
- REFSQ-2015-KnaussARI #development #feedback #requirements #research
- Research Preview: Supporting Requirements Feedback Flows in Iterative System Development (EK, AA, MR, EI), pp. 277–283.
- SAC-2015-MinsamS #game studies
- Sustaining mutual cooperation in iterated prisoner’s dilemma game (KM, KYS), pp. 335–337.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-BorgesFdP #execution #probability #symbolic computation
- Iterative distribution-aware sampling for probabilistic symbolic execution (MB, AF, Md, CSP), pp. 866–877.
- HPDC-2015-ElliottHM #fault #linear
- A Numerical Soft Fault Model for Iterative Linear Solvers (JE, MH, FM), pp. 271–274.
- HPDC-2015-ZhouLLPZ #abstraction #graph #parallel #performance
- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Resource Aware Graph Parallel Abstractions (YZ, LL, KL, CP, QZ), pp. 179–190.
- ICST-2015-PankumhangR #test coverage
- Iterative Instrumentation for Code Coverage in Time-Sensitive Systems (TP, MR), pp. 1–10.
- CASE-2014-LeeJMC #framework #identification #recognition #robust
- Iterative identification framework for robust hand-written digit recognition under extremely noisy conditions (HL, SJ, TM, NYC), pp. 728–733.
- CASE-2014-MinakaisMW #learning
- Groundhog Day: Iterative learning for building temperature control (MM, SM, JTW), pp. 948–953.
- DAC-2014-ZhangYYX #approximate #framework #named
- ApproxIt: An Approximate Computing Framework for Iterative Methods (QZ, FY, RY, QX), p. 6.
- PEPM-J-2013-AngelisFPP14 #verification
- Program verification via iterated specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 149–175.
- SAS-2014-MonniauxS
- Speeding Up Logico-Numerical Strategy Iteration (DM, PS), pp. 253–267.
- STOC-2014-FournierLMS #bound #matrix #multi
- Lower bounds for depth 4 formulas computing iterated matrix multiplication (HF, NL, GM, SS), pp. 128–135.
- FM-2014-RouxG #comparison #invariant #polynomial
- Computing Quadratic Invariants with Min- and Max-Policy Iterations: A Practical Comparison (PR, PLG), pp. 563–578.
- SEFM-2014-DuboisR #functional #using
- Verified Functional Iterators Using the FoCaLiZe Environment (CD, RR), pp. 317–331.
- CHI-2014-KusunokiSWMZTB #ad hoc #design #multi
- Balancing design tensions: iterative display design to support ad hoc and multidisciplinary medical teamwork (DSK, AS, NW, IM, ZZ, GT, RSB), pp. 3777–3786.
- CHI-2014-SchwarzXMHH #classification #probability #using
- Probabilistic palm rejection using spatiotemporal touch features and iterative classification (JS, RX, JM, SEH, CH), pp. 2009–2012.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-SterkenburgJP #design
- Auditory Emoticons: Iterative Design and Acoustic Characteristics of Emotional Auditory Icons and Earcons (JS, MJ, CP), pp. 633–640.
- HCI-TMT-2014-RaneburgerPKAS #automation #design #generative #incremental #interactive #process #user interface
- An Iterative and Incremental Process for Interaction Design through Automated GUI Generation (DR, RP, HK, AA, VS), pp. 373–384.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling
- AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
- ICML-c1-2014-MannM #approximate #policy #scalability
- Scaling Up Approximate Value Iteration with Options: Better Policies with Fewer Iterations (TAM, SM), pp. 127–135.
- ICML-c2-2014-Scherrer #approximate #comparison #policy
- Approximate Policy Iteration Schemes: A Comparison (BS), pp. 1314–1322.
- ICPR-2014-HtikeH #adaptation #detection #performance #video
- Efficient Non-iterative Domain Adaptation of Pedestrian Detectors to Video Scenes (KKH, DCH), pp. 654–659.
- KDIR-2014-DomeniconiMPS #category theory #classification
- Cross-domain Text Classification through Iterative Refining of Target Categories Representations (GD, GM, RP, CS), pp. 31–42.
- SKY-2014-GoldinG #named
- SPRing: Iterative Overcoming of Software Misuse (LG, RG), pp. 43–51.
- OOPSLA-2014-VoraKG #algorithm #consistency #named #parallel #using
- ASPIRE: exploiting asynchronous parallelism in iterative algorithms using a relaxed consistency based DSM (KV, SCK, RG), pp. 861–878.
- OOPSLA-2014-ZhangLBF #abstract syntax tree #optimisation
- Accelerating iterators in optimizing AST interpreters (WZ, PL, SB, MF), pp. 727–743.
- CC-2014-SurendranBZS #array #using
- Inter-iteration Scalar Replacement Using Array SSA Form (RS, RB, JZ, VS), pp. 40–60.
- LICS-CSL-2014-EndrullisH #morphism #on the
- On periodically iterated morphisms (JE, DH), p. 10.
- VMCAI-2014-Masse #policy #ranking #termination
- Policy Iteration-Based Conditional Termination and Ranking Functions (DM), pp. 453–471.
- DAC-2013-NacciRBSBA #algorithm #implementation #synthesis
- A high-level synthesis flow for the implementation of iterative stencil loop algorithms on FPGA devices (AAN, VR, FB, DS, IB, DA), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-AhmadyanV #analysis #reachability #reduction #set
- Reachability analysis of nonlinear analog circuits through iterative reachable set reduction (SNA, SV), pp. 1436–1441.
- SIGMOD-2013-EwenSTWM #parallel
- Iterative parallel data processing with stratosphere: an inside look (SE, SS, KT, DW, VM), pp. 1053–1056.
- VLDB-2013-MoyersSWKVBC #analysis #array #image #parallel
- A Demonstration of Iterative Parallel Array Processing in Support of Telescope Image Analysis (MM, ES, SW, KSK, JV, MB, AJC), pp. 1322–1325.
- VLDB-2013-PopescuBEA #named #predict #runtime #scalability #towards
- PREDIcT: Towards Predicting the Runtime of Large Scale Iterative Analytics (ADP, AB, VE, AA), pp. 1678–1689.
- VLDB-2013-SowellSCDG #analysis #in memory #memory management
- An Experimental Analysis of Iterated Spatial Joins in Main Memory (BS, MAVS, TC, AJD, JG), pp. 1882–1893.
- VLDB-2013-XieWBDG #graph #performance
- Fast Iterative Graph Computation with Block Updates (WX, GW, DB, AJD, JG), pp. 2014–2025.
- VLDB-2014-OnizukaKHNH13 #optimisation #pipes and filters #query
- Optimization for iterative queries on MapReduce (MO, HK, SH, KN, ZH), pp. 241–252.
- ITiCSE-2013-BillingsleyS #comparison #integration
- A comparison of two iterations of a software studio course based on continuous integration (WB, JS), pp. 213–218.
- TACAS-2013-HuangSW #game studies #model checking
- Model-Checking Iterated Games (CHH, SS, FW), pp. 154–168.
- PEPM-2013-AngelisFPP #source code #verification
- Verifying programs via iterated specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 43–52.
- CIAA-2013-Sutner #coordination #transducer
- Invertible Transducers, Iteration and Coordinates (KS), pp. 306–318.
- CHI-2013-OneyHOW #named #using
- ZoomBoard: a diminutive qwerty soft keyboard using iterative zooming for ultra-small devices (SO, CH, AO, JW), pp. 2799–2802.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-Tanaka-YamawakiI #prototype
- Finding a Prototype Form of Sustainable Strategies for the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (MTY, RI), pp. 616–624.
- CIKM-2013-KimCHZRD #feedback #mining #modelling #topic
- Mining causal topics in text data: iterative topic modeling with time series feedback (HDK, MC, MH, CZ, TAR, DD), pp. 885–890.
- ICML-c1-2013-KarbasiSS #learning
- Iterative Learning and Denoising in Convolutional Neural Associative Memories (AK, AHS, AS), pp. 445–453.
- ICML-c2-2013-GongZLHY #algorithm #optimisation #problem
- A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems (PG, CZ, ZL, JH, JY), pp. 37–45.
- ICML-c3-2013-BrechtelGD #incremental #learning #performance #representation
- Solving Continuous POMDPs: Value Iteration with Incremental Learning of an Efficient Space Representation (SB, TG, RD), pp. 370–378.
- ICML-c3-2013-Kuleshov #algorithm #analysis #component #performance
- Fast algorithms for sparse principal component analysis based on Rayleigh quotient iteration (VK), pp. 1418–1425.
- ICML-c3-2013-PirottaRPC #policy
- Safe Policy Iteration (MP, MR, AP, DC), pp. 307–315.
- MLDM-2013-HuangC #image #lightweight #segmentation #web
- Applying a Lightweight Iterative Merging Chinese Segmentation in Web Image Annotation (CMH, YJC), pp. 183–194.
