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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
Collaborated with:
A.Weinert C.Mascle D.Neider S.Schewe K.G.Larsen Simon Laursen
Talks about:
game (4) optim (3) strategi (2) pariti (2) win (2) consumpt (1) synthes (1) satisfi (1) formula (1) control (1)

Person: Martin Zimmermann 0002

DBLP DBLP: 0002:Martin_Zimmermann

Contributed to:

CIAA 20092009
CSL 20162016
CSL 20182018
CSL 20202020
QAPL 20162016

Wrote 6 papers:

CIAA-2009-Zimmermann #game studies
Time-Optimal Winning Strategies for Poset Games (MZ0), pp. 217–226.
CSL-2016-Weinert0 #game studies
Easy to Win, Hard to Master: Optimal Strategies in Parity Games with Costs (AW, MZ0), p. 17.
Synthesizing Optimally Resilient Controllers (DN, AW, MZ0), p. 17.
CSL-2018-ScheweW0 #game studies
Parity Games with Weights (SS, AW, MZ0), p. 17.
CSL-2020-Mascle0 #decidability #modelling #satisfiability
The Keys to Decidable HyperLTL Satisfiability: Small Models or Very Simple Formulas (CM, MZ0), p. 16.
QAPL-2016-LarsenLZ15 #bound #energy #exclamation #game studies
Limit Your Consumption! Finding Bounds in Average-energy Games (KGL, SL, MZ0), pp. 1–14.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.