Tag #μ-calculus
85 papers:
CIAA-2017-CauliP #calculus #equivalence #probability- Equivalence of Probabilistic μ-Calculus and p-Automata (CC, NP), pp. 64–75.
RTA-TLCA-2014-NakazawaN #reduction #λ-calculus- Reduction System for Extensional Λμ Calculus (KN, TN), pp. 349–363.
FoSSaCS-2014-Mio #calculus #similarity- Upper-Expectation Bisimilarity and Łukasiewicz μ-Calculus (MM), pp. 335–350.
LICS-CSL-2014-BojanczykDK #calculus #composition #model checking #theorem- Decomposition theorems and model-checking for the modal μ-calculus (MB, CD, SK), p. 10.
RTA-2013-GrabmayerR #λ-calculus- Expressibility in the λ Calculus with μ (CG, JR), pp. 206–222.
FASE-2013-BradfieldS #calculus #game studies #qvt- Enforcing QVT-R with μ-Calculus and Games (JCB, PS), pp. 282–296.
CSL-2013-AfshariL #calculus #on the- On closure ordinals for the modal μ-calculus (BA, GEL), pp. 30–44.
LICS-2013-FacchiniVZ #calculus #theorem- A Characterization Theorem for the Alternation-Free Fragment of the Modal μ-Calculus (AF, YV, FZ), pp. 478–487.
FASE-2012-BradfieldS #calculus #qvt #recursion- Recursive Checkonly QVT-R Transformations with General when and where Clauses via the Modal μ Calculus (JCB, PS), pp. 194–208.
ICALP-v2-2011-FischerK #calculus #hybrid #linear #model checking- Model Checking the Quantitative μ-Calculus on Linear Hybrid Systems (DF, LK), pp. 404–415.
TLCA-2011-BakelBd #λ-calculus- A Filter Model for the λμ-Calculus — (SvB, FB, Ud), pp. 213–228.
FoSSaCS-2011-Mio #calculus #independence #probability- Probabilistic Modal μ-Calculus with Independent Product (MM), pp. 290–304.
SEFM-2010-GallardoS #calculus #verification- Verification of Dynamic Data Tree with μ-calculus Extended with Separation (MdMG, DS), pp. 211–221.
FLOPS-2010-Saurin #standard #λ-calculus- Standardization and Böhm Trees for λμ-Calculus (AS), pp. 134–149.
ICGT-2010-GadducciLV #calculus #higher-order #semantics- Counterpart Semantics for a Second-Order μ-Calculus (FG, ALL, AV), pp. 282–297.
FoSSaCS-2010-CateF #calculus #finite #proving- An Easy Completeness Proof for the Modal μ-Calculus on Finite Trees (BtC, GF), pp. 161–175.
DLT-2009-Meinecke #calculus #word- A Weighted μ-Calculus on Words (IM), pp. 384–395.
ICALP-v2-2009-KobayashiO #calculus #complexity #model checking #recursion- Complexity of Model Checking Recursion Schemes for Fragments of the Modal μ-Calculus (NK, CHLO), pp. 223–234.
CSL-2009-CirsteaKP #algebra #calculus- EXPTIME Tableaux for the Coalgebraic μ-Calculus (CC, CK, DP), pp. 179–193.
LICS-2009-KobayashiO #calculus #higher-order #model checking #recursion #type system- A Type System Equivalent to the Modal μ-Calculus Model Checking of Higher-Order Recursion Schemes (NK, CHLO), pp. 179–188.
CSL-2008-ColcombetL #calculus #problem- The Nesting-Depth of Disjunctive μ-Calculus for Tree Languages and the Limitedness Problem (TC, CL), pp. 416–430.
CSL-2008-Fontaine #calculus- Continuous Fragment of the μ-Calculus (GF), pp. 139–153.
CSL-2008-Saurin #on the #λ-calculus- On the Relations between the Syntactic Theories of λμ-Calculi (AS), pp. 154–168.
RTA-2007-Tatsuta #λ-calculus- The Maximum Length of μ-Reduction in λμ-Calculus (MT), pp. 359–373.
TLCA-2007-Vaux #λ-calculus- Convolution λμ-Calculus (LV), pp. 381–395.
FoSSaCS-2007-FerranteM #calculus- Enriched μ-Calculi Module Checking (AF, AM), pp. 183–197.
LICS-2007-JurdzinskiL #calculus- Alternation-free modal μ-calculus for data trees (MJ, RL), pp. 131–140.
ICALP-v2-2006-BonattiLMV #calculus #complexity- The Complexity of Enriched μ-Calculi (PAB, CL, AM, MYV), pp. 540–551.