- RecSys-2013-TianJ #graph #recommendation #using
- Recommending scientific articles using bi-relational graph-based iterative RWR (GT, LJ), pp. 399–402.
- OOPSLA-2013-DEliaD #multi #profiling
- Ball-Larus path profiling across multiple loop iterations (DCD, CD), pp. 373–390.
- QAPL-2013-Tranquilli
- Indexed Labels for Loop Iteration Dependent Costs (PT), pp. 19–33.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-GambiFD #refinement #testing
- Iterative test suites refinement for elastic computing systems (AG, AF, SD), pp. 635–638.
- PPoPP-2013-Chen #algorithm #detection #fault #fault tolerance #named #online
- Online-ABFT: an online algorithm based fault tolerance scheme for soft error detection in iterative methods (ZC), pp. 167–176.
- CSL-2013-KozenM #algebra
- Kleene Algebra with Products and Iteration Theories (DK, KM), pp. 415–431.
- VMCAI-2013-SchrammelS
- Logico-Numerical Max-Strategy Iteration (PS, PS), pp. 414–433.
- CBSE-2012-AtkinsonH #architecture #component #development #incremental
- Iterative and incremental development of component-based software architectures (CA, OH), pp. 77–82.
- CASE-2012-BaekKAYK #case study
- Study on iterative method of electro-hydraulic actuator in force control (SGB, HK, KTA, HGY, JCK), pp. 178–183.
- CASE-2012-HouLZ #on the #petri net
- On iterative liveness-enforcement for a class of generalized Petri nets (YH, DL, MZ), pp. 188–193.
- DATE-2012-Brenner
- VLSI legalization with minimum perturbation by iterative augmentation (UB), pp. 1385–1390.
- DATE-2012-YangGBSC #game studies #graph #policy #resource management
- Playing games with scenario- and resource-aware SDF graphs through policy iteration (YY, MG, TB, SS, HC), pp. 194–199.
- DRR-2012-ChazalonC #analysis #documentation #interactive #performance
- Iterative analysis of document collections enables efficient human-initiated interaction (JC, BC).
- VLDB-2012-EwenTKM #data flow #performance
- Spinning Fast Iterative Data Flows (SE, KT, MK, VM), pp. 1268–1279.
- IFL-2012-DieterleHBL #composition #parallel
- Iterating Skeletons — Structured Parallelism by Composition (MD, TH, JB, RL), pp. 18–36.
- GRAPHITE-2012-Cormie-Bowins #comparison #gpu #implementation #reachability
- A Comparison of Sequential and GPU Implementations of Iterative Methods to Compute Reachability Probabilities (ECB), pp. 20–34.
- CIKM-2012-ShangJLW #learning
- Learning spectral embedding via iterative eigenvalue thresholding (FS, LCJ, YL, FW), pp. 1507–1511.
- CIKM-2012-SudituF #adaptation #feedback #trade-off
- Iterative relevance feedback with adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off (NS, FF), pp. 1323–1331.
- CIKM-2012-YanWLZCL #image #summary #timeline #visualisation
- Visualizing timelines: evolutionary summarization via iterative reinforcement between text and image streams (RY, XW, ML, WXZ, PJC, XL), pp. 275–284.
- ICML-2012-KongD #algorithm #linear
- An Iterative Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm (DK, CHQD), p. 122.
- ICML-2012-ScherrerGGG #approximate #policy
- Approximate Modified Policy Iteration (BS, VG, MG, MG), p. 245.
- ICPR-2012-AmornbunchornvejLAIT #algorithm #clustering
- Iterative Neighbor-Joining tree clustering algorithm for genotypic data (CA, TL, AA, AI, ST), pp. 1827–1830.
- ICPR-2012-DahmBCG #detection #morphism
- Topological features and iterative node elimination for speeding up subgraph isomorphism detection (ND, HB, TC, YG), pp. 1164–1167.
- ICPR-2012-DaiBWT #segmentation
- Retinal vessel segmentation via Iterative Geodesic Time Transform (BD, WB, XW, YT), pp. 561–564.
- ICPR-2012-GuyonBZ #constraints #detection #matrix #rank #robust
- Foreground detection via robust low rank matrix factorization including spatial constraint with Iterative reweighted regression (CG, TB, EHZ), pp. 2805–2808.
- ICPR-2012-ShivakumaraHZTP #video
- A new Iterative-Midpoint-Method for video character gap filling (PS, DBH, DZ, CLT, UP), pp. 673–676.
- ICPR-2012-YangGAZW #classification #clustering #query
- Iterative clustering and support vectors-based high-confidence query selection for motor imagery EEG signals classification (HY, CG, KKA, HZ, CW), pp. 2169–2172.
- KDD-2012-WauthierJJ #clustering #nondeterminism #reduction
- Active spectral clustering via iterative uncertainty reduction (FLW, NJ, MIJ), pp. 1339–1347.
- KDIR-2012-HabibK #ambiguity
- Improving Toponym Disambiguation by Iteratively Enhancing Certainty of Extraction (MBH, MvK), pp. 399–410.
- KEOD-2012-BrandaoMS #approach #composition #incremental #interactive #named #navigation #ontology
- I3OM — An Iterative, Incremental and Interactive Approach for Ontology Navigation based on Ontology Modularization (RB, PM, NS), pp. 265–270.
- KEOD-2012-KhairMZ #data mining #education #mining #roadmap #student #using
- Creating an Educational Roadmap for Engineering Students via an Optimal and Iterative Yearly Regression Tree using Data Mining (MK, CEM, WZ), pp. 43–52.
- KR-2012-Grossi #fixpoint
- Fixpoints and Iterated Updates in Abstract Argumentation (DG).
- MoDELS-2012-CombemaleTB #infinity #modelling
- Formally Defining and Iterating Infinite Models (BC, XT, BB), pp. 119–133.
- MoDELS-2012-CombemaleTB #infinity #modelling
- Formally Defining and Iterating Infinite Models (BC, XT, BB), pp. 119–133.
- GPCE-2012-RaysideMLYXJ #abstraction
- Synthesizing iterators from abstraction functions (DR, VM, FL, AY, KX, DJ), pp. 31–40.
- ASPLOS-2012-ChenFETW #optimisation
- Iterative optimization for the data center (YC, SF, LE, OT, CW), pp. 49–60.
- HPDC-2012-LifflanderKK
- Work stealing and persistence-based load balancers for iterative overdecomposed applications (JL, SK, LVK), pp. 137–148.
- WICSA-2011-BrownNOP #analysis #architecture #dependence #release planning
- Analysis and Management of Architectural Dependencies in Iterative Release Planning (NB, RLN, IO, MP), pp. 103–112.
- ASE-2011-WuLWXM #mining #specification
- Iterative mining of resource-releasing specifications (QW, GL, QW, TX, HM), pp. 233–242.
- ICDAR-2011-ChazalonCL #analysis #documentation #interactive #performance
- Iterative Analysis of Pages in Document Collections for Efficient User Interaction (JC, BC, AL), pp. 503–507.
- CSEET-2011-MacekK #development #student
- The practical method of motivating students to iterative software development (OM, MK), pp. 512–516.
- ITiCSE-2011-Mirolo #recursion
- Is iteration really easier to master than recursion: an investigation in a functional-first CS1 context (CM), p. 362.
- ICSM-2011-ZhangSPXZ #case study #incremental #industrial #product line #re-engineering #towards
- Incremental and iterative reengineering towards Software Product Line: An industrial case study (GZ, LS, XP, ZX, WZ), pp. 418–427.
- SAS-2011-MonniauxG #bound #fixpoint #model checking #using
- Using Bounded Model Checking to Focus Fixpoint Iterations (DM, LG), pp. 369–385.
- CIAA-2011-BechetDF #strict
- Categorial Grammars with Iterated Types form a Strict Hierarchy of k-Valued Languages (DB, AJD, AF), pp. 42–52.
- CHI-2011-RaderEC
- Brick by brick: iterating interventions to bridge the achievement gap with virtual peers (ER, ME, JC), pp. 2971–2974.
- CAiSE-2011-AwadGTW #approach #process #synthesis
- An Iterative Approach for Business Process Template Synthesis from Compliance Rules (AA, RG, JT, MW), pp. 406–421.
- CIKM-2011-VinzamuriK #classification #convergence #design #using
- Designing an ensemble classifier over subspace classifiers using iterative convergence routine (BV, KK), pp. 693–698.
- ECIR-2011-SongDDK #approach #segmentation
- An Iterative Approach to Text Segmentation (FS, WMD, AD, FWK), pp. 629–640.
- ICML-2011-GabillonLGS #classification #policy
- Classification-based Policy Iteration with a Critic (VG, AL, MG, BS), pp. 1049–1056.
