Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.M.Hailpern J.Han N.D.Venkata C.Wang A.Harris K.Karahalios M.Ji N.Desai F.Tao S.Suh R.LaBotz G.Dell J.Hengst Y.Zhang P.Nguyen T.Taula S.Nguyen G.Chen L.Wang T.Weninger F.Fumarola T.J.Johnston S.Kallumadi H.Kim Z.Li D.McCloskey Y.Sun N.E.TeGrotenhuis X.Yu K.H.Lei C.Zhai X.Cheng B.Ding J.Ge H.Ji R.Kanade A.Kao Q.Li Y.Li C.X.Lin J.Liu N.C.Oza A.N.Srivastava R.Tjoelker D.Zhang B.Zhao
Talks about:
mine (3) hierarchi (2) heterogen (2) construct (2) network (2) languag (2) inform (2) topic (2) data (2) base (2)
Person: Marina Danilevsky
DBLP: Danilevsky:Marina
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- DocEng-2014-HailpernVD #how #named #what
- Pagination: it’s what you say, not how long it takes to say it (JMH, NDV, MD), pp. 147–156.
- DocEng-2014-HailpernVD14a #ll #named
- Truncation: all the news that fits we’ll print (JMH, NDV, MD), pp. 165–174.
- CSCW-2013-HailpernDHSLK #communication #framework #named #platform #research
- ACES: a cross-discipline platform and method for communication and language research (JMH, MD, AH, SS, RL, KK), pp. 515–526.
- KDD-2013-DanilevskyWTNCDWH #mining #named #semistructured data #topic
- AMETHYST: a system for mining and exploring topical hierarchies of heterogeneous data (MD, CW, FT, SN, GC, ND, LW, JH), pp. 1458–1461.
- KDD-2013-TaoLHZCDDDGJKKLLLLOSTWZZ #mining #multi #named
- EventCube: multi-dimensional search and mining of structured and text data (FT, KHL, JH, CZ, XC, MD, ND, BD, JG, HJ, RK, AK, QL, YL, CXL, JL, NCO, ANS, RT, CW, DZ, BZ), pp. 1494–1497.
- KDD-2013-WangDDZNTH #framework #mining #recursion #topic
- A phrase mining framework for recursive construction of a topical hierarchy (CW, MD, ND, YZ, PN, TT, JH), pp. 437–445.
- CHI-2011-HailpernDHKDH #named #towards
- ACES: promoting empathy towards aphasia through language distortion emulation software (JMH, MD, AH, KK, GD, JH), pp. 609–618.
- KDD-2011-JiHD #classification #network
- Ranking-based classification of heterogeneous information networks (MJ, JH, MD), pp. 1298–1306.
- SIGMOD-2011-WeningerDFHHJKKLMSTWY #analysis #named #network
- WINACS: construction and analysis of web-based computer science information networks (TW, MD, FF, JMH, JH, TJJ, SK, HK, ZL, DM, YS, NET, CW, XY), pp. 1255–1258.