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1 × Austria
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2 × Australia
2 × Chile
2 × Portugal
3 × France
3 × United Kingdom
46 × USA
7 × China
8 × Canada
Collaborated with:
X.Yan P.S.Yu Y.Sun C.Wang D.Xin J.Pei X.Li B.Zhao H.Cheng Y.Fu J.Gao L.V.S.Lakshmanan J.Wang Z.Li C.X.Lin W.Fan X.Yu C.Zhai T.Weninger Q.Gu P.Zhao Q.Mei H.Gonzalez B.Ding C.C.Aggarwal O.R.Zaïane C.Chen R.T.Ng A.El-Kishky T.Wu L.J.Henschen C.Liu K.Wang X.Yin H.Deng D.Cai M.Ji K.C.Chang H.Yu X.Ren W.Wang X.He J.Lee Y.Yu J.Yang Y.Cai N.Cercone L.Liu Z.Xie J.Chiang Q.Li J.Liu M.Danilevsky Y.Yin X.Jin J.Luo G.Dong R.Kays Z.Yin B.Norick D.Roth S.Cong D.A.Padua A.K.H.Tung K.Koperski Y.Li H.D.Kim F.Tao M.Kim L.Feng H.Lu A.Pang C.Zhai Y.Song C.Zhang H.Wang S.Kim B.W.Wah G.Brova W.Gong N.Stefanovic B.Lin D.W.Cheung W.V.Zhang H.Ji L.Su C.R.Voss T.F.L.Porta D.Lo L.Wang J.Tang Y.Kim C.Yuan W.Shen Y.Bisk J.Wang K.Whang X.J.Zhou B.He Y.Li A.Y.Wu M.Garland Q.Chen U.Dayal W.Jin Y.He M.Kamber W.S.Luk W.Zhang N.Zhuang C.Youn M.Xin F.Fumarola N.Desai L.A.Tang D.Zhang H.Kim U.Khandelwal X.Liu Y.Zheng X.Ma H.Zhuang A.G.Parameswaran H.Gui F.Wu T.K.H.Lei M.Gupta M.Barsky B.I.P.Rubinstein J.Gemmell H.Wang M.Winslett D.Malerba R.Li J.Jiang X.Shen K.Chakrabarti V.Ganti J.Hoeflinger J.Liu Y.Pan J.X.Yu T.Mah M.R.Lyu I.King Y.Li S.Zhi J.Shang L.Shou J.Lu T.Mao T.Yang R.Jin R.Jin Z.Wang L.Sun R.Cheng X.Li L.Liu M.Jiang S.Yang P.Nye S.Khoo C.Sun B.Jiang X.Lin X.Zhang Y.Zhang B.K.Bhargava M.Myslinska J.P.Sondag L.Fei S.P.Midkiff Y.Chen J.M.W.Lam Z.Li S.H.S.Chee Y.Huang C.Wang Y.Song M.Zhang Y.Li F.Han A.Leung X.Liu Q.He Y.Tian W.Lee J.McPherson R.Raina D.Fong D.Zhou G.J.Badros F.Zhu Q.Qu J.Huang H.Sun Y.Liu L.Cao F.Liang M.Fredrikson M.Christodorescu D.Zhang X.Gu J.Lee R.Redder Y.D.Cai D.Clutter G.Pape M.Welge L.Auvil H.Pinto B.Mortazavi-Asl M.Hsu W.Tong D.Yu B.Zong Y.Wu J.Song A.K.Singh H.Çam Y.Zhang P.Nguyen T.Taula J.Yan S.Gu Z.Chen Y.Jia J.Guo C.Wang Y.Zhu B.Shi K.H.Lei X.Cheng R.Kanade A.Zhang A.Goyal W.Kong A.Dong Y.Chang C.A.Gunter M.Demirbas S.Nguyen G.Chen B.Sturt K.Zhang O.Verscheure F.Ma M.Qiu B.Liao D.Li Y.Lu A.Rajan B.Xia J.M.Hailpern T.J.Johnston S.Kallumadi Z.Li D.McCloskey N.E.TeGrotenhuis J.Ge A.Kao N.C.Oza A.N.Srivastava R.Tjoelker
Talks about:
mine (77) network (41) data (36) pattern (28) base (24) databas (23) inform (22) heterogen (20) cube (20) approach (19)

Person: Jiawei Han

DBLP DBLP: Han:Jiawei

Facilitated 1 volumes:

KDD 1996Ed

Contributed to:

KDD 20152015
SIGIR 20152015
SIGMOD 20152015
VLDB 20152014
VLDB 20152015
CIKM 20142014
KDD 20142014
SIGMOD 20142014
VLDB 20142014
CIKM 20132013
KDD 20132013
RecSys 20132013
SIGMOD 20132013
CIKM 20122012
HT 20122012
ICML 20122012
KDD 20122012
SIGMOD 20122012
VLDB 20122011
VLDB 20122012
CIKM 20112011
KDD 20112011
SIGIR 20112011
SIGMOD 20112011
VLDB 20112011
CIKM 20102010
ECIR 20102010
KDD 20102010
SIGMOD 20102010
VLDB 20102010
CIKM 20092009
KDD 20092009
VLDB 20092009
CIKM 20082008
KDD 20082008
SIGMOD 20082008
VLDB 20082008
CIKM 20072007
ICSM 20072007
KDD 20072007
SIGMOD 20072007
VLDB 20072007
CIKM 20062006
FSE 20062006
KDD 20062006
SIGIR 20062006
SIGMOD 20062006
VLDB 20062006
ESEC/FSE 20052005
KDD 20052005
PPoPP 20052005
SIGMOD 20052005
VLDB 20052005
KDD 20042004
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004
