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Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
A.Cavalcanti A.Denise T.Moineau S.Gouraud J.Oudinet R.Lassaigne S.Peyronnet R.M.Hierons C.Khoury A.V.Zamulin B.Marr L.Bougé N.Choquet L.Fribourg M.Bidoit B.Biebow C.Gresse G.D.Guiho
Talks about:
test (10) specif (6) formal (5) model (3) base (3) program (2) coverag (2) system (2) random (2) method (2)

Person: Marie-Claude Gaudel

DBLP DBLP: Gaudel:Marie=Claude

Facilitated 3 volumes:

FME 1996Ed
ICSE 1990Ed

Contributed to:

FASE 20142014
FASE 20112011
ICTSS 20112011
TAP 20112011
MBT 20082008
FM 20052005
ASE 20012001
Ada-Europe 20012001
FASE 19991999
ICSE 19941994
IWPTS 19921992
ESOP 19881988
ICSE 19841984
SDCG 19801980
TAPSOFT, Vol.2: CSE 19851985

Wrote 17 papers:

FASE-2014-CavalcantiG #data flow #testing
Data Flow Coverage for Circus-Based Testing (AC, MCG), pp. 415–429.
FASE-2011-OudinetDGLP #model checking #monte carlo
Uniform Monte-Carlo Model Checking (JO, AD, MCG, RL, SP), pp. 127–140.
ICTSS-2011-CavalcantiGH #consistency #csp #distributed #testing
Conformance Relations for Distributed Testing Based on CSP (AC, MCG, RMH), pp. 48–63.
ICTSS-2011-Gaudel #random testing #testing
Counting for Random Testing (MCG), pp. 1–8.
TAP-2011-Gaudel #modelling #proving #source code #testing
Checking Models, Proving Programs, and Testing Systems (MCG), pp. 1–13.
MBT-2008-GaudelDGLOP #modelling #random
Coverage-biased Random Exploration of Models (MCG, AD, SDG, RL, JO, SP), pp. 3–14.
FM-2005-Gaudel #approximate #correctness #formal method #testing
Formal Methods and Testing: Hypotheses, and Correctness Approximations (MCG), pp. 2–8.
ASE-2001-GouraudDGM #automation #statistics #testing
A New Way of Automating Statistical Testing Methods (SDG, AD, MCG, BM), pp. 5–12.
AdaEurope-2001-Gaudel #approach #specification #testing
Testing from Formal Specifications, a Generic Approach (MCG), pp. 35–48.
Dynamic Systems with Implicit State (MCG, CK, AVZ), pp. 114–128.
ICSE-1994-Gaudel #specification
Formal Specification Techniques (MCG), pp. 223–227.
IWPTS-1992-Gaudel #data type #specification #testing
Test Selection Based on ADT Specifications (MCG), pp. 31–40.
ESOP-1988-GaudelM #formal method #reuse #usability
A Theory of Software Reusability (MCG, TM), pp. 115–130.
ICSE-1984-BidoitBGGG #exception #specification
Exception Handling: Formal Specification and Systematic Program Construction (MB, BB, MCG, CG, GDG), pp. 18–29.
SDCG-1980-Gaudel #compilation #data type #specification
Specification of compilers as abstract data type representations (MCG), pp. 140–164.
CSE-1985-BougeCFG #algebra #generative #prolog #specification #testing
Application of Prolog to Test Sets Generation from Algebraic Specifications (LB, NC, LF, MCG), pp. 261–275.
TAPSOFT-1995-Gaudel #testing
Testing Can Be Formal, Too (MCG), pp. 82–96.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.