Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Muthukrishnan A.C.Gilbert Y.Kotidis S.Guha P.Indyk E.Cohen J.Feigenbaum Y.Ishai T.Malkin K.Nissim R.N.Wright
Talks about:
approxim (4) stream (3) aggreg (3) histogram (2) summari (2) mainten (2) comput (2) optim (2) fast (2) multiparti (1)
Person: Martin Strauss
DBLP: Strauss:Martin
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- PODS-2003-CohenS #maintenance
- Maintaining time-decaying stream aggregates (EC, MS), pp. 223–233.
- ICALP-2002-GuhaIMS #data type #performance
- Histogramming Data Streams with Fast Per-Item Processing (SG, PI, SM, MS), pp. 681–692.
- STOC-2002-GilbertGIKMS #algorithm #approximate #maintenance #performance
- Fast, small-space algorithms for approximate histogram maintenance (ACG, SG, PI, YK, SM, MS), pp. 389–398.
- STOC-2002-GilbertGIMS #fourier
- Near-optimal sparse fourier representations via sampling (ACG, SG, PI, SM, MS), pp. 152–161.
- VLDB-2002-GilbertKMS #how #maintenance
- How to Summarize the Universe: Dynamic Maintenance of Quantiles (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 454–465.
- ICALP-2001-FeigenbaumIMNSW #approximate #multi
- Secure Multiparty Computation of Approximations (JF, YI, TM, KN, MS, RNW), pp. 927–938.
- PODS-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #statistics #summary
- Optimal and Approximate Computation of Summary Statistics for Range Aggregates (ACG, YK, SM, MS).
- VLDB-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #query #summary
- Surfing Wavelets on Streams: One-Pass Summaries for Approximate Aggregate Queries (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 79–88.