CIKM 20032003
KDD 20032003
VLDB 20032003
CIKM 20022002
KDD 20022002
SIGMOD 20022002
VLDB 20022002
CIKM 20012001
KDD 20012001
KDD-T 20012001
VLDB 20012001
KDD 20002000
SIGMOD 20002000
VLDB 20002000
CIKM 19991999
KDD 19991999
SIGMOD 19991999
KDD 19981998
SIGMOD 19981998
KDD 19971997
SIGMOD 19971997
KDD 19961996
KDD 19961996
SIGMOD 19961996
CIKM 19951995
KDD 19951995
VLDB 19951995
CIKM 19941994
KDD 19941994
SIGMOD 19941994
VLDB 19941994
ILPS 19931993
VLDB 19921992
KDD 19911991
SEKE 19901990
NACLP 19891989
SEKE 19891989
SIGMOD 19881988
SIGMOD 19871987
ADL 19981998
JCDL 20122012

Wrote 191 papers:

KDD-2015-KimHY #mining #named #topic
TOPTRAC: Topical Trajectory Pattern Mining (YK, JH, CY), pp. 587–596.
KDD-2015-LiLGSZFH #evolution #on the
On the Discovery of Evolving Truth (YL, QL, JG, LS, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 675–684.
KDD-2015-MaLLQGZSZJH #crowdsourcing #fine-grained #named
FaitCrowd: Fine Grained Truth Discovery for Crowdsourced Data Aggregation (FM, YL, QL, MQ, JG, SZ, LS, BZ, HJ, JH), pp. 745–754.
KDD-2015-RenEWH #approach #automation #corpus #mining #network #recognition #type system
Automatic Entity Recognition and Typing from Massive Text Corpora: A Phrase and Network Mining Approach (XR, AEK, CW, JH), pp. 2319–2320.
KDD-2015-RenEWTVH #clustering #effectiveness #named #recognition #type system
ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based Clustering (XR, AEK, CW, FT, CRV, JH), pp. 995–1004.
KDD-2015-WangLSH #approach #composition #interactive #recursion #topic #towards
Towards Interactive Construction of Topical Hierarchy: A Recursive Tensor Decomposition Approach (CW, XL, YS, JH), pp. 1225–1234.
KDD-2015-WangSERZH #clustering #documentation #network
Incorporating World Knowledge to Document Clustering via Heterogeneous Information Networks (CW, YS, AEK, DR, MZ, JH), pp. 1215–1224.
KDD-2015-ZhangZMH #assembly #co-evolution #named #performance
Assembler: Efficient Discovery of Spatial Co-evolving Patterns in Massive Geo-sensory Data (CZ, YZ, XM, JH), pp. 1415–1424.
KDD-2015-ZhiZTGYJH #modelling
Modeling Truth Existence in Truth Discovery (SZ, BZ, WT, JG, DY, HJ, JH), pp. 1543–1552.
KDD-2015-ZhuangPRH #crowdsourcing
Debiasing Crowdsourced Batches (HZ, AGP, DR, JH), pp. 1593–1602.
SIGIR-2015-ZhangGKDDCGH #adaptation #feedback #named #query
adaQAC: Adaptive Query Auto-Completion via Implicit Negative Feedback (AZ, AG, WK, HD, AD, YC, CAG, JH), pp. 143–152.
SIGMOD-2015-LiuSWRH #corpus #mining #quality
Mining Quality Phrases from Massive Text Corpora (JL, JS, CW, XR, JH), pp. 1729–1744.
VLDB-2015-El-KishkySWVH14 #corpus #mining #scalability #topic
Scalable Topical Phrase Mining from Text Corpora (AEK, YS, CW, CRV, JH), pp. 305–316.
VLDB-2015-GaoLZFH #crowdsourcing #perspective
Truth Discovery and Crowdsourcing Aggregation: A Unified Perspective (JG, QL, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 2048–2059.
VLDB-2015-LiLGSZDFH14 #approach
A Confidence-Aware Approach for Truth Discovery on Long-Tail Data (QL, YL, JG, LS, BZ, MD, WF, JH), pp. 425–436.
CIKM-2014-GuiSHB #modelling #multi #network #topic
Modeling Topic Diffusion in Multi-Relational Bibliographic Information Networks (HG, YS, JH, GB), pp. 649–658.
KDD-2014-HanWE #mining #topic
Bringing structure to text: mining phrases, entities, topics, and hierarchies (JH, CW, AEK), p. 1968.