- KDD-2011-WilkinsonAN #classification #named #random
- CHIRP: a new classifier based on composite hypercubes on iterated random projections (LW, AA, DTN), pp. 6–14.
- KDD-2011-ZhouBS #approach #graph #ranking
- An iterated graph laplacian approach for ranking on manifolds (XZ, MB, NS), pp. 877–885.
- SIGIR-2011-YanWOKLZ #framework #optimisation #summary #timeline
- Evolutionary timeline summarization: a balanced optimization framework via iterative substitution (RY, XW, JO, LK, XL, YZ), pp. 745–754.
- ICMT-2011-BeckerLDBG #development #refactoring #rule-based
- Iterative Development of Consistency-Preserving Rule-Based Refactorings (BB, LL, JD, SB, HG), pp. 123–137.
- ICSE-2011-PengXTYZ #feature model
- Iterative context-aware feature location (XP, ZX, XT, YY, WZ), pp. 900–903.
- HPDC-2011-Chen
- Algorithm-based recovery for iterative methods without checkpointing (ZC), pp. 73–84.
- ISMM-2011-VeldemaP #gpu
- Iterative data-parallel mark&sweep on a GPU (RV, MP), pp. 1–10.
- ISSTA-2011-ShahbazSE #component #embedded #refinement #specification
- Iterative refinement of specification for component based embedded systems (MS, KCS, RE), pp. 276–286.
- CASE-2010-BiswasN #combinator
- An iterative auction mechanism for combinatorial exchanges (SB, YN), pp. 849–854.
- DAC-2010-KinsmanN #algorithm #design #hardware #robust
- Robust design methods for hardware accelerators for iterative algorithms in scientific computing (ABK, NN), pp. 254–257.
- SIGMOD-2010-SarmaJS #information management #interactive #named
- I4E: interactive investigation of iterative information extraction (ADS, AJ, DS), pp. 795–806.
- VLDB-2010-BuHBE #clustering #named #performance #scalability
- HaLoop: Efficient Iterative Data Processing on Large Clusters (YB, BH, MB, MDE), pp. 285–296.
- ESOP-2010-AdjeGG #invariant #policy #static analysis
- Coupling Policy Iteration with Semi-definite Relaxation to Compute Accurate Numerical Invariants in Static Analysis (AA, SG, EG), pp. 23–42.
- PLDI-2010-ChenHEFPTW #dataset #optimisation
- Evaluating iterative optimization across 1000 datasets (YC, YH, LE, GF, LP, OT, CW), pp. 448–459.
- AFL-J-2008-MalcherMP10 #array #bound
- Sublinearly Space Bounded Iterative Arrays (AM, CM, BP), pp. 843–858.
- DLT-2010-Kopecki #on the
- On the Iterated Hairpin Completion (SK), pp. 438–439.
- ICALP-v2-2010-Fearnley #bound #exponential #policy
- Exponential Lower Bounds for Policy Iteration (JF), pp. 551–562.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-SandeSMFH #named
- PW-Plan — A Strategy to Support Iteration-based Software Planning (DS, AS, RM, SF, EMH), pp. 66–74.
- ICML-2010-LazaricGM #algorithm #analysis #classification #policy
- Analysis of a Classification-based Policy Iteration Algorithm (AL, MG, RM), pp. 607–614.
- ICML-2010-LinC #clustering
- Power Iteration Clustering (FL, WWC), pp. 655–662.
- ICML-2010-ThieryS #policy #problem #trade-off
- Least-Squares Policy Iteration: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Control Problems (CT, BS), pp. 1071–1078.
- ICPR-2010-ChenSW #distance #geometry #linear #optimisation
- Minimizing Geometric Distance by Iterative Linear Optimization (YC, JS, GW), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2010-DaubneyX #3d #image #refinement #using
- Estimating 3D Human Pose from Single Images Using Iterative Refinement of the Prior (BD, XX), pp. 3440–3443.
- ICPR-2010-FerrerB #algorithm #approximate #graph
- An Iterative Algorithm for Approximate Median Graph Computation (MF, HB), pp. 1562–1565.
- ICPR-2010-GrazziniS #image
- Iterative Ramp Sharpening for Structure/Signature-Preserving Simplification of Images (JG, PS), pp. 4585–4588.
- ICPR-2010-MochizukiKISI #energy
- An Iterative Method for Superresolution of Optical Flow Derived by Energy Minimisation (YM, YK, AI, TS, TI), pp. 2270–2273.
- ICPR-2010-PanMSHN #adaptation #estimation #using #video
- A Dual Pass Video Stabilization System Using Iterative Motion Estimation and Adaptive Motion Smoothing (PP, AM, JS, YH, SN), pp. 2298–2301.
- ICPR-2010-SutthiwichaipornAJ #quality
- Iterative Fingerprint Enhancement with Matched Filtering and Quality Diffusion in Spatial-Frequency Domain (PS, VA, SJ), pp. 1257–1260.
- KDD-2010-HeFLC #graph #parallel #scalability
- Parallel SimRank computation on large graphs with iterative aggregation (GH, HF, CL, HC), pp. 543–552.
- RecSys-2010-DeryKRS #nondeterminism #recommendation
- Iterative voting under uncertainty for group recommender systems (LND, MK, LR, BS), pp. 265–268.
- GPCE-2010-MiddelkoopDS #attribute grammar #type inference
- Iterative type inference with attribute grammars (AM, AD, SDS), pp. 43–52.
- FSE-2010-Krka #approach #behaviour #incremental #modelling #refinement #requirements #specification
- From requirements to partial behavior models: an iterative approach to incremental specification refinement (IK), pp. 341–344.
- ICSE-2010-HelmingK #automation
- Managing iterations with UNICASE (JH, MK), pp. 313–314.
- HPDC-2010-EkanayakeLZGBQF #named #pipes and filters #runtime
- Twister: a runtime for iterative MapReduce (JE, HL, BZ, TG, SHB, JQ, GF), pp. 810–818.
- IJCAR-2010-AravantinosCP #decidability
- A Decidable Class of Nested Iterated Schemata (VA, RC, NP), pp. 293–308.
- DAC-2009-LiS #algorithm #optimisation #robust
- Yield-driven iterative robust circuit optimization algorithm (YL, VS), pp. 599–604.
- SIGMOD-2009-WhangMKTG
- Entity resolution with iterative blocking (SEW, DM, GK, MT, HGM), pp. 219–232.
- VLDB-2009-ChandramouliGM #detection #on the fly #query
- On-the-fly Progress Detection in Iterative Stream Queries (BC, JG, DM), pp. 241–252.
- FoSSaCS-2009-AdamekMV #monad
- A Description of Iterative Reflections of Monads (Extended Abstract) (JA, SM, JV), pp. 152–166.
- TACAS-2009-BozgaGI
- Iterating Octagons (MB, CG, RI), pp. 337–351.
- CIAA-J-2008-CantinLW09 #automaton
- Computing Convex Hulls by Automata Iteration (FC, AL, PW), pp. 647–667.
- FM-2009-WalkinshawDG #modelling #refinement #testing
- Iterative Refinement of Reverse-Engineered Models by Model-Based Testing (NW, JD, QG), pp. 305–320.
- HCD-2009-MejiaMFOP #communication #concept #design #development #evaluation
- Evaluating Design Concepts to Support Informal Communication in Hospitals through the Development of a Tool Based on an Iterative Evaluation (DAM, ALM, JF, SFO, JAP), pp. 1013–1022.
- OCSC-2009-DesurvireW #design #game studies #heuristic #usability
- Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration (HD, CW), pp. 557–566.
- CIKM-2009-ChenL #product line
- Message family propagation for ising mean field based on iteration tree (YC, SL), pp. 345–354.
- ICML-2009-GargK #algorithm #strict
- Gradient descent with sparsification: an iterative algorithm for sparse recovery with restricted isometry property (RG, RK), pp. 337–344.
- KDD-2009-HanhijarviOVPTM #data mining #mining
- Tell me something I don’t know: randomization strategies for iterative data mining (SH, MO, NV, KP, NT, HM), pp. 379–388.
- KDD-2009-MakanjuZM #clustering #using
- Clustering event logs using iterative partitioning (AM, ANZH, EEM), pp. 1255–1264.
- MLDM-2009-SmaouiMM #algorithm #assessment #clustering #named #quality
- CSBIterKmeans: A New Clustering Algorithm Based on Quantitative Assessment of the Clustering Quality (TS, SM, CMS), pp. 337–346.
- CGO-2009-RoyS #algorithm #profiling
- Profiling k-Iteration Paths: A Generalization of the Ball-Larus Profiling Algorithm (SR, YNS), pp. 70–80.
- ECSA-2008-RoyG #architecture #case study #experience #framework
- An Iterative Framework for Software Architecture Recovery: An Experience Report (BR, TCNG), pp. 210–224.
