Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × China
3 × Canada
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
N.Roussopoulos A.Vlachou C.Doulkeridis A.C.Gilbert S.Muthukrishnan M.Strauss K.Nørvåg A.Deligiannakis M.Vazirgiannis Y.Sismanis J.Abello ∅ M.Roussopoulos F.Korn A.Labrinidis C.Faloutsos N.Giatrakos V.Vassalos Y.Theodoridis S.Guha P.Indyk
Talks about:
data (5) approxim (4) cubetre (4) queri (4) organ (4) storag (3) comput (3) aggreg (3) space (3) multidimension (2)
Person: Yannis Kotidis
DBLP: Kotidis:Yannis
Contributed to:
Wrote 21 papers:
- SIGMOD-2013-VlachouDNK #algorithm #bound #query
- Branch-and-bound algorithm for reverse top-k queries (AV, CD, KN, YK), pp. 481–492.
- CIKM-2010-DoulkeridisVNKV #multi #on the
- On the selectivity of multidimensional routing indices (CD, AV, KN, YK, MV), pp. 109–118.
- SIGMOD-2010-GiatrakosKDVT #approximate #named #network
- TACO: tunable approximate computation of outliers in wireless sensor networks (NG, YK, AD, VV, YT), pp. 279–290.
- VLDB-2010-VlachouDNK #identification #query
- Identifying the Most Influential Data Objects with Reverse Top-k Queries (AV, CD, KN, YK), pp. 364–372.
- CIKM-2009-DoulkeridisVNKV #distributed #multi #performance #query
- Multidimensional routing indices for efficient distributed query processing (CD, AV, KN, YK, MV), pp. 1489–1492.
- SIGMOD-2008-VlachouDK #clustering #parallel #performance
- Angle-based space partitioning for efficient parallel skyline computation (AV, CD, YK), pp. 227–238.
- VLDB-2007-DoulkeridisVKV #metric #peer-to-peer #similarity
- Peer-to-Peer Similarity Search in Metric Spaces (CD, AV, YK, MV), pp. 986–997.
- SIGMOD-2004-DeligiannakisKR #network
- Compressing Historical Information in Sensor Networks (AD, YK, NR), pp. 527–538.
- CIKM-2003-AbelloK #graph
- Hierarchical graph indexing (JA, YK), pp. 453–460.
- SIGMOD-2002-SismanisDRK #named
- Dwarf: shrinking the PetaCube (YS, AD, NR, YK), pp. 464–475.
- STOC-2002-GilbertGIKMS #algorithm #approximate #maintenance #performance
- Fast, small-space algorithms for approximate histogram maintenance (ACG, SG, PI, YK, SM, MS), pp. 389–398.
- VLDB-2002-GilbertKMS #how #maintenance
- How to Summarize the Universe: Dynamic Maintenance of Quantiles (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 454–465.
- PODS-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #statistics #summary
- Optimal and Approximate Computation of Summary Statistics for Range Aggregates (ACG, YK, SM, MS).
- VLDB-2001-GilbertKMS #approximate #query #summary
- Surfing Wavelets on Streams: One-Pass Summaries for Approximate Aggregate Queries (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 79–88.
- VLDB-2001-Kotidis #architecture #process
- A Data Warehousing Architecture for Enabling Service Provisioning Process (YK), pp. 481–490.
- SIGMOD-1999-KotidisR #named
- DynaMat: A Dynamic View Management System for Data Warehouses (YK, NR), pp. 371–382.
- SIGMOD-1999-RoussopoulosKS #multi
- The Active MultiSync Controller of the Cubetree Storage Organization (NR, YK, YS), pp. 582–583.
- SIGMOD-1998-KotidisR
- An Alternative Storage Organization for ROLAP Aggregate Views Based on Cubetrees (YK, NR), pp. 249–258.
- VLDB-1998-KornLKF #data mining #mining #paradigm #performance
- Ratio Rules: A New Paradigm for Fast, Quantifiable Data Mining (FK, AL, YK, CF), pp. 582–593.
- VLDB-1998-RoussopoulosK
- The Cubetree Storage Organization (NR, YK), p. 700.
- SIGMOD-1997-RoussopoulosKR #named
- Cubetree: Organization of and Bulk Updates on the Data Cube (NR, YK, MR), pp. 89–99.