QAPL-2005-McIverM06 #calculus #game studies #novel #probability- A Novel Stochastic Game Via the Quantitative μ-calculus (AM, CM), pp. 195–212.
FoSSaCS-2006-Rohde #calculus #on the- On the μ-Calculus Augmented with Sabotage (PR), pp. 142–156.
CSL-2006-ScheweF #calculus #finite #satisfiability- Satisfiability and Finite Model Property for the Alternating-Time μ-Calculus (SS, BF), pp. 591–605.
LICS-2006-Lassen #bisimulation #normalisation #λ-calculus- Head Normal Form Bisimulation for Pairs and the λμ-Calculus (SBL), pp. 297–306.
FM-2005-Bosnacki #abstraction #calculus #on the- On Some Galois Connection Based Abstractions for the μ-Calculus (DB), pp. 366–381.
RTA-2005-Rocheteau #call-by #λ-calculus- λμ-Calculus and Duality: Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value (JR), pp. 204–218.
TLCA-2005-DavidN #normalisation #proving #symmetry #λ-calculus- Arithmetical Proofs of Strong Normalization Results for the Symmetric λμ-Calculus (RD, KN), pp. 162–178.
SEKE-2005-IzadiM #algorithm #calculus #model checking #performance- An Efficient Model Checking Algorithm for a Fragment of μ-Calculus (MI, AMR), pp. 392–395.
WRLA-2004-Wang05 #calculus #maude #model checking- μ-Calculus Model Checking in Maude (BYW), pp. 135–152.
CSL-2005-BradfieldDQ #calculus- Transfinite Extension of the μ-Calculus (JCB, JD, SQ), pp. 384–396.
LICS-2005-Saurin #λ-calculus- Separation with Streams in the λμ-calculus (AS), pp. 356–365.
FoSSaCS-2004-Polonovski #calculus #normalisation- Strong Normalization of λμμ-Calculus with Explicit Substitutions (EP), pp. 423–437.
TLCA-2003-Fujita #λ-calculus- A Sound and Complete CPS-Translation for λμ-Calculus (KeF), pp. 120–134.
FoSSaCS-2003-ArnoldS #ambiguity #calculus #game studies- Ambiguous Classes in the Games μ-Calculus Hierarchy (AA, LS), pp. 70–86.
FoSSaCS-2003-SprengerD #calculus #induction #on the #proving #reasoning- On the Structure of Inductive Reasoning: Circular and Tree-Shaped Proofs in the μ-Calculus (CS, MD), pp. 425–440.
TACAS-2003-HenzingerKM #calculus #on the- On the Universal and Existential Fragments of the μ-Calculus (TAH, OK, RM), pp. 49–64.
CAV-2003-Obdrzalek #bound #calculus #model checking #performance- Fast μ-Calculus Model Checking when Tree-Width Is Bounded (JO), pp. 80–92.
FASE-2002-BradfieldFS #calculus #ocl #using- Enriching OCL Using Observational μ-Calculus (JCB, JKF, PS), pp. 203–217.
TACAS-2002-Mateescu #calculus #lts #model checking- Local Model-Checking of Modal μ-Calculus on Acyclic Labeled Transition Systems (RM), pp. 281–295.
CSL-2002-BerwangerGL #calculus #on the- On the Variable Hierarchy of the Modal μ-Calculus (DB, EG, GL), pp. 352–366.
CSL-2002-Niwinski #calculus #game studies- μ-Calculus via Games (DN), pp. 27–43.
TLCA-2001-Matthes #higher-order #induction #λ-calculus- Parigot’s Second Order λμ-Calculus and Inductive Types (RM), pp. 329–343.
PADL-2001-Ramakrishnan #calculus #logic programming #model checking #using- A Model Checker for Value-Passing μ-Calculus Using Logic Programming (CRR), pp. 1–13.
TACAS-2001-BolligLW #calculus #model checking #parallel- Parallel Model Checking for the Alternation Free μ-Calculus (BB, ML, MW), pp. 543–558.
CAV-2001-GrumbergHS #calculus #distributed #model checking- Distributed Symbolic Model Checking for μ-Calculus (OG, TH, AS), pp. 350–362.
LICS-2001-JaninL #calculus #monad- Relating Levels of the μ-Calculus Hierarchy and Levels of the Monadic Hierarchy (DJ, GL), pp. 347–356.
ICALP-1999-Miculan #calculus #formal method #induction #lazy evaluation #proving- Formalizing a Lazy Substitution Proof System for μ-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (MM), pp. 554–564.
TLCA-1999-Fujita #call-by #morphism #polymorphism #λ-calculus- Explicitly Typed λμ-Calculus for Polymorphism an Call-by-Value (KeF), pp. 162–176.