KDD-2014-RenLYKGWH #clustering #effectiveness #named #recommendation
ClusCite: effective citation recommendation by information network-based clustering (XR, JL, XY, UK, QG, LW, JH), pp. 821–830.
KDD-2014-ZongWSSCHY #mining #scalability #towards
Towards scalable critical alert mining (BZ, YW, JS, AKS, , JH, XY), pp. 1057–1066.
SIGMOD-2014-HanW #mining
Mining latent entity structures from massive unstructured and interconnected data (JH, CW), pp. 1409–1410.
SIGMOD-2014-LiLGZFH #estimation #reliability #semistructured data
Resolving conflicts in heterogeneous data by truth discovery and source reliability estimation (QL, YL, JG, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 1187–1198.
SIGMOD-2014-ShenHW #network #probability #web
A probabilistic model for linking named entities in web text with heterogeneous information networks (WS, JH, JW), pp. 1199–1210.
SIGMOD-2014-TaoBHJWNELRS #automation #named #network
NewsNetExplorer: automatic construction and exploration of news information networks (FT, GB, JH, HJ, CW, BN, AEK, JL, XR, YS), pp. 1091–1094.
VLDB-2014-WuLLH #mining
MoveMine 2.0: Mining Object Relationships from Movement Data (FW, TKHL, ZL, JH), pp. 1613–1616.
VLDB-2014-ZhangHSLP #fine-grained #mining #named #semantics
Splitter: Mining Fine-Grained Sequential Patterns in Semantic Trajectories (CZ, JH, LS, JL, TFLP), pp. 769–780.
CIKM-2013-WangYLZH #network #summary #topic #word
Content coverage maximization on word networks for hierarchical topic summarization (CW, XY, YL, CZ, JH), pp. 249–258.
KDD-2013-DanilevskyWTNCDWH #mining #named #semistructured data #topic
AMETHYST: a system for mining and exploring topical hierarchies of heterogeneous data (MD, CW, FT, SN, GC, ND, LW, JH), pp. 1458–1461.
KDD-2013-GuALH #classification #graph
Selective sampling on graphs for classification (QG, CCA, JL, JH), pp. 131–139.
KDD-2013-LiWHHRY #ambiguity #mining
Mining evidences for named entity disambiguation (YL, CW, FH, JH, DR, XY), pp. 1070–1078.
KDD-2013-TangYGHLP #cyber-physical #mining
Mining lines in the sand: on trajectory discovery from untrustworthy data in cyber-physical system (LAT, XY, QG, JH, AL, TFLP), pp. 410–418.
KDD-2013-TaoLHZCDDDGJKKLLLLOSTWZZ #mining #multi #named
EventCube: multi-dimensional search and mining of structured and text data (FT, KHL, JH, CZ, XC, MD, ND, BD, JG, HJ, RK, AK, QL, YL, CXL, JL, NCO, ANS, RT, CW, DZ, BZ), pp. 1494–1497.
KDD-2013-WangDDZNTH #framework #mining #recursion #topic
A phrase mining framework for recursive construction of a topical hierarchy (CW, MD, ND, YZ, PN, TT, JH), pp. 437–445.
RecSys-2013-YuRSSKGNH #feedback #network #recommendation
Recommendation in heterogeneous information networks with implicit user feedback (XY, XR, YS, BS, UK, QG, BN, JH), pp. 347–350.
SIGMOD-2013-TaoYLBCHKSWWW #analysis #named #network #research
Research-insight: providing insight on research by publication network analysis (FT, XY, KHL, GB, XC, JH, RK, YS, CW, LW, TW), pp. 1093–1096.
CIKM-2012-WeningerBH #documentation #graph #topic
Document-topic hierarchies from document graphs (TW, YB, JH), pp. 635–644.
CIKM-2012-YuSNMH #network #similarity #using
User guided entity similarity search using meta-path selection in heterogeneous information networks (XY, YS, BN, TM, JH), pp. 2025–2029.
HT-2012-WeningerZH #using #web
Building enriched web page representations using link paths (TW, CZ, JH), pp. 53–62.
ICML-2012-JiYLJH #algorithm #bound #fault #learning
A Simple Algorithm for Semi-supervised Learning with Improved Generalization Error Bound (MJ, TY, BL, RJ, JH), p. 110.
KDD-2012-GuptaGSH #community #detection #mining
Integrating community matching and outlier detection for mining evolutionary community outliers (MG, JG, YS, JH), pp. 859–867.
KDD-2012-JiLHCH #parallel #ranking
Parallel field ranking (MJ, BL, XH, DC, JH), pp. 723–731.
KDD-2012-LiWH #mining
Mining event periodicity from incomplete observations (ZL, JW, JH), pp. 444–452.
KDD-2012-LiuHTLMH #network #online #social
Event-based social networks: linking the online and offline social worlds (XL, QH, YT, WCL, JM, JH), pp. 1032–1040.
KDD-2012-SunNHYYY #clustering #network
Integrating meta-path selection with user-guided object clustering in heterogeneous information networks (YS, BN, JH, XY, PSY, XY), pp. 1348–1356.
