Gérard Berry, Hubert Comon, Alain Finkel
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
CAV, 2001.
@proceedings{CAV-2001, address = "Paris, France", editor = "Gérard Berry and Hubert Comon and Alain Finkel", isbn = "3-540-42345-1", publisher = "{Springer-Verlag}", series = "{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}", title = "{Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification}", volume = 2102, year = 2001, }
Event page: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/Events/cav01/
Contents (48 items)
- CAV-2001-Parnas #documentation #process #verification
- Software Documentation and the Verification Process (DLP), p. 1.
- CAV-2001-Namjoshi #model checking
- Certifying Model Checkers (KSN), pp. 2–13.
- CAV-2001-Bertot #formal method #proving #theorem proving #verification
- Formalizing a JVML Verifier for Initialization in a Theorem Prover (YB), pp. 14–24.
- CAV-2001-RoychoudhuryR #automation #induction #protocol #verification
- Automated Inductive Verification of Parameterized Protocols (AR, IVR), pp. 25–37.
- CAV-2001-BhatCG #automaton #model checking #performance
- Efficient Model Checking Via Büchi Tableau Automata (GB, RC, AG), pp. 38–52.
- CAV-2001-GastinO #automaton #ltl #performance
- Fast LTL to Büchi Automata Translation (PG, DO), pp. 53–65.
- CAV-2001-ChocklerKKV #approach #model checking
- A Practical Approach to Coverage in Model Checking (HC, OK, RPK, MYV), pp. 66–78.
- CAV-2001-DovierPP #algorithm #bisimulation #performance
- A Fast Bisimulation Algorithm (AD, CP, AP), pp. 79–90.
- CAV-2001-SistlaG #model checking #symmetry
- Symmetry and Reduced Symmetry in Model Checking (APS, PG), pp. 91–103.
- CAV-2001-KuehlmannB #using #verification
- Transformation-Based Verification Using Generalized Retiming (AK, JB), pp. 104–117.
- CAV-2001-Cabodi #named #representation
- Meta-BDDs: A Decomposed Representation for Layered Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions (GC), pp. 118–130.
- CAV-2001-MoondanosSHK #divide and conquer #equivalence #logic #named #verification
- CLEVER: Divide and Conquer Combinational Logic Equivalence VERification with False Negative Elimination (JM, CJHS, ZH, DK), pp. 131–143.
- CAV-2001-RodehS #equivalence #finite #logic
- Finite Instantiations in Equivalence Logic with Uninterpreted Functions (YR, OS), pp. 144–154.
- CAV-2001-AsterothBA #model checking #modelling
- Model Checking with Formula-Dependent Abstract Models (AA, CB, UA), pp. 155–168.
- CAV-2001-AlurW #implementation #network #protocol #refinement #verification
- Verifying Network Protocol Implementations by Symbolic Refinement Checking (RA, BYW), pp. 169–181.
- CAV-2001-ZhengMM #abstraction #automation #verification
- Automatic Abstraction for Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems (HZ, EM, CJM), pp. 182–193.
- CAV-2001-KwiatkowskaNS #automation #distributed #protocol #random #using #verification
- Automated Verification of a Randomized Distributed Consensus Protocol Using Cadence SMV and PRISM (MZK, GN, RS), pp. 194–206.
- CAV-2001-AlurEY #analysis #recursion #state machine
- Analysis of Recursive State Machines (RA, KE, MY), pp. 207–220.
- CAV-2001-AronsPRXZ #automation #induction #verification
- Parameterized Verification with Automatically Computed Inductive Assertions (TA, AP, SR, JX, LDZ), pp. 221–234.
- CAV-2001-VelevB #logic #named #similarity
- EVC: A Validity Checker for the Logic of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions and Memories, Exploiting Positive Equality, and Conservative Transformations (MNV, REB), pp. 235–240.
- CAV-2001-SongPP #automation #generative #implementation #named #protocol #security #verification
- AGVI — Automatic Generation, Verification, and Implementation of Security Protocols (DXS, AP, DP), pp. 241–245.
- CAV-2001-FilliatreORS #named
- ICS: Integrated Canonizer and Solver (JCF, SO, HR, NS), pp. 246–249.
- CAV-2001-BlomFGLLP #algebra #named #specification #tool support
- µCRL: A Toolset for Analysing Algebraic Specifications (SB, WF, JFG, IvL, BL, JvdP), pp. 250–254.
- CAV-2001-LeuckerN #concurrent #framework #named #parallel #platform #verification
- Truth/SLC — A Parallel Verification Platform for Concurrent Systems (ML, TN), pp. 255–259.
