Collaborated with:
M.Xue T.Xie L.Fan T.Su S.Chen G.Meng Y.L.0003 Q.Wang L.Dou L.H.0001 Y.Yuan X.Xiao A.Podgurski H.Zhu W.Bu Y.Zhou Z.Tang G.Pu L.Gu W.Niu T.Jin C.Pan H.Qian
Talks about:
android (3) fin (3) program (2) system (2) secur (2) mobil (2) test (2) tech (2) app (2) asynchron (1)
Person: Lihua Xu
DBLP: Xu:Lihua
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2017-BuXXZTX #android #industrial #internet #mobile #program analysis #security
- When program analysis meets mobile security: an industrial study of misusing Android internet sockets (WB, MX, LX, YZ, ZT, TX), pp. 842–847.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-YuanXXPZ #android #execution #graph #named
- RunDroid: recovering execution call graphs for Android applications (YY, LX, XX, AP, HZ), pp. 949–953.
- ASE-2018-FanSCMLXP #android #fault #programming
- Efficiently manifesting asynchronous programming errors in Android apps (LF, TS, SC, GM, YL0, LX, GP), pp. 486–497.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-ChenSFMXLX #mobile #question #what
- Are mobile banking apps secure? what can be improved? (SC, TS, LF, GM, MX, YL0, LX), pp. 797–802.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-WangGXXNDHX #automation #black box #named #testing
- FACTS: automated black-box testing of FinTech systems (QW, LG, MX, LX, WN, LD, LH0, TX), pp. 839–844.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-JinWXPDQ0X #generative #named #testing
- FinExpert: domain-specific test generation for FinTech systems (TJ, QW, LX, CP, LD, HQ, LH0, TX), pp. 853–862.