KDD-2012-YuSZH #network #semantics
Query-driven discovery of semantically similar substructures in heterogeneous networks (XY, YS, PZ, JH), pp. 1500–1503.
SIGMOD-2012-DingWJHW #keyword #optimisation #taxonomy
Optimizing index for taxonomy keyword search (BD, HW, RJ, JH, ZW), pp. 493–504.
VLDB-2012-BarskyKWH11 #correlation #dataset #mining #scalability #taxonomy
Mining Flipping Correlations from Large Datasets with Taxonomies (MB, SK, TW, JH), pp. 370–381.
VLDB-2012-SunAH #clustering #network
Relation Strength-Aware Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks with Incomplete Attributes (YS, CCA, JH), pp. 394–405.
VLDB-2012-SunHYY #analysis #approach #mining #network
Mining Knowledge from Interconnected Data: A Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis Approach (YS, JH, XY, PSY), pp. 2022–2023.
VLDB-2012-ZhaoRGH #approach #integration
A Bayesian Approach to Discovering Truth from Conflicting Sources for Data Integration (BZ, BIPR, JG, JH), pp. 550–561.
CIKM-2011-GuH #feature model #network #towards
Towards feature selection in network (QG, JH), pp. 1175–1184.
CIKM-2011-GuLH #correlation #feature model #multi
Correlated multi-label feature selection (QG, ZL, JH), pp. 1087–1096.
CIKM-2011-ZhaoLDH #database #keyword #multi #named
TEXplorer: keyword-based object search and exploration in multidimensional text databases (BZ, CXL, BD, JH), pp. 1709–1718.
KDD-2011-DengHZYL #modelling #network #probability #topic
Probabilistic topic models with biased propagation on heterogeneous information networks (HD, JH, BZ, YY, CXL), pp. 1271–1279.
KDD-2011-JiHD #classification #network
Ranking-based classification of heterogeneous information networks (MJ, JH, MD), pp. 1298–1306.
KDD-2011-JinWLYH #mining #named #network #power of #social #social media
LikeMiner: a system for mining the power of “like” in social media networks (XJ, CW, JL, XY, JH), pp. 753–756.
SIGIR-2011-DengZH #modelling #network #topic
Collective topic modeling for heterogeneous networks (HD, BZ, JH), pp. 1109–1110.
SIGIR-2011-JiYGHHZC #graph #learning #query #web
Learning search tasks in queries and web pages via graph regularization (MJ, JY, SG, JH, XH, WVZ, ZC), pp. 55–64.
SIGIR-2011-KimKWHK #approach #classification #mining
Authorship classification: a discriminative syntactic tree mining approach (SK, HK, TW, JH, HDK), pp. 455–464.
SIGIR-2011-WangRFZHB #learning #network #online #social
Learning relevance from heterogeneous social network and its application in online targeting (CW, RR, DF, DZ, JH, GJB), pp. 655–664.
SIGIR-2011-WangWZH #learning #online #random
Learning online discussion structures by conditional random fields (HW, CW, CZ, JH), pp. 435–444.
SIGMOD-2011-DingWHL #consistency #optimisation
Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency (BD, MW, JH, ZL), pp. 217–228.
SIGMOD-2011-WeningerDFHHJKKLMSTWY #analysis #named #network
WINACS: construction and analysis of web-based computer science information networks (TW, MD, FF, JMH, JH, TJJ, SK, HK, ZL, DM, YS, NET, CW, XY), pp. 1255–1258.
SIGMOD-2011-ZhaoLXH #graph #multi #network
Graph cube: on warehousing and OLAP multidimensional networks (PZ, XL, DX, JH), pp. 853–864.
VLDB-2011-JinLLH #data mining #detection #named #network #social #social media
SocialSpamGuard: A Data Mining-Based Spam Detection System for Social Media Networks (XJ, CXL, JL, JH), pp. 1458–1461.
VLDB-2011-SunCLCH #on the #similarity
On Link-based Similarity Join (LS, RC, XL, DWC, JH), pp. 714–725.
VLDB-2011-SunHYYW #named #network #similarity
PathSim: Meta Path-Based Top-K Similarity Search in Heterogeneous Information Networks (YS, JH, XY, PSY, TW), pp. 992–1003.
VLDB-2011-ZhuQLYHY #mining #network #scalability
Mining Top-K Large Structural Patterns in a Massive Network (FZ, QQ, DL, XY, JH, PSY), pp. 807–818.
CIKM-2010-HuangSHDSL #algorithm #clustering #community #detection #named #network
SHRINK: a structural clustering algorithm for detecting hierarchical communities in networks (JH, HS, JH, HD, YS, YL), pp. 219–228.
CIKM-2010-JinHCLDL #image #online #visual notation
Visual cube and on-line analytical processing of images (XJ, JH, LC, JL, BD, CXL), pp. 849–858.
CIKM-2010-LiuTHJY #mining #network #topic
Mining topic-level influence in heterogeneous networks (LL, JT, JH, MJ, SY), pp. 199–208.