- WICSA-2008-KeulerMU #analysis #architecture #performance #quality
- Efficient Quality Impact Analyses for Iterative Architecture Construction (TK, DM, TU), pp. 19–28.
- CASE-2008-WeiP #implementation #industrial #learning
- An implementation of iterative learning control in industrial production machines (DW, RP), pp. 472–477.
- ESOP-2008-NielsenNN #horn clause
- Iterative Specialisation of Horn Clauses (CRN, FN, HRN), pp. 131–145.
- PLDI-2008-PouchetBCC #multi #optimisation
- Iterative optimization in the polyhedral model: part ii, multidimensional time (LNP, CB, AC, JC), pp. 90–100.
- AFL-2008-MalcherMP #array #bound
- Sublinearly Space Bounded Iterative Arrays (AM, CM, BP), pp. 292–301.
- CIAA-2008-CantinLW #automaton
- Computing Convex Hulls by Automata Iteration (FC, AL, PW), pp. 112–121.
- DLT-2008-Esik
- Iteration Semirings (ZÉ), pp. 1–20.
- LATA-2008-BechetDFG
- Optional and Iterated Types for Pregroup Grammars (DB, AJD, AF, EG), pp. 88–100.
- ICFP-2008-CastagnaN #xml
- Typed iterators for XML (GC, KN), pp. 15–26.
- CIKM-2008-PengLS #adaptation #clustering #multi
- Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration (WP, TL, BS), pp. 1519–1520.
- ICPR-2008-DehzangiMCL #classification #fuzzy #learning #speech #using
- Fuzzy rule selection using Iterative Rule Learning for speech data classification (OD, BM, CES, HL), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-KawabataHS #agile #kernel
- A rapid anomalous region extraction method by iterative projection onto kernel eigenspace (SK, SH, KS), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-MakiharaY #segmentation
- Silhouette extraction based on iterative spatio-temporal local color transformation and graph-cut segmentation (YM, YY), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-Patanavijit #estimation #multi #probability #robust
- A robust iterative multiframe SRR based on Hampel stochastic estimation with Hampel-Tikhonov regularization (VP), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-YangB #algorithm #fault #sketching #using
- Curve fitting algorithm using iterative error minimization for sketch beautification (JY, HB), pp. 1–4.
- KR-2008-Kern-Isberner #reasoning
- Linking Iterated Belief Change Operations to Nonmonotonic Reasoning (GKI), pp. 166–176.
- SIGIR-2008-LuoT #on the
- On iterative intelligent medical search (GL, CT), pp. 3–10.
- SAC-2008-KhanCB #optimisation
- Optimizing code through iterative specialization (MAK, HPC, DB), pp. 206–210.
- CGO-2008-RamanVRA #execution #named #parallel
- Spice: speculative parallel iteration chunk execution (ER, NV, RR, DIA), pp. 175–184.
- PPoPP-2008-KejariwalNBVP #clustering
- Cache-aware iteration space partitioning (AK, AN, UB, AVV, CDP), pp. 269–270.
- CSL-2008-HofmannS #pointer #source code
- Pure Pointer Programs with Iteration (MH, US), pp. 79–93.
- ASE-2007-LambersEMP #adaptation #development #modelling
- Iterative model-driven development of adaptable service-based applications (LL, HE, LM, MP), pp. 453–456.
- CASE-2007-KimLSSZ #approach #biology #metric #performance #using
- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), pp. 219–224.
- CASE-2007-KimLSSZ07a #approach #biology #metric #performance #using
- Iterative Control Approach to High-Speed Force-Distance Curve Measurement Using AFM for Biological Applications (KSK, ZL, PS, SS, QZ), p. 91–?.
- ICDAR-2007-AnBX #classification #documentation
- Iterated Document Content Classification (CA, HSB, PX), pp. 252–256.
- ESOP-2007-GaubertGTZ #policy #relational #static analysis
- Static Analysis by Policy Iteration on Relational Domains (SG, EG, AT, SZ), pp. 237–252.
- ESOP-2007-GawlitzaS #fixpoint #precise
- Precise Fixpoint Computation Through Strategy Iteration (TG, HS), pp. 300–315.
- FASE-2007-GronmoJW #composition #development
- A Service Composition Construct to Support Iterative Development (RG, MCJ, AW), pp. 230–244.
- FoSSaCS-2007-AlvesFFM
- Iterator Types (SA, MF, MF, IM), pp. 17–31.
- SCAM-2007-RodenVEM #agile #empirical #metric #modelling #process #quality #using
- An Empirical Study of the Relationship of Stability Metrics and the QMOOD Quality Models Over Software Developed Using Highly Iterative or Agile Software Processes (PLR, SV, LHE, SLM), pp. 171–179.
- PLDI-2007-MusuvathiQ #bound #parallel #source code #testing #thread
- Iterative context bounding for systematic testing of multithreaded programs (MM, SQ), pp. 446–455.
- STOC-2007-DunaganH
- Iteratively constructing preconditioners via the conjugate gradient method (JD, NJAH), pp. 207–216.
- CHI-2007-KamRDTC #design #framework #learning #locality
- Localized iterative design for language learning in underdeveloped regions: the PACE framework (MK, DR, VD, AT, JFC), pp. 1097–1106.
- HCI-IDU-2007-HanDTE #case study #design #e-commerce #experience
- Streamlining Checkout Experience — A Case Study of Iterative Design of a China e-Commerce Site (AH, JD, WT, BE), pp. 796–801.
- KDD-2007-LoKL #mining #performance #specification
- Efficient mining of iterative patterns for software specification discovery (DL, SCK, CL), pp. 460–469.
- MoDELS-2007-KonradGC #analysis #incremental #modelling #process
- i2MAP : An Incremental and Iterative Modeling and Analysis Process (SK, HG, BHCC), pp. 451–466.
- MoDELS-2007-KonradGC #analysis #incremental #modelling #process
- i2MAP : An Incremental and Iterative Modeling and Analysis Process (SK, HG, BHCC), pp. 451–466.
- RE-2007-DeshmukhW #development #metamodelling #requirements
- A Meta Model for Iterative Development of Requirements Leveraging (ND, SW), pp. 343–349.
- SAC-2007-BrunauerLMMP #evolution
- Evolution of iterated prisoner’s dilemma strategies with different history lengths in static and cultural environments (RB, AL, HAM, GM, HP), pp. 720–727.
- SAC-2007-Chiong #algorithm #search-based #using
- Applying genetic algorithms to economy market using iterated prisoner’s dilemma (RC), pp. 733–737.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-MiranskyyMGDWG #approach #execution #multi #scalability
- An iterative, multi-level, and scalable approach to comparing execution traces (AVM, NHM, MG, MD, MW, DG), pp. 537–540.
- CGO-2007-PouchetBCV #optimisation
- Iterative Optimization in the Polyhedral Model: Part I, One-Dimensional Time (LNP, CB, AC, NV), pp. 144–156.
- CSL-2007-GawlitzaS #invariant #precise #relational
- Precise Relational Invariants Through Strategy Iteration (TG, HS), pp. 23–40.
- CASE-2006-SunZF #convergence #parallel
- Convergence of parallel dynamic iteration methods for nonlinear DAEs of index-2 (WS, JHZ, XGF), pp. 129–133.
- DAC-2006-WongB #multi #performance #polynomial
- Multi-shift quadratic alternating direction implicit iteration for high-speed positive-real balanced truncation (NW, VB), pp. 257–260.
- VLDB-2006-CohenFKKS
- Full Disjunctions: Polynomial-Delay Iterators in Action (SC, IF, YK, BK, YS), pp. 739–750.
- ITiCSE-2006-Boisvert #animation #communication #development #web
- Web animation to communicate iterative development (CB), pp. 173–177.
- SCAM-2006-CollardKM #difference
- Factoring Differences for Iterative Change Management (MLC, HHK, JIM), pp. 217–226.
- SAS-2006-AmiranoffCF #abstract domain #relational
- Beyond Iteration Vectors: Instancewise Relational Abstract Domains (PA, AC, PF), pp. 161–180.
- SAS-2006-DhurjatiDY #analysis #data flow #refinement
- Path-Sensitive Dataflow Analysis with Iterative Refinement (DD, MD, YY), pp. 425–442.
- AdaEurope-2006-ChenHZ #adaptation #clustering #random testing #testing
- Adaptive Random Testing Through Iterative Partitioning (TYC, DH, ZZ), pp. 155–166.
- ICML-2006-LiLC #markov #process
- Region-based value iteration for partially observable Markov decision processes (HL, XL, LC), pp. 561–568.
- ICML-2006-SunL
- Iterative RELIEF for feature weighting (YS, JL), pp. 913–920.
- ICPR-v2-2006-ChangYP #approach
- An Iterative Bayesian Approach for Digital Matting (HC, QY, CP), pp. 122–125.
- ICPR-v2-2006-InoueU #2d #analysis #linear
- Non-Iterative Two-Dimensional Linear Discriminant Analysis (KI, KU), pp. 540–543.
