Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Poland
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
2 × Austria
2 × Germany
2 × USA
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.Biere R.Könighofer F.Lonsing U.Egly P.Brosch G.Kappel H.Tompits M.Wimmer M.Heule C.Artho P.Kaufmann M.Widl S.Gabmeyer R.Bloem A.Goultiaeva N.Creignou P.Langer K.Wieland C.Jordan L.Kaiser R.Bill B.Kiesl M.Kronegger A.Pfandler A.Niemetz M.Preiner H.Kargl S.Woltran M.Zolda W.Retschitzegger W.Schwinger Q.Gros E.Choi T.Kitamura A.Mori R.Ramler Y.Yamagata
Talks about:
base (7) model (5) qbf (5) formula (3) diagram (3) test (3) sat (3) preprocess (2) framework (2) quantifi (2)
♀ Person: Martina Seidl
DBLP: Seidl:Martina
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- DATE-2014-SeidlK #quantifier
- Partial witnesses from preprocessed quantified Boolean formulas (MS, RK), pp. 1–6.
- IJCAR-2014-HeuleSB #preprocessor #proving
- A Unified Proof System for QBF Preprocessing (MH, MS, AB), pp. 91–106.
- SAT-2014-JordanKLS #named #parallel #towards
- MPIDepQBF: Towards Parallel QBF Solving without Knowledge Sharing (CJ, LK, FL, MS), pp. 430–437.
- SLE-2014-BillGKS #model checking #ocl #specification
- Model Checking of CTL-Extended OCL Specifications (RB, SG, PK, MS), pp. 221–240.
- SLE-2014-KaufmannKPSW #debugging #diagrams #satisfiability #sequence chart #state machine
- A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams (PK, MK, AP, MS, MW), pp. 21–40.
- VMCAI-2014-BloemKS #safety #satisfiability #specification #synthesis
- SAT-Based Synthesis Methods for Safety Specs (RB, RK, MS), pp. 1–20.
- DATE-2013-GoultiaevaSB
- Bridging the gap between dual propagation and CNF-based QBF solving (AG, MS, AB), pp. 811–814.
- TAP-2013-ArthoBS #modelling #testing #verification
- Model-Based Testing for Verification Back-Ends (CA, AB, MS), pp. 39–55.
- SAT-2012-NiemetzPLSB
- Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF — (AN, MP, FL, MS, AB), pp. 430–435.
- SFM-2012-BroschKLSWW #version control
- An Introduction to Model Versioning (PB, GK, PL, MS, KW, MW), pp. 336–398.
- SLE-2012-WidlBBEHKST #diagrams #sequence chart
- Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams (MW, AB, PB, UE, MH, GK, MS, HT), pp. 164–183.
- TAP-2012-BroschEGKSTWW #diagrams #testing #towards #uml
- Towards Scenario-Based Testing of UML Diagrams (PB, UE, SG, GK, MS, HT, MW, MW), pp. 149–155.
- TAP-2012-CreignouES #framework #random #satisfiability #specification
- A Framework for the Specification of Random SAT and QSAT Formulas (NC, UE, MS), pp. 163–168.
- CADE-2011-BiereLS
- Blocked Clause Elimination for QBF (AB, FL, MS), pp. 101–115.
- MoDELS-2009-BroschLSWWKRS #modelling #word
- An Example Is Worth a Thousand Words: Composite Operation Modeling By-Example (PB, PL, MS, KW, MW, GK, WR, WS), pp. 271–285.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-WimmerSBKK #framework #on the #self
- On Realizing a Framework for Self-tuning Mappings (MW, MS, PB, HK, GK), pp. 1–16.
- SAT-2003-EglySTWZ #quantifier
- Comparing Different Prenexing Strategies for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UE, MS, HT, SW, MZ), pp. 214–228.
- ASE-2015-ArthoSGCKMRY #api #modelling #testing
- Model-Based Testing of Stateful APIs with Modbat (CA, MS, QG, EHC, TK, AM, RR, YY), pp. 858–863.
- IJCAR-2016-KieslSTB
- Super-Blocked Clauses (BK, MS, HT, AB), pp. 45–61.