CIKM-2010-WeningerFHM #database #web
Mapping web pages to database records via link paths (TW, FF, JH, DM), pp. 1637–1640.
ECIR-2010-KimZH #multi #order
Aggregation of Multiple Judgments for Evaluating Ordered Lists (HDK, CZ, JH), pp. 166–178.
KDD-2010-GaoLFWSH #community #detection #network #on the #performance
On community outliers and their efficient detection in information networks (JG, FL, WF, CW, YS, JH), pp. 813–822.
KDD-2010-LiDHKN #behaviour #mining
Mining periodic behaviors for moving objects (ZL, BD, JH, RK, PN), pp. 1099–1108.
KDD-2010-LinZMH #community #named #social #statistics
PET: a statistical model for popular events tracking in social communities (CXL, BZ, QM, JH), pp. 929–938.
KDD-2010-WangHJTZYG #mining #network #research
Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research publication networks (CW, JH, YJ, JT, DZ, YY, JG), pp. 203–212.
SIGMOD-2010-HanSYY #analysis #approach #database #mining #network
Mining knowledge from databases: an information network analysis approach (JH, YS, XY, PSY), pp. 1251–1252.
SIGMOD-2010-LiJLTYHK #database #mining #named
MoveMine: mining moving object databases (ZL, MJ, JGL, LAT, YY, JH, RK), pp. 1203–1206.
VLDB-2010-LiDHK #clustering #mining #named
Swarm: Mining Relaxed Temporal Moving Object Clusters (ZL, BD, JH, RK), pp. 723–734.
VLDB-2010-ZhaoH #graph #network #on the #optimisation #query #scalability
On Graph Query Optimization in Large Networks (PZ, JH), pp. 340–351.
CIKM-2009-ZhaoHS #named #network #similarity
P-Rank: a comprehensive structural similarity measure over information networks (PZ, JH, YS), pp. 553–562.
KDD-2009-GaoFSH #learning
Heterogeneous source consensus learning via decision propagation and negotiation (JG, WF, YS, JH), pp. 339–348.
KDD-2009-LoCHKS #approach #behaviour #classification #detection #mining
Classification of software behaviors for failure detection: a discriminative pattern mining approach (DL, HC, JH, SCK, CS), pp. 557–566.
KDD-2009-SunYH #clustering #network
Ranking-based clustering of heterogeneous information networks with star network schema (YS, YY, JH), pp. 797–806.
KDD-2009-YinLMH #classification #graph #social #web
Exploring social tagging graph for web object classification (ZY, RL, QM, JH), pp. 957–966.
VLDB-2009-ChenLFCYH #graph #mining #random #summary
Mining Graph Patterns Efficiently via Randomized Summaries (CC, CXL, MF, MC, XY, JH), pp. 742–753.
VLDB-2009-KimH #clustering #network
A Particle-and-Density Based Evolutionary Clustering Method for Dynamic Networks (MSK, JH), pp. 622–633.
VLDB-2009-WuXMH #analysis #multi
Promotion Analysis in Multi-Dimensional Space (TW, DX, QM, JH), pp. 109–120.
VLDB-2009-YuLSCHLWZZZ #named
iNextCube: Information Network-Enhanced Text Cube (YY, CXL, YS, CC, JH, BL, TW, CZ, DZ, BZ), pp. 1622–1625.
CIKM-2008-CaiMHZ #documentation #modelling #topic
Modeling hidden topics on document manifold (DC, QM, JH, CZ), pp. 911–920.
CIKM-2008-ChenLYH #approach #effectiveness #graph #on the
On effective presentation of graph patterns: a structural representative approach (CC, CXL, XY, JH), pp. 299–308.
KDD-2008-FanZCGYHYV #mining #modelling
Direct mining of discriminative and essential frequent patterns via model-based search tree (WF, KZ, HC, JG, XY, JH, PSY, OV), pp. 230–238.
KDD-2008-GaoFJH #information management #multi
Knowledge transfer via multiple model local structure mapping (JG, WF, JJ, JH), pp. 283–291.
KDD-2008-JiangPLCH #mining
Mining preferences from superior and inferior examples (BJ, JP, XL, DWC, JH), pp. 390–398.
SIGMOD-2008-LiHYLS #framework #statistics
Sampling cube: a framework for statistical olap over sampling data (XL, JH, ZY, JGL, YS), pp. 779–790.
SIGMOD-2008-SunWYCHYZ #mining #named #network
BibNetMiner: mining bibliographic information networks (YS, TW, ZY, HC, JH, XY, PZ), pp. 1341–1344.
SIGMOD-2008-WuXH #named #query #ranking
ARCube: supporting ranking aggregate queries in partially materialized data cubes (TW, DX, JH), pp. 79–92.
SIGMOD-2008-YanCHY #graph #mining
Mining significant graph patterns by leap search (XY, HC, JH, PSY), pp. 433–444.
VLDB-2008-LeeHLG #classification #clustering #named #using
TraClass: trajectory classification using hierarchical region-based and trajectory-based clustering (JGL, JH, XL, HG), pp. 1081–1094.