- ICPR-v2-2006-SaragihG #bound #fault
- Iterative Error Bound Minimisation for AAM Alignment (JS, RG), pp. 1192–1195.
- ICPR-v2-2006-SharmaL #algorithm #segmentation #word
- An Iterative Algorithm for Segmentation of Isolated Handwritten Words in Gurmukhi Script (DVS, GSL), pp. 1022–1025.
- ICPR-v2-2006-YuC #image #segmentation #semantics #using
- Joint Image Segmentation and Interpretation Using Iterative Semantic Region Growing on SAR Sea Ice Imagery (QY, DAC), pp. 223–226.
- ICPR-v3-2006-XueLF #image #using
- Iterative Image Restoration using a Non-Local Regularization Function and a Local Regularization Operator (FX, QSL, WF), pp. 766–769.
- ICPR-v4-2006-MohantySK #approach
- A Non-Iterative Approach to Reconstruct Face Templates from Match Scores (PM, SS, RK), pp. 598–601.
- KR-2006-DelgrandeDL
- Iterated Revision as Prioritized Merging (JPD, DD, JL), pp. 210–220.
- SIGIR-2006-LinWDA
- Exploring the limits of single-iteration clarification dialogs (JJL, PW, DDF, EGA), pp. 469–476.
- MoDELS-2006-CeriaC #case study #development
- Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and Solutions (SC, JJC), pp. 73–82.
- MoDELS-2006-CeriaC #case study #development
- Use Case Driven Iterative Development: Hurdles and Solutions (SC, JJC), pp. 73–82.
- POPL-2006-LiuKM
- Interruptible iterators (JL, AK, ACM), pp. 283–294.
- ICSE-2006-TrendowiczHMIYK #development #estimation #hybrid
- Development of a hybrid cost estimation model in an iterative manner (AT, JH, JM, YI, KY, NK), pp. 331–340.
- CC-2006-AshbyO
- Iterative Collective Loop Fusion (TJA, MFPO), pp. 202–216.
- CGO-2006-AgakovBCFFOTTW #machine learning #optimisation #using
- Using Machine Learning to Focus Iterative Optimization (FVA, EVB, JC, BF, GF, MFPO, JT, MT, CKIW), pp. 295–305.
- FATES-RV-2006-ErnitsKRV #generative #model checking #modelling #refinement #testing #using
- Generating Tests from EFSM Models Using Guided Model Checking and Iterated Search Refinement (JPE, AK, KR, JV), pp. 85–99.
- LICS-2006-KuskeL #automaton #logic #monad
- Monadic Chain Logic Over Iterations and Applications to Pushdown Systems (DK, ML), pp. 91–100.
- CASE-2005-ChiangF #problem #scheduling
- An iterative refining mechanism for general job shop scheduling problems (TCC, LCF), pp. 203–208.
- DATE-2005-BiswasBDPI #generative #named #set
- ISEGEN: Generation of High-Quality Instruction Set Extensions by Iterative Improvement (PB, SB, NDD, LP, PI), pp. 1246–1251.
- DATE-2005-DykaL #encryption #hardware #implementation #performance
- Area Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Iteratively Applying Karatsuba’s Method (ZD, PL), pp. 70–75.
- DATE-2005-KhanV #algorithm #scheduling
- An Iterative Algorithm for Battery-Aware Task Scheduling on Portable Computing Platforms (JK, RV), pp. 622–627.
- CSEET-2005-AlfonsoB #agile #education #process #re-engineering
- An Iterative and Agile Process Model for Teaching Software Engineering (MIA, AB), pp. 9–16.
- ITiCSE-2005-BassL05a #implementation
- Iterative implementation of DFS (IB, DL), p. 393.
- FASE-2005-HausmannMS #higher-order #induction
- Iterative Circular Coinduction for CoCasl in Isabelle/HOL (DH, TM, LS), pp. 341–356.
- FoSSaCS-2005-MurawskiW #algol #decidability #higher-order
- Third-Order Idealized Algol with Iteration Is Decidable (ASM, IW), pp. 202–218.
- TACAS-2005-AbdullaLdR #transducer
- Simulation-Based Iteration of Tree Transducers (PAA, AL, Jd, AR), pp. 30–44.
- SAS-2005-ChenKK #execution #memory management #reliability
- Memory Space Conscious Loop Iteration Duplication for Reliable Execution (GC, MTK, MK), pp. 52–69.
- DLT-J-2004-Staiger05 #infinity
- Infinite Iterated Function Systems in Cantor Space and the Hausdorff Measure of ω-Power Languages (LS), pp. 787–802.
- CIKM-2005-ZhuYL #distributed #rank
- Distributed PageRank computation based on iterative aggregation-disaggregation methods (YZ, SY, XL), pp. 578–585.
- ICML-2005-SzepesvariM #bound #finite
- Finite time bounds for sampling based fitted value iteration (CS, RM), pp. 880–887.
- SIGIR-2005-KurlandLD #clustering #modelling #pseudo #using
- Better than the real thing?: iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models (OK, LL, CD), pp. 19–26.
- SIGIR-2005-MonzD #ambiguity #information retrieval
- Iterative translation disambiguation for cross-language information retrieval (CM, BJD), pp. 520–527.
- GPCE-2005-Ahlander #sorting
- Sorting Out the Relationships Between Pairs of Iterators, Values, and References (KÅ), pp. 342–356.
- PPoPP-2005-KejariwalNBP #approach #clustering #novel
- A novel approach for partitioning iteration spaces with variable densities (AK, AN, UB, CDP), pp. 120–131.
- CAV-2005-CostanGGMP #algorithm #fixpoint #policy #source code #static analysis
- A Policy Iteration Algorithm for Computing Fixed Points in Static Analysis of Programs (AC, SG, EG, MM, SP), pp. 462–475.
- ASE-2004-Ramler #development
- Decision Support for Test Management in Iterative and Evolutionary Development (RR), pp. 406–409.
- ITiCSE-2004-Boisvert #communication #design #named
- eL-CID: communicating iterative program design (CB), p. 253.
- STOC-2004-BienstockI #problem
- Solving fractional packing problems in Oast(1/?) iterations (DB, GI), pp. 146–155.
- DLT-2004-BordihnHK #automaton #geometry
- Input Reversals and Iterated Pushdown Automata: A New Characterization of Khabbaz Geometric Hierarchy of Languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 102–113.
- ICALP-2004-BusiGZ #calculus #process #recursion #replication
- Comparing Recursion, Replication, and Iteration in Process Calculi (NB, MG, GZ), pp. 307–319.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-Martinez-OtzetaS #algorithm #analysis #nearest neighbour #probability
- Analysis of the Iterated Probabilistic Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Method, a new Distance-Based Algorithm (JMMO, BS), pp. 233–240.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-UdechukwuBA #framework #mining #performance
- An Efficient Framework for Iterative Time-Series Trend Mining (AU, KB, RA), pp. 130–137.
- CIKM-2004-XueZCYMXF04a #algorithm #named #similarity
- MRSSA: an iterative algorithm for similarity spreading over interrelated objects (GRX, HJZ, ZC, YY, WYM, WX, EAF), pp. 240–241.
- ICML-2004-FungDBR #algorithm #kernel #performance #using
- A fast iterative algorithm for fisher discriminant using heterogeneous kernels (GF, MD, JB, RBR).
- ICML-2004-WingateS #named #parallel
- P3VI: a partitioned, prioritized, parallel value iterator (DW, KDS).
- ICPR-v1-2004-YangPB #locality
- Localization of Saliency through Iterative Voting (QY, BP, MHBH), pp. 63–66.
- ICPR-v1-2004-ZhaoD
- Iterative Figure-Ground Discrimination (LZ, LSD), pp. 67–70.
- ICPR-v4-2004-KangCM04a #2d #approach #estimation #multi
- Non-Iterative Approach to Multiple 2D Motion Estimation (EYEK, IC, GGM), pp. 791–794.
- KDD-2004-AbeZL #learning #multi
- An iterative method for multi-class cost-sensitive learning (NA, BZ, JL), pp. 3–11.
- SIGIR-2004-LiMO #adaptation #clustering #documentation
- Document clustering via adaptive subspace iteration (TL, SM, MO), pp. 218–225.
- SAC-2004-Rigaux #rating
- An iterative rating method: application to web-based conference management (PR), pp. 1682–1687.
- SAC-2004-WangDK #refinement
- Guiding motif discovery by iterative pattern refinement (ZW, MMD, SK), pp. 162–166.
- DAC-2003-ThudiB
- Non-iterative switching window computation for delay-noise (BT, DB), pp. 390–395.
- ICDAR-2003-GunterB #optimisation #word
- Optimizing the Number of States, Training Iterations and Gaussians in an HMM-based Handwritten Word Recognizer (SG, HB), pp. 472–476.
