Collaborated with:
Lauren Biernacki Shibo Chen Zelalem Birhanu Aweke Salessawi Ferede Yitbarek Misiker Tadesse Aga A.Harris Zhixing Xu B.Kasikci V.Bertacco S.Malik M.Tiwari T.M.Austin
Talks about:
architectur (1) morpheus (1) ensembl (1) vulner (1) target (1) defens (1) toler (1) secur (1) churn (1) move (1)
Person: Mark Gallagher
DBLP: Gallagher:Mark
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- ASPLOS-2019-GallagherBCAYAH #architecture #named
- Morpheus: A Vulnerability-Tolerant Secure Architecture Based on Ensembles of Moving Target Defenses with Churn (MG, LB, SC, ZBA, SFY, MTA, AH, ZX, BK, VB, SM, MT, TMA), pp. 469–484.