CIKM-2007-CaiHZH #locality
Regularized locality preserving indexing via spectral regression (DC, XH, WVZ, JH), pp. 741–750.
ICSM-2007-LiuZHB #approach
Indexing Noncrashing Failures: A Dynamic Program Slicing-Based Approach (CL, XZ, YZ, JH, BKB), pp. 455–464.
KDD-2007-YinHY #multi #web
Truth discovery with multiple conflicting information providers on the web (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 1048–1052.
SIGMOD-2007-LeeHW #clustering #framework
Trajectory clustering: a partition-and-group framework (JGL, JH, KYW), pp. 593–604.
SIGMOD-2007-XinHC #ad hoc #ranking
Progressive and selective merge: computing top-k with ad-hoc ranking functions (DX, JH, KCCC), pp. 103–114.
VLDB-2007-ChenYYHZG #graph #towards
Towards Graph Containment Search and Indexing (CC, XY, PSY, JH, DQZ, XG), pp. 926–937.
VLDB-2007-GonzalezHLMS #adaptation #approach #mining #network #performance
Adaptive Fastest Path Computation on a Road Network: A Traffic Mining Approach (HG, JH, XL, MM, JPS), pp. 794–805.
VLDB-2007-LiH #approximate #mining #multi
Mining Approximate Top-K Subspace Anomalies in Multi-Dimensional Time-Series Data (XL, JH), pp. 447–458.
VLDB-2007-WuLXHLR #database #named
DataScope: Viewing Database Contents in Google Maps’ Way (TW, XL, DX, JH, JL, RR), pp. 1314–1317.
CIKM-2006-GonzalezHL #mining #set #workflow
Mining compressed commodity workflows from massive RFID data sets (HG, JH, XL), pp. 162–171.
FSE-2006-LiuH #approach #fault #proximity
Failure proximity: a fault localization-based approach (CL, JH), pp. 46–56.
KDD-2006-LiuCHY #analysis #dependence #detection #graph #named
GPLAG: detection of software plagiarism by program dependence graph analysis (CL, CC, JH, PSY), pp. 872–881.
KDD-2006-MeiXCHZ #analysis #generative #semantics
Generating semantic annotations for frequent patterns with context analysis (QM, DX, HC, JH, CZ), pp. 337–346.
Extracting redundancy-aware top-k patterns (DX, HC, XY, JH), pp. 444–453.
KDD-2006-XinSMH #feedback #interactive
Discovering interesting patterns through user’s interactive feedback (DX, XS, QM, JH), pp. 773–778.
SIGIR-2006-CaiHH #analysis #documentation
Tensor space model for document analysis (DC, XH, JH), pp. 625–626.
SIGMOD-2006-ChakrabartiGHX #ranking
Ranking objects based on relationships (KC, VG, JH, DX), pp. 371–382.
VLDB-2006-GonzalezHL #analysis #multi #named
FlowCube: Constructuing RFID FlowCubes for Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Commodity Flows (HG, JH, XL), pp. 834–845.
VLDB-2006-XinCH #query #robust #towards
Towards Robust Indexing for Ranked Queries (DX, CC, JH), pp. 235–246.
VLDB-2006-XinHCL #approach #multi #query #ranking
Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach (DX, JH, HC, XL), pp. 463–475.
VLDB-2006-YinHY #clustering #named #performance #semantics
LinkClus: Efficient Clustering via Heterogeneous Semantic Links (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 427–438.
ESEC-FSE-2005-LiuYFHM #debugging #locality #modelling #named #statistics
SOBER: statistical model-based bug localization (CL, XY, LF, JH, SPM), pp. 286–295.
KDD-2005-CongHP #mining #parallel
Parallel mining of closed sequential patterns (SC, JH, DAP), pp. 562–567.
KDD-2005-YanCHX #approach
Summarizing itemset patterns: a profile-based approach (XY, HC, JH, DX), pp. 314–323.
KDD-2005-YanZH #constraints #graph #mining #relational
Mining closed relational graphs with connectivity constraints (XY, XJZ, JH), pp. 324–333.
KDD-2005-YinHY #clustering
Cross-relational clustering with user’s guidance (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 344–353.
PPoPP-2005-CongHHP #data mining #framework #mining #parallel
A sampling-based framework for parallel data mining (SC, JH, JH, DAP), pp. 255–265.
SIGMOD-2005-WangWZSPYH #database #graph #named #scalability
GraphMiner: a structural pattern-mining system for large disk-based graph databases and its applications (WW, CW, YZ, BS, JP, XY, JH), pp. 879–881.
SIGMOD-2005-YanYH #database #graph #similarity
Substructure Similarity Search in Graph Databases (XY, PSY, JH), pp. 766–777.
VLDB-2005-XinHYC #mining #set
Mining Compressed Frequent-Pattern Sets (DX, JH, XY, HC), pp. 709–720.
KDD-2004-AggarwalHWY #classification #data type #on the
On demand classification of data streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 503–508.