- CAV-2001-BallR #tool support
- The SLAM Toolkit (TB, SKR), pp. 260–264.
- CAV-2001-Leroy #bytecode #java #overview #perspective #verification
- Java Bytecode Verification: An Overview (XL), pp. 265–285.
- CAV-2001-DamsLS #transducer
- Iterating Transducers (DD, YL, MS), pp. 286–297.
- CAV-2001-DelzannoRB #explosion
- Attacking Symbolic State Explosion (GD, JFR, LVB), pp. 298–310.
- CAV-2001-Maidl #approach #model checking #safety
- A Unifying Model Checking Approach for Safety Properties of Parameterized Systems (MM), pp. 311–323.
- CAV-2001-EsparzaS #model checking #recursion #source code
- A BDD-Based Model Checker for Recursive Programs (JE, SS), pp. 324–336.
- CAV-2001-Alfaro #model checking #web
- Model Checking the World Wide Web (LdA), pp. 337–349.
- CAV-2001-GrumbergHS #calculus #distributed #model checking #μ-calculus
- Distributed Symbolic Model Checking for μ-Calculus (OG, TH, AS), pp. 350–362.
- CAV-2001-BeerBEFGR #logic
- The Temporal Logic Sugar (IB, SBD, CE, DF, AG, YR), pp. 363–367.
- CAV-2001-AnnichiniBS #analysis #named #reachability
- TReX: A Tool for Reachability Analysis of Complex Systems (AA, AB, MS), pp. 368–372.
- CAV-2001-JohannsenB #design #named
- BooStER: Speeding Up RTL Property Checking of Digital Designs by Word-Level Abstarction (PJ), pp. 373–377.
- CAV-2001-LevinY #model checking #named
- SDLcheck: A Model Checking Tool (VL, HY), p. 377.
- CAV-2001-ShanbhagGTAL #model checking #named
- EASN: Integrating ASN.1 and Model Checking (VKS, KG, MT, AA, ML), pp. 382–386.
- CAV-2001-AmlaEKN #diagrams #model checking #named #performance
- Rtdt: A Front-End for Efficient Model Checking of Synchronous Timing Diagrams (NA, EAE, RPK, KSN), pp. 387–390.
- CAV-2001-ClossePPSVWY #development #embedded #named #realtime #verification
- TAXYS: A Tool for the Development and Verification of Real-Time Embedded Systems (EC, MP, JP, JS, PV, DW, SY), pp. 391–395.
- CAV-2001-JhalaM #architecture #composition #model checking #verification
- Microarchitecture Verification by Compositional Model Checking (RJ, KLM), pp. 396–410.
- CAV-2001-Moore #execution #modelling #state machine #symbolic computation
- Rewriting for Symbolic Execution of State Machine Models (JSM), pp. 411–422.
- CAV-2001-Arons #consistency #using #verification
- Using Timestamping and History Variables to Verify Sequential Consistency (TA), pp. 423–435.
- CAV-2001-CoptyFFGKTV #bound #industrial #model checking
- Benefits of Bounded Model Checking at an Industrial Setting (FC, LF, RF, EG, GK, AT, MYV), pp. 436–453.
- CAV-2001-BjesseLM #debugging #satisfiability #using
- Finding Bugs in an α Microprocessor Using Satisfiability Solvers (PB, TL, AM), pp. 454–464.
- CAV-2001-MoriokaKY #algorithm #performance #towards #verification
- Towards Efficient Verification of Arithmetic Algorithms over Galois Fields GF(2m) (SM, YK, TY), pp. 465–477.
- CAV-2001-AbdeddaimM #automaton #scheduling #using
- Job-Shop Scheduling Using Timed Automata (YA, OM), pp. 478–492.
- CAV-2001-LarsenBBFHPR #automaton #performance #reachability
- As Cheap as Possible: Efficient Cost-Optimal Reachability for Priced Timed Automata (KGL, GB, EB, AF, TH, PP, JR), pp. 493–505.
- CAV-2001-Dang #analysis #automaton #reachability
- Binary Reachability Analysis of Pushdown Timed Automata with Dense Clocks (ZD), pp. 506–518.
16 ×#verification
14 ×#model checking
13 ×#named
6 ×#performance
5 ×#automation
5 ×#automaton
5 ×#using
4 ×#logic
4 ×#protocol
3 ×#analysis
14 ×#model checking
13 ×#named
6 ×#performance
5 ×#automation
5 ×#automaton
5 ×#using
4 ×#logic
4 ×#protocol
3 ×#analysis