Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ S.Leßenich C.Jordan D.Fischer T.Ganzow M.Holtmann W.Thomas V.Bárány A.Rabinovich M.Lang C.Löding E.Grädel W.Pakusa S.Schalthofer F.Lonsing M.Seidl
Talks about:
structur (3) system (3) game (3) order (2) model (2) logic (2) check (2) characteris (1) choiceless (1) mpidepqbf (1)
Person: Lukasz Kaiser
DBLP: Kaiser:Lukasz
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- CSL-2015-Kaiser0LL #approach #bound
- A Unified Approach to Boundedness Properties in MSO (LK, ML, SL, CL), pp. 441–456.
- LICS-2015-GradelPSK #first-order #polynomial
- Characterising Choiceless Polynomial Time with First-Order Interpretations (EG, WP, SS, LK), pp. 677–688.
- SAT-2014-JordanKLS #named #parallel #towards
- MPIDepQBF: Towards Parallel QBF Solving without Knowledge Sharing (CJ, LK, FL, MS), pp. 430–437.
- SAT-2013-JordanK #reduction
- Experiments with Reduction Finding (CJ, LK), pp. 192–207.
- CSL-2012-KaiserL #logic
- A Counting Logic for Structure Transition Systems (LK, SL), pp. 366–380.
- ICALP-v2-2011-FischerK #calculus #hybrid #linear #model checking #μ-calculus
- Model Checking the Quantitative μ-Calculus on Linear Hybrid Systems (DF, LK), pp. 404–415.
- CSL-2010-GanzowK #algorithm #higher-order #induction #logic #monad
- New Algorithm for Weak Monadic Second-Order Logic on Inductive Structures (TG, LK), pp. 366–380.
- FoSSaCS-2010-HoltmannKT #game studies #infinity #lookahead
- Degrees of Lookahead in Regular Infinite Games (MH, LK, WT), pp. 252–266.
- CSL-2009-BaranyKR #quantifier
- Cardinality Quantifiers in MLO over Trees (VB, LK, AR), pp. 117–131.
- CSL-2006-Kaiser #automation #game studies #model checking #quantifier
- Game Quantification on Automatic Structures and Hierarchical Model Checking Games (LK), pp. 411–425.
- FoSSaCS-2005-Kaiser #confluence #decidability #term rewriting
- Confluence of Right Ground Term Rewriting Systems Is Decidable (LK), pp. 470–489.