KDD-2004-ChengYH #database #incremental #mining #named #scalability
IncSpan: incremental mining of sequential patterns in large database (HC, XY, JH), pp. 527–532.
KDD-2004-HeCH #approach #correlation #interface #mining #query #web
Discovering complex matchings across web query interfaces: a correlation mining approach (BH, KCCC, JH), pp. 148–157.
KDD-2004-LiHY #clustering
Clustering moving objects (YL, JH, JY), pp. 617–622.
KDD-2004-WuGH #clustering #mining #network #using
Mining scale-free networks using geodesic clustering (AYW, MG, JH), pp. 719–724.
SIGMOD-2004-CaiCPHWA #data type #mining #named
MAIDS: Mining Alarming Incidents from Data Streams (YDC, DC, GP, JH, MW, LA), pp. 919–920.
SIGMOD-2004-YanYH #approach #graph
Graph Indexing: A Frequent Structure-based Approach (XY, PSY, JH), pp. 335–346.
VLDB-2004-AggarwalHWY #clustering #data type #framework
A Framework for Projected Clustering of High Dimensional Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 852–863.
VLDB-2004-LiHG #approach
High-Dimensional OLAP: A Minimal Cubing Approach (XL, JH, HG), pp. 528–539.
CIKM-2003-YuZH #classification #documentation
Text classification from positive and unlabeled documents (HY, CZ, JH), pp. 232–239.
KDD-2003-WangFYH #classification #concept #data type #mining #using
Mining concept-drifting data streams using ensemble classifiers (HW, WF, PSY, JH), pp. 226–235.
KDD-2003-WangHP #mining
CLOSET+: searching for the best strategies for mining frequent closed itemsets (JW, JH, JP), pp. 236–245.
KDD-2003-YanH #graph #mining #named
CloseGraph: mining closed frequent graph patterns (XY, JH), pp. 286–295.
KDD-2003-YuYH #clustering #scalability #set #using
Classifying large data sets using SVMs with hierarchical clusters (HY, JY, JH), pp. 306–315.
VLDB-2003-AggarwalHWY #clustering #data type #evolution #framework
A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams (CCA, JH, JW, PSY), pp. 81–92.
VLDB-2003-XinHLW #bottom-up #integration #named #top-down
Star-Cubing: Computing Iceberg Cubes by Top-Down and Bottom-Up Integration (DX, JH, XL, BWW), pp. 476–487.
CIKM-2002-PeiHW #constraints #database #mining #scalability
Mining sequential patterns with constraints in large databases (JP, JH, WW), pp. 18–25.
KDD-2002-LiuPWH #mining #set
Mining frequent item sets by opportunistic projection (JL, YP, KW, JH), pp. 229–238.
KDD-2002-YuHC #classification #learning #named #using #web
PEBL: positive example based learning for Web page classification using SVM (HY, JH, KCCC), pp. 239–248.
SIGMOD-2002-HanWDPW #named #online
CubeExplorer: online exploration of data cubes (JH, JW, GD, JP, KW), p. 626.
SIGMOD-2002-YangWYH #mining
Mining long sequential patterns in a noisy environment (JY, WW, PSY, JH), pp. 406–417.
VLDB-2002-ChenHWW #analysis #data type #multi
Multi-Dimensional Regression Analysis of Time-Series Data Streams (YC, GD, JH, BWW, JW), pp. 323–334.
VLDB-2002-LakshmananPH #how #semantics
Quotient Cube: How to Summarize the Semantics of a Data Cube (LVSL, JP, JH), pp. 778–789.
CIKM-2001-PintoHPWCD #mining #multi
Multi-Dimensional Sequential Pattern Mining (HP, JH, JP, KW, QC, UD), pp. 81–88.
KDD-2001-JinTH #database #mining #scalability
Mining top-n local outliers in large databases (WJ, AKHT, JH), pp. 293–298.
KDD-T-2001-HanLP #bibliography #mining #perspective #scalability
Scalable frequent-pattern mining methods: an overview (JH, LVSL, JP), pp. 264–324.
VLDB-2001-DongHLPW #mining #multi
Mining Multi-Dimensional Constrained Gradients in Data Cubes (GD, JH, JMWL, JP, KW), pp. 321–330.
KDD-2000-HanPMCDH #mining #named
FreeSpan: frequent pattern-projected sequential pattern mining (JH, JP, BMA, QC, UD, MH), pp. 355–359.
KDD-2000-PeiH #constraints #mining #question
Can we push more constraints into frequent pattern mining? (JP, JH), pp. 350–354.
SIGMOD-2000-HanPY #generative #mining
Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation (JH, JP, YY), pp. 1–12.
VLDB-2000-WangHH #constraints #mining #using
Mining Frequent Itemsets Using Support Constraints (KW, YH, JH), pp. 43–52.
CIKM-1999-FengLYH #mining #transaction
Mining Inter-Transaction Associations with Templates (LF, HL, JXY, JH), pp. 225–233.
KDD-1999-TungLHF #mining #transaction
Breaking the Barrier of Transactions: Mining Inter-Transaction Association Rules (AKHT, HL, JH, LF), pp. 297–301.
