Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Chen C.Lin B.Greskamp U.R.Karpuzcu J.J.Cook J.Torrellas C.B.Zilles
Talks about:
design (2) mine (2) case (2) processor (1) blueshift (1) synthesi (1) specul (1) ground (1) common (1) better (1)
Person: Lu Wan
DBLP: Wan:Lu
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DAC-2014-LinWC #data mining #design #logic #mining #named #power management #synthesis
- C-Mine: Data Mining of Logic Common Cases for Low Power Synthesis of Better-Than-Worst-Case Designs (CHL, LW, DC), p. 6.
- HPCA-2009-GreskampWKCTCZ #design #named
- Blueshift: Designing processors for timing speculation from the ground up (BG, LW, URK, JJC, JT, DC, CBZ), pp. 213–224.