- FoSSaCS-2003-AbelMU #data type #higher-order
- Generalized Iteration and Coiteration for Higher-Order Nested Datatypes (AA, RM, TU), pp. 54–69.
- TACAS-2003-GlusmanKMFV #abstraction #evaluation #industrial #multi #refinement
- Multiple-Counterexample Guided Iterative Abstraction Refinement: An Industrial Evaluation (MG, GK, SMH, RF, MYV), pp. 176–191.
- IWPC-2003-CoxC #analysis #approximate #semiparsing #using
- Syntactic Approximation Using Iterative Lexical Analysis (AC, CLAC), pp. 154–164.
- PLDI-2003-StroutCF #composition #runtime
- Compile-time composition of run-time data and iteration reorderings (MMS, LC, JF), pp. 91–102.
- ICFP-2003-OgawaHS #program analysis
- Iterative-free program analysis (MO, ZH, IS), pp. 111–123.
- VISSOFT-2003-Lanza1 #development #visualisation
- Program Visualization Support for Highly Iterative Development Environments (ML), pp. 67–72.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-Soffer #enterprise #process #requirements
- Aligning an Enterprise System with Enterprise Requirements: An Iterative Process (PS), pp. 147–155.
- ICML-2003-JinYZH #algorithm #exponential #performance #scalability
- A Faster Iterative Scaling Algorithm for Conditional Exponential Model (RJ, RY, JZ, AGH), pp. 282–289.
- ICML-2003-Munos #approximate #bound #fault #policy
- Error Bounds for Approximate Policy Iteration (RM), pp. 560–567.
- KDD-2003-BoltonA
- An iterative hypothesis-testing strategy for pattern discovery (RJB, NMA), pp. 49–58.
- PADL-2003-LiuM #java #named #pattern matching
- JMatch: Iterable Abstract Pattern Matching for Java (JL, ACM), pp. 110–127.
- CADE-2003-Belinfante #reasoning
- Reasoning about Iteration in Gödel’s Class Theory (JGFB), pp. 228–242.
- CAV-2003-BoigelotLW #in the large #transducer
- Iterating Transducers in the Large (Extended Abstract) (BB, AL, PW), pp. 223–235.
- CBSE-2002-HallstromPS
- Iterators Reconsidered (JOH, SMP, NS), p. 5.
- ASE-2002-BarberGH #architecture #evaluation #non-functional #using
- Enabling Iterative Software Architecture Derivation Using Early Non-Functional Property Evaluation (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 172–182.
- DATE-2002-DrozdLD #array #float #online #performance #testing
- Efficient On-Line Testing Method for a Floating-Point Iterative Array Divider (AVD, MVL, JVD), p. 1127.
- DATE-2002-Kandemir #approach #reuse
- A Compiler-Based Approach for Improving Intra-Iteration Data Reuse (MTK), pp. 984–990.
- ICSM-2002-RichnerD #information management #using
- Using Dynamic Information for the Iterative Recovery of Collaborations and Roles (TR, SD), pp. 34–43.
- ICEIS-2002-SatoH #enterprise #process #project management #prototype
- Developing Quick Iterative Process Prototyping for Project Management: Linking ERP and BPE (RS, KH), pp. 851–854.
- CIKM-2002-TangZ #set
- An iterative strategy for pattern discovery in high-dimensional data sets (CT, AZ), pp. 10–17.
- ICML-2002-ChisholmT #learning #random
- Learning Decision Rules by Randomized Iterative Local Search (MC, PT), pp. 75–82.
- ICPR-v1-2002-LohRW #3d #modelling #process #using
- Refining 3D Models Using a Two-Stage Neural Network-Based Iterative Process (AWKL, MR, GAWW), pp. 172–175.
- ICPR-v1-2002-ShakunagaS #image #normalisation
- Natural Image Correction by Iterative Projections to Eigenspace Constructed in Normalized Image Space (TS, FS), pp. 648–651.
- ICPR-v2-2002-LoogG #classification #segmentation
- Supervised Segmentation by Iterated Contextual Pixel Classification (ML, BvG), pp. 925–928.
- ICPR-v3-2002-ChetverikovSSK #algorithm
- The Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm (DC, DS, DS, PK), pp. 545–548.
- ICPR-v4-2002-Sarkar #algorithm #classification
- An Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Style Conscious Field Classification (PS), p. 243–?.
- SAC-2002-CarlssonJ #difference #game studies
- Differences between the iterated prisoner’s dilemma and the chicken game under noisy conditions (BC, KIJ), pp. 42–48.
- SAC-2002-HaratyH #database #query
- Iterative querying in web-based database applications (RAH, MH), pp. 458–462.
- CSL-2002-Kakutani #call-by #recursion
- Duality between Call-by-Name Recursion and Call-by-Value Iteration (YK), pp. 506–521.
- DAC-2001-ChenC #analysis #grid #performance #power management #scalability
- Efficient Large-Scale Power Grid Analysis Based on Preconditioned Krylov-Subspace Iterative Methods (THC, CCPC), pp. 559–562.
- ICDAR-2001-BloombergPM #documentation #heuristic #image #using
- Document Image Decoding Using Iterated Complete Path Search with Subsampled Heuristic Scoring (DSB, KP, TPM), pp. 344–349.
- TACAS-2001-CiardoLS #generative #named #performance
- Saturation: An Efficient Iteration Strategy for Symbolic State-Space Generation (GC, GL, RS), pp. 328–342.
- ICSM-2001-BianchiCMV #legacy #re-engineering
- Iterative Reengineering of Legacy Functions (AB, DC, VM, GV), pp. 632–641.
- ICALP-2001-Furer #linear #refinement
- Weisfeiler-Lehman Refinement Requires at Least a Linear Number of Iterations (MF), pp. 322–333.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-SoonthornphisajK #algorithm #categorisation #problem #set #using #web
- The Effects of Differnet Feature Sets on the Web Page Categorization Problem Using the Iterative Cross-Training Algorithm (NS, BK), pp. 404–410.
- SIGIR-2001-AndoL #analysis
- Iterative Residual Rescaling: An Analysis and Generalization of LSI (RKA, LL), pp. 154–162.
- ICSE-2001-RedondoA #incremental #process #reuse #specification
- Reuse of Verificatino Efforts and Incomplete Specifications in a Formalized, Iterative and Incremental Software Process (RPDR, JJPA), pp. 801–802.
- CAV-2001-DamsLS #transducer
- Iterating Transducers (DD, YL, MS), pp. 286–297.
- DAC-2000-AagaardJKKS #algorithm #verification
- Formal verification of iterative algorithms in microprocessors (MA, RBJ, RK, KRK, CJHS), pp. 201–206.
- DAC-2000-ChenKRZ #synthesis
- Practical iterated fill synthesis for CMP uniformity (YC, ABK, GR, AZ), pp. 671–674.
- DATE-2000-JangMH #model checking
- Iterative Abstraction-Based CTL Model Checking (JYJ, IHM, GDH), pp. 502–507.
- DATE-2000-ViglioneMPRZ
- A 50 Mbit/s Iterative Turbo-Decoder (FV, GM, GP, MRR, MZ), pp. 176–180.
- WCRE-2000-BianchiCV #legacy #process #re-engineering
- Method and Process for Iterative Reengineering of Data in a Legacy System (AB, DC, GV), p. 86–?.
- PEPM-2000-LiuS #optimisation #question #recursion #what
- From Recursion to Iteration: What are the Optimizations? (YAL, SDS), pp. 73–82.
- ICALP-2000-SantisCP #proving
- Necessary and Sufficient Assumptions for Non-iterative Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge for All NP Relations (ADS, GDC, GP), pp. 451–462.
- WLC-2000-BuchholzKK #array #communication #nondeterminism
- Iterative Arrays With Limited Nondeterministic Communication Cell (TB, AK, MK), pp. 73–87.
- WLC-2000-DomosiK #context-free grammar
- An Improvement of Iteration Lemmata for Context-free Languages (PD, MK), pp. 185–191.
- ICML-2000-FariasR #approximate #fixpoint #learning
- Fixed Points of Approximate Value Iteration and Temporal-Difference Learning (DPdF, BVR), pp. 207–214.
- KR-2000-ShapiroPLL #calculus
- Iterated Belief Change in the Situation Calculus (SS, MP, YL, HJL), pp. 527–538.
- SIGIR-2000-Ando #metric #precise #scalability #semantics #similarity
- Latent semantic-space: iterative scaling improves precision of inter-document similarity measurement (RKA), pp. 216–223.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Noble #encapsulation
- Iterators and Encapsulation (JN), pp. 431–442.
- SAC-2000-Monfroy #algorithm #constraints #coordination
- A Coordination-based Chaotic Iteration Algorithm for Constraint Propagation (EM), pp. 262–269.