SIGMOD-1999-LakshmananNHP #constraints #optimisation #query #set
Optimization of Constrained Frequent Set Queries with 2-variable Constraints (LVSL, RTN, JH, AP), pp. 157–168.
SIGMOD-1999-NgLHM #mining #query #set
Exploratory Mining via Constrained Frequent Set Queries (RTN, LVSL, JH, TM), pp. 556–558.
KDD-1998-HanGY #database #mining
Mining Segment-Wise Periodic Patterns in Time-Related Databases (JH, WG, YY), pp. 214–218.
SIGMOD-1998-NgLHP #mining #optimisation
Exploratory Mining and Pruning Optimizations of Constrained Association Rules (RTN, LVSL, JH, AP), pp. 13–24.
SIGMOD-1998-ZaianeHLCC #data mining #mining #multi #named #prototype
MultiMediaMiner: A System Prototype for Multimedia Data Mining (ORZ, JH, ZNL, SHSC, JC), pp. 581–583.
KDD-1997-KamberHC #mining #multi #using
Metarule-Guided Mining of Multi-Dimensional Association Rules Using Data Cubes (MK, JH, JC), pp. 207–210.
SIGMOD-1997-HanKS #data mining #mining #named #prototype
GeoMiner: A System Prototype for Spatial Data Mining (JH, KK, NS), pp. 553–556.
AKDDM-1996-HanF #data mining #induction #mining
Attribute-Oriented Induction in data Mining (JH, YF), pp. 399–421.
KDD-1996-HanFWCGKLLRSXZ #database #mining #named #relational #scalability
DBMiner: A System for Mining Knowledge in Large Relational Databases (JH, YF, WW, JC, WG, KK, DL, YL, AR, NS, BX, ORZ), pp. 250–255.
SIGMOD-1996-Han #data mining #mining
Data Mining Techniques (JH), p. 545.
SIGMOD-1996-HanFWCZK #database #interactive #mining #multi #named #relational
DBMiner: Interactive Mining of Multiple-Level Knowledge in Relational Databases (JH, YF, WW, JC, ORZ, KK), p. 550.
CIKM-1995-Han #concept #mining #multi
Mining Knowledge at Multiple Concept Levels (JH), pp. 19–24.
KDD-1995-ZaianeH #design #empirical #information management
Resource and Knowledge Discovery in Global Information Systems: A Preliminary Design and Experiment (ORZ, JH), pp. 331–336.
VLDB-1995-HanF #database #multi #scalability
Discovery of Multiple-Level Association Rules from Large Databases (JH, YF), pp. 420–431.
CIKM-1994-HanLX #database #deduction #named #prototype
LogicBase: A Deductive Database System Prototype (JH, LL, ZX), pp. 226–233.
KDD-1994-HanF #concept #database #generative #information management #refinement
Dynamic Generation and Refinement of Concept Hierarchies for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (JH, YF), pp. 157–168.
SIGMOD-1994-HanFHCC #database #information management #named #prototype #relational
DBLearn: A System Prototype for Knowledge Discovery in Relational Databases (JH, YF, YH, YC, NC), p. 516.
VLDB-1994-NgH #clustering #data mining #effectiveness #mining #performance
Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining (RTN, JH), pp. 144–155.
VLDB-1994-XieH #database #object-oriented #performance
Join Index Hierarchies for Supporting Efficient Navigations in Object-Oriented Databases (ZX, JH), pp. 522–533.
ILPS-1993-HanL #evaluation #recursion #source code
Evaluation of Regular Nonlinear Recursive Programs (JH, LVSL), p. 648.
VLDB-1992-HanCC #approach #database #information management
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Attribute-Oriented Approach (JH, YC, NC), pp. 547–559.
KDD-1991-CaiCH #database #induction #relational
Attribute-Oriented Induction in Relational Databases (YC, NC, JH), pp. 213–228.
SEKE-1990-LukZH #approach #database #named #relational
Path: An Approach to Incorporate List Processing in A Relational Database (WSL, WZ, JH), pp. 189–194.
NACLP-1989-HanL #linear #multi #recursion
Processing Multiple Linear Recursions (JH, LL), pp. 816–830.
SEKE-1989-HanHZ #compilation #set
Derivation of Magic Sets by Compilation (JH, LJH, NZ), pp. 164–171.
SIGMOD-1988-YounHH #classification #database #deduction #recursion
Classification of Recursive Formulas in Deductive Databases (CY, LJH, JH), pp. 320–328.
SIGMOD-1987-HanH #database #query #recursion
Handling Redundancy in the Processing of Recursive Database Queries (JH, LJH), pp. 73–81.
ADL-1998-ZaianeXH #data access #data mining #mining #roadmap #web
Discovering Web Access Patterns and Trends by Applying OLAP and Data Mining Technology on Web Logs (ORZ, MX, JH), pp. 19–29.
JCDL-2012-DengHLK #modelling #network #ranking
Modeling and exploiting heterogeneous bibliographic networks for expertise ranking (HD, JH, MRL, IK), pp. 71–80.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.