FoSSaCS-1999-NarasimhaCI #calculus #logic #probability- Probabilistic Temporal Logics via the Modal μ-Calculus (MN, RC, SPI), pp. 288–305.
TACAS-1998-Sprenger #calculus #coq #model checking- A Verified Model Checker for the Modal μ-calculus in Coq (CS), pp. 167–183.
LICS-1998-CharatonikMNPW #calculus- The Horn μ-calculus (WC, DAM, DN, AP, IW), pp. 58–69.
ICALP-1997-BurkartS #calculus #infinity #model checking #process- Model Checking the Full Modal μ-Calculus for Infinite Sequential Processes (OB, BS), pp. 419–429.
CAV-1997-Biere #calculus #model checking #named #performance- μcke — Efficient μ-Calculus Model Checking (AB), pp. 468–471.
CAV-1997-PardoH #abstraction #automation #calculus #model checking- Automatic Abstraction Techniques for Propositional μ-calculus Model Checking (AP, GDH), pp. 12–23.
LICS-1997-HofmannS #continuation #modelling #λ-calculus- Continuation Models are Universal for λμ-Calculus (MH, TS), pp. 387–395.
ICALP-1996-BradfieldEM #calculus #effectiveness #linear- An Effective Tableau System for the Linear Time μ-Calculus (JCB, JE, AM), pp. 98–109.
ICALP-1996-Lenzi #calculus #theorem- A Hierarchy Theorem for the μ-Calculus (GL), pp. 87–97.
RWLW-1996-Lechner #calculus #distributed #maude #object-oriented #specification- Object-oriented specifications of distributed systems in the μ-Calculus and Maude (UL), pp. 385–404.
TACAS-1996-BhatC #calculus #model checking- Efficent Local Model-Checking for Fragments of teh Modal μ-Calculus (GB, RC), pp. 107–126.
TACAS-1996-Stirling #calculus #game studies- Games and Modal μ-Calculus (CS), pp. 298–312.
LICS-1996-BhatC #calculus #equation #model checking #performance- Efficient Model Checking via the Equational μ-Calculus (GB, RC), pp. 304–312.
LICS-1996-Seidl #calculus- A Modal μ-Calculus for Durational Transition Systems (HS), pp. 128–137.
TACAS-1995-Mader #calculus #model checking- Modal μ-Calculus, Model Checking and Gauß Elimination (AM), pp. 72–88.
CAV-1995-Emerson #calculus #model checking #tutorial- Methods for μ-calculus Model Checking: A Tutorial (EAE), p. 141.
CAV-1995-Rauzy #calculus #constraints- Toupie = μ-Calculus + Constraints (AR), pp. 114–126.
LICS-1995-Walukiewicz #axiom #calculus- Completeness of Kozen’s Axiomatisation of the Propositional μ-Calculus (IW), pp. 14–24.
CAV-1994-SokolskyS #calculus #incremental #model checking- Incremental Model Checking in the Modal μ-Calculus (OS, SAS), pp. 351–363.
LICS-1994-AndersenSW #calculus #composition #proving- A Compositional Proof System for the Modal μ-Calculus (HRA, CS, GW), pp. 144–153.
LICS-1994-ZhangSS #calculus #complexity #model checking #on the #parallel- On the Parallel Complexity of Model Checking in the Modal μ-Calculus (SZ, OS, SAS), pp. 154–163.
CAV-1993-EmersonJS #calculus #model checking #on the- On Model-Checking for Fragments of μ-Calculus (EAE, CSJ, APS), pp. 385–396.
CSL-1993-AmblerKM #calculus #on the- On Duality for the Modal μ-Calculus (SA, MZK, NM), pp. 18–32.
WSA-1992-CorsiniMR #calculus #finite #prolog #semantics- The μ-Calculus over Finite Domains as an Abstract Semantics of Prolog (MMC, KM, AR), pp. 51–59.
CAV-1992-CleavelandKS #calculus #model checking #performance- Faster Model Checking for the Modal μ-Calculus (RC, MK, BS), pp. 410–422.
CAV-1991-CleavelandS #algorithm #calculus #linear #model checking- A Linear-Time Model-Checking Algorithm for the Alternation-Free Modal μ-Calculus (RC, BS), pp. 48–58.
LICS-1986-EmersonL #calculus #model checking #performance- Efficient Model Checking in Fragments of the Propositional μ-Calculus (EAE, CLL), pp. 267–278.
ICALP-1984-StreettE #calculus- The Propositional μ-Calculus is Elementary (RSS, EAE), pp. 465–472.
ICALP-1982-Kozen #calculus- Results on the Propositional μ-Calculus (DK), pp. 348–359.