- CC-2000-Gregg #pipes and filters
- Global Software Pipelining with Iteration Preselection (DG), pp. 189–201.
- LCTES-2000-KandemirVIK #energy #towards
- Towards Energy-Aware Iteration Space Tiling (MTK, NV, MJI, HSK), pp. 211–215.
- CL-2000-Gennari #algorithm #consistency
- Arc Consistency Algorithms via Iterations of Subsumed Functions (RG), pp. 358–372.
- ASE-1999-GuptaMS #evaluation #generative #testing
- UNA Based Iterative Test Data Generation and Its Evaluation (NG, APM, MLS), p. 224–?.
- DAC-1999-CaldwellCKMPQW #design #effectiveness
- Effective Iterative Techniques for Fingerprinting Design IP (AEC, HJC, ABK, SM, MP, GQ, JLW), pp. 843–848.
- DAC-1999-MukherjeeSML #layout #novel #synthesis
- Wave Steering in YADDs: A Novel Non-Iterative Synthesis and Layout Technique (AM, RS, MMS, SIL), pp. 466–471.
- DATE-1999-KrupnovaS #clustering #multi
- Iterative Improvement Based Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning for FPGAs (HK, GS), p. 587–?.
- ICDAR-1999-WakaharaK #correlation #invariant #using
- Affine-Invariant Correlation of Gray-Scale Characters using GAT Iteration (TW, YK), pp. 613–616.
- FASE-1999-Nepomniaschy #data type #verification
- Verification of Definite Iteration over Hierarchical Data Structures (VAN), pp. 176–187.
- FM-v2-1999-LevyT #approach #education
- A PVS-Based Approach for Teaching Constructing Correct Iterations (ML, LT), pp. 1859–1860.
- ICFP-1999-SplawskiU #fixpoint #recursion
- Type Fixpoints: Iteration vs. Recursion (ZS, PU), pp. 102–113.
- HCI-EI-1999-StephanidisGA #development #human-computer #user interface
- Embedding HCI guideline input to iterative user interface development (CS, DG, DA), pp. 978–982.
- ICML-1999-BontempiBB #learning #predict
- Local Learning for Iterated Time-Series Prediction (GB, MB, HB), pp. 32–38.
- ICML-1999-BrodieD #induction #learning #using
- Learning to Ride a Bicycle using Iterated Phantom Induction (MB, GD), pp. 57–66.
- SIGIR-1999-AnickT #feedback
- The Paraphrase Search Assistant: Terminological Feedback for Iterative Information Seeking (PGA, ST), pp. 153–159.
- ECOOP-1999-Kuhne
- Internal Iteration Externalized (TK), pp. 329–350.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-ZendraC #eiffel #library
- Adding External Iterators to an Existing Eiffel Class Library (OZ, DC), pp. 188–199.
- SAC-1999-KatayamaN #algorithm #problem #search-based #using
- A New Iterated Local Search Algorithm Using Genetic Crossover for the Traveling Salesman Problem (KK, HN), pp. 302–306.
- SAC-1999-MonfroyR #constraints #distributed
- Chaotic Iteration for Distributed Constraint Propagation (EM, JHR), pp. 19–24.
- FoSSaCS-1998-AcetoFI #axiom #equation
- A Cook’s Tour of Equational Axiomatizations for Prefix Iteration (LA, WF, AI), pp. 20–34.
- ICALP-1998-DamgardP #interactive #performance
- Sequential Iteration of Interactive Arguments and an Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for NP (ID, BP), pp. 772–783.
- CIKM-1998-BellatrecheKL #approach #database #deduction #distributed
- An Iterative Approach for Rules and Data Allocation in Distributed Deductive Database Systems (LB, KK, QL), pp. 356–363.
- CIKM-1998-SaracEA #estimation
- Iterated DFT Based Techniques for Join Size Estimation (KS, ÖE, AEA), pp. 348–355.
- KDD-1998-FayyadRB #algorithm #clustering #refinement
- Initialization of Iterative Refinement Clustering Algorithms (UMF, CR, PSB), pp. 194–198.
- FSE-1998-GuptaMS #automation #generative #testing #using
- Automated Test Data Generation Using an Iterative Relaxation Method (NG, APM, MLS), pp. 231–244.
- JICSLP-1998-LeiteP #logic programming
- Iterated Logic Program Updates (JAL, LMP), pp. 265–278.
- DAC-1997-CabodiCLQ #approach #clustering #effectiveness #scalability #traversal
- Disjunctive Partitioning and Partial Iterative Squaring: An Effective Approach for Symbolic Traversal of Large Circuits (GC, PC, LL, SQ), pp. 728–733.
- ICALP-1997-Apt #constraints
- From Chaotic Iteration to Constraint Propagation (KRA), pp. 36–55.
- CHI-1997-PlaisantMBKC #design #library
- Bringing Treasures to the Surface: Iterative Design for the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program (CP, GM, TB, AK, LC), pp. 518–525.
- ICSE-1997-Royce #development #metric
- Pragmatic Software Metrics for Iterative Development (Presentation) (WR), p. 585.
- ICSE-1997-Sullivan #design #problem #user interface
- The Windows 95 User Interface: Iterative Design and Problem Tracking in Action (KS), pp. 562–563.
- SOSP-1997-Steere #latency #nondeterminism #set
- Exploiting the Non-Determinism and Asynchrony of Set Iterators to Reduce Aggregate File I/O Latency (DCS), pp. 252–263.
- DAC-1996-JohnsonCB #design #markov #metric #process #simulation
- Application of a Markov Model to the Measurement, Simulation, and Diagnosis of an Iterative Design Process (EWJ, LAC, JBB), pp. 185–188.
- TACAS-1996-Margaria #automation #detection #fault
- Fully Automatic Verifcation and Error Detection for Parameterized Iterative Sequential Circuits (TMS), pp. 258–277.
- AdaEurope-1996-KruchtenT #ada #development #scalability #source code
- Iterative Software Development for Large Ada Programs (PK, CJT), pp. 101–110.
- ICPR-1996-LaunayBMBM #3d #flexibility #re-engineering
- A flexible iterative method for 3D reconstruction from X-ray projections (LL, PB, EM, MOB, JLM), pp. 513–517.
- ICPR-1996-LeiteH #algorithm
- Iterative spline relaxation with the EM algorithm (JAFL, ERH), pp. 161–165.
- ICPR-1996-NomuraZSF #3d #data fusion #estimation #image
- 3-D object pose estimation based on iterative image matching: Shading and edge data fusion (YN, DZ, YS, SF), pp. 513–517.
- ICPR-1996-RebuffelS #estimation #framework #predict
- Estimation of depth-from-motion combining iterative prediction scheme and regularization framework (VR, JLS), pp. 466–470.
- ICPR-1996-ShaoK #fuzzy #multi
- Fuzzy non-iterative ARG labeling with multiple interpretations (ZS, JK), pp. 181–185.
- ICPR-1996-WunschH #image
- Registration of CAD-models to images by iterative inverse perspective matching (PW, GH), pp. 78–83.
- POPL-1996-GeorgeA
- Iterated Register Coalescing (LG, AWA), pp. 208–218.
- CC-1996-GeserKLRS #fixpoint #higher-order
- Non-monotone Fixpoint Iterations to Resolve Second Order Effects (AG, JK, GL, OR, BS), pp. 106–120.
- ICSM-1995-LanubileV #maintenance #re-engineering
- Iterative reengineering to compensate for quick-fix maintenance (FL, GV), pp. 140–146.
- DLT-1995-Drewes #on the
- On the Connectedness of Pictures Defined by Iterated Function Systems (FD), pp. 289–298.
- TRI-Ada-1995-Kruchten #architecture #development #process
- Software Architecture and Iterative Development Process (PK), pp. 491–539.
- KDD-1995-Pazzani #approach #classification
- An Iterative Improvement Approach for the Discretization of Numeric Attributes in Bayesian Classifiers (MJP), pp. 228–233.
- KDD-1995-TsumotoT #automation #induction #multi #recursion #statistics #testing
- Automated Selection of Rule Induction Methods Based on Recursive Iteration of Resampling Methods and Multiple Statistical Testing (ST, HT), pp. 312–317.
- DAC-1994-AloqeelyC #algorithm #synthesis
- Sequencer-Based Data Path Synthesis of Regular Iterative Algorithms (MA, CYRC), pp. 155–160.
- DAC-1994-ChenF #analysis #using
- Transient Sensitivity Computation of MOSFET Circuits Using Iterated Timing Analysis and Selective-Tracing Waveform Eelaxation (CJC, WSF), pp. 581–585.
- DAC-1994-PotkonjakSC #constant #multi #performance #using
- Efficient Substitution of Multiple Constant Multiplications by Shifts and Additions Using Iterative Pairwise Matching (MP, MBS, AC), pp. 189–194.
- ESOP-1994-Amtoft #fixpoint #re-engineering
- Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point Iteration (TA), pp. 43–57.
