Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Israel
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × Sweden
4 × France
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ H.Olsén M.V.Peixoto B.Bérard J.Richardson P.H.Cheong É.André U.Kühne R.Soulat L.Bougé N.Choquet M.Gaudel
Talks about:
program (9) prolog (6) induct (6) logic (5) constraint (4) procedur (3) arithmet (3) superposit (2) function (2) simplif (2)
Person: Laurent Fribourg
DBLP: Fribourg:Laurent
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- FM-2012-AndreFKS #problem #robust #scheduling
- IMITATOR 2.5: A Tool for Analyzing Robustness in Scheduling Problems (ÉA, LF, UK, RS), pp. 33–36.
- CAV-1999-BerardF #automation #consistency #parametricity #protocol #realtime #verification
- Automated Verification of a Parametric Real-Time Program: The ABR Conformance Protocol (BB, LF), pp. 96–107.
- LOPSTR-1999-Fribourg #constraints #logic programming #model checking
- Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Model Checking (LF), pp. 30–41.
- LOPSTR-1996-FribourgO #logic programming #petri net #reduction #source code
- Reductions of Petri Nets and Unfolding of Propositional Logic Programs (LF, HO), pp. 187–203.
- LOPSTR-1996-FribourgR #constraints #verification
- Symbolic Verification with Gap-Order Constraints (LF, JR), pp. 20–37.
- CADE-1994-FribourgP #bottom-up #constraints #datalog #evaluation #source code
- Bottom-up Evaluation of Datalog Programs with Arithmetic Constraints (LF, MVP), pp. 311–325.
- ILPS-1993-FribourgP #automaton #concurrent #constraints
- Concurrent Constraint Automata (LF, MVP), p. 656.
- LICS-1992-Fribourg #recursion
- Mixing List Recursion and Arithmetic (LF), pp. 419–429.
- LOPSTR-1992-FribourgO #induction #logic programming #source code
- A Unifying View of Structural Induction and Computation Induction for Logic Programs (LF, HO), pp. 46–60.
- ISLP-1991-Fribourg #automation #generative #induction #proving
- Automatic Generation of Simplification Lemmas for Inductive Proofs (LF), pp. 103–116.
- PLILP-1991-CheongF #integration #performance #prolog
- Efficient Integration of Simplifications into Prolog (PHC, LF), pp. 359–370.
- CLP-1990-Fribourg90 #execution #induction #logic programming #prolog #proving #source code
- Extracting Logic Programs from Proofs that Use Extended Prolog Execution and Induction (LF), pp. 685–699.
- PLILP-1990-Fribourg #execution #prolog
- A New Presburger Arithmetic Decision Procedure Based on Extended Prolog Execution (LF), pp. 174–188.
- ALP-1988-Fribourg #functional #prolog #question
- Functional Extensions to Prolog: Are they Needed? (LF), pp. 21–29.
- JICSCP-1988-Fribourg88 #induction #prolog #source code
- Equivalence-Preserving Transformations of Inductive Properties of Prolog Programs (LF), pp. 893–908.
- ICALP-1986-Fribourg #induction #strict
- A Strong Restriction of the Inductive Completion Procedure (LF), pp. 105–115.
- RTA-1985-Fribourg
- Handling Function Definitions through Innermost Superposition and Rewriting (LF), pp. 325–344.
- SLP-1985-Fribourg85 #interpreter #logic programming #named #programming language
- SLOG: A Logic Programming Language Interpreter Based on Clausal Superposition and Rewriting (LF), pp. 172–184.
- CADE-1984-Fribourg
- A Narrowing Procedure for Theories with Constructors (LF), pp. 259–281.
- ICALP-1984-Fribourg #equation #programming language
- Oriented Equational Clauses as a Programming Language (LF), pp. 162–173.
- CSE-1985-BougeCFG #algebra #generative #prolog #specification #testing
- Application of Prolog to Test Sets Generation from Algebraic Specifications (LB, NC, LF, MCG), pp. 261–275.