Travelled to:
1 × USA
2 × France
Collaborated with:
K.Leppänen S.Leppänen V.K.Shanbhag K.Gopinath A.Ahtiainen M.Luukkainen J.Parssinen N.v.Knorring J.Heinonen T.Oy
Talks about:
model (2) protocol (1) industri (1) system (1) method (1) integr (1) extens (1) experi (1) design (1) scale (1)
Person: Markku Turunen
DBLP: Turunen:Markku
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- MoDELS-2007-LeppanenLT #automation #design #industrial #modelling #scalability
- A Modelling Method for Rigorous and Automated Design of Large-Scale Industrial Systems (KL, SL, MT), pp. 331–345.
- CAV-2001-ShanbhagGTAL #model checking #named
- EASN: Integrating ASN.1 and Model Checking (VKS, KG, MT, AA, ML), pp. 382–386.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-ParssinenKHOT #case study #experience #protocol #uml
- UML for Protocol Engineering — Extensions and Experiences (JP, NvK, JH, TO, MT), pp. 82–93.