- SAS-1994-Consel #analysis #fixpoint #performance #strict
- Fast Strictness Analysis Via Symbolic Fixpoint Iteration (CC), pp. 423–431.
- SAS-1994-Henglein #analysis #fixpoint #strict #type system
- Iterative Fixed Point Computation for Type-Based Strictness Analysis (FH), pp. 395–407.
- SAS-1994-Jorgensen #analysis #finite #fixpoint #using
- Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neddedness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration (NJ), pp. 329–345.
- KDD-1994-TsumotoT #estimation #probability #recursion
- Selection of Probabilistic Measure Estimation Method Based on Recursive Iteration of Resampling Methods (ST, HT), pp. 121–132.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Schmid94a
- Safe Iterators (HAS), pp. 407–418.
- ILPS-1994-YouC #semantics
- Tractable Argumentation Semantics via Iterative Belief Revision (JHY, RC), pp. 239–253.
- DAC-1993-NagR #performance
- Iterative Wirability and Performance Improvement for FPGAs (SN, KR), pp. 321–325.
- WSA-1993-Jorgensen #dependence #fixpoint
- Chaotic Fixpoint Iteration Guided by Dynamic Dependency (NJ), pp. 27–44.
- DLT-1993-DassowMP #order
- Iterative Reading of Numbers: The Ordered Case (JD, SM, GP), pp. 157–168.
- DLT-1993-Vaida #programming language
- Iteration Conditions of W. Ogden’s Type and Applications to Programming Languages (II) (DV), pp. 44–50.
- ICALP-1993-Lepisto #morphism #on the #power of
- On the Power of Periodic Iteration of Morphisms (AL), pp. 496–506.
- HCI-SHI-1993-FelixK #prototype #user interface
- Iterative Prototyping of User Interfaces (DF, HK), pp. 158–162.
- INTERCHI-1993-BaeckerNPM #collaboration #design
- The user-centered iterative design of collaborative writing software (RMB, DN, IP, KLM), pp. 399–405.
- INTERCHI-1993-Bailey #design #human-computer #interface
- Iterative methodology and designer training in human-computer interface design (GSB), pp. 198–205.
- AdaEurope-1993-Beidler #reuse
- Structuring Iterators to Encourage Reuse (JB), pp. 171–179.
- PLILP-1993-Rosendahl #higher-order #sequence
- Higher-Order Chaotic Iteration Sequences (MR), pp. 332–345.
- CAV-1993-BalarinS #approach
- An Iterative Approach to Language Containment (FB, ALSV), pp. 29–40.
- CAV-1993-RhoS #automation #generative #invariant #network #verification
- Automatic Generation of Network Invariants for the Verification of Iterative Sequential Systems (JKR, FS), pp. 123–137.
- DAC-1992-Fishburn #heuristic #logic #named
- LATTIS: An Iterative Speedup Heuristic for Mapped Logic (JPF), pp. 488–491.
- DAC-1992-Frankle #adaptation #layout
- Iterative and Adaptive Slack Allocation for Performance-Driven Layout and FPGA Routing (JF), pp. 536–542.
- DAC-1992-RhoS #induction #verification
- Inductive Verification of Iterative Systems (JKR, FS), pp. 628–633.
- PLDI-1992-SarkarT #framework
- A General Framework for Iteration-Reordering Loop Transformations (VS, RT), pp. 175–187.
- LFP-1992-NielsonN #fixpoint
- Finiteness Conditions for Fixed Point Iteration (FN, HRN), pp. 96–108.
- CHI-1992-Houde #3d #design #interface
- Iterative Design of an Interface for Easy 3-D Direct Manipulation (SH), pp. 135–142.
- CSCW-1992-CoolFKL #communication #design #video
- Iterative Design of Video Communication Systems (CC, RSF, REK, CML), pp. 25–32.
- SEKE-1992-Rauterberg #process
- An Iterative-Cyclic Software Process Model (MR), pp. 600–607.
- OOPSLA-1992-Walsh #c++ #development #fault #scalability
- Preliminary Defect Data from the Iterative Development of a Large C++ Program (JFW), pp. 178–183.
- POPL-1992-NielsonN #bound #fixpoint
- Bounded Fixed Point Iteration (HRN, FN), pp. 71–82.
- ICSE-1992-GoldmanN #evolution #prototype
- Software Evolution through Iterative Prototyping (NMG, KN), pp. 158–172.
- ICSE-1992-PearceL #multi #specification
- The Property Vector Specification of a Multiset Iterator (TWP, DAL), pp. 235–245.
- ICLP-1991-Meier #prolog #recursion
- Recursion versus Iteration in Prolog (MM), pp. 157–169.
- PLDI-1990-ChambersU #analysis #dynamic typing #object-oriented #optimisation #source code
- Iterative Type Analysis and Extended Message Splitting: Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programs (CC, DU), pp. 150–164.
- ICALP-1990-Choffrut #decidability
- Iterated Substitutions and Locally Catanative Systems: A Decidability Result in the Binary Case (CC), pp. 490–500.
- SEKE-1990-GatesC #automation #recognition
- An Introduction To The Recognition of Iterative Structures by a CASE Tool (AQG, DEC), pp. 202–208.
- OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-GossainA #object-oriented #reuse
- An Iterative-Design Model for Reusable Object-Oriented Software (SG, BA), pp. 12–27.
- PODS-1989-Przymusinski #fixpoint #logic programming
- Every Logic Program Has a Natural Stratification And an Iterated Least Fixed Point Model (TCP), pp. 11–21.
- CSL-1987-GermanoM #category theory #diagrams
- Loose Diagrams, Semigroupoids, Categories, Groupoids and Iteration (GG, SM), pp. 64–80.
- SLP-1987-SchmidtKGB87 #compilation #deduction
- Compiling Exploratory and Goal-Directed Deduction into Sloppy Delta-Iteration (HS, WK, UG, RB), pp. 234–243.
- SIGMOD-1986-FreytagG #query #relational #rule-based #source code
- Rule-Based Translation of Relational Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 206–214.
- VLDB-1986-Freytag #query #source code
- Translating Aggregate Queries into Iterative Programs (JCF, NG), pp. 138–146.
- ESOP-1986-Bohm #algebra #recursion
- Reducing Recursion to Iteration by Algebraic Extension (CB), pp. 111–118.
- SLP-1986-BarklundM86 #garbage collection #prolog #source code
- Garbage Cut for Garbage Collection of Iterative Prolog Programs (JB, HM), pp. 276–283.
- LFP-1984-Saint-James #performance #recursion
- Recursion is More Efficient than Iteration (ESJ), pp. 228–234.
- DAC-1983-NewtonY #array #optimisation
- Optimisation of global routing for the UK5000 gate array by iteration (CON, PAY), pp. 651–657.
- STOC-1983-Engelfriet #automaton #complexity
- Iterated Pushdown Automata and Complexity Classes (JE), pp. 365–373.
- ICALP-1982-KrevnerY #precedence #theorem
- An Iteration Theorem for Simple Precedence Languages (Extended Abstract) (YK, AY), pp. 360–368.
- ICSE-1982-Mili
- A Closer Look at Iteration: The Self Stabilizing Capability of Loops (AM), pp. 48–57.
- STOC-1981-Parisi-Presicce #algebra #on the
- On the Faithful Regular Extensions of Iterative Algebras (FPP), pp. 368–374.
- DAC-1980-TadaYKS #performance #strict
- A fast maze router with iterative use of variable search space restriction (FT, KY, TK, TS), pp. 250–254.
- DAC-1978-Fortin #approximate #diagrams #named #using
- BUBBLE: Relationship diagrams using iterative vector approximation (GF), pp. 145–151.
- POPL-1978-Haraldsson #compilation #lisp
- A Partial Evaluator, Its Use for Compiling Iterative Statements in Lisp (AH), pp. 195–202.
- STOC-1977-Beatty #ll #theorem
- Iteration Theorems for LL(k) Languages (JCB), pp. 122–131.
- DAC-1975-SchmidtD #algorithm
- An iterative algorithm for placement and assignment of integrated circuits (DCS, LED), pp. 361–368.
- DAC-1974-Rubin
- An iterative technique for printed wire routing (FR), pp. 308–313.
- STOC-1974-Seiferas #array #multi #nondeterminism
- Observations on Nondeterministic Multidimensional Iterative Arrays (JIS), pp. 276–289.
- STOC-1972-Kung #bound #multi #performance
- A Bound on the Multiplication Efficiency of Iteration (HTK), pp. 102–107.
- STOC-1971-Boasson #theorem
- An Iteration Theorem for One-Counter Languages (LB), pp. 116–120.
- STOC-1969-AmorosoLY #array #formal method #framework
- A Unifying Framework for the Theory of Iterative Arrays of Machines (SA, EL, HY), pp. 259–269.