258 papers:
DATE-2015-GitinaWRSSB #quantifier- Solving DQBF through quantifier elimination (KG, RW, SR, MS, CS, BB), pp. 1617–1622.
FoSSaCS-2015-HabermehlK #on the #quantifier- On Presburger Arithmetic Extended with Modulo Counting Quantifiers (PH, DK), pp. 375–389.
ICALP-v1-2015-AlbersF #locality- Quantifying Competitiveness in Paging with Locality of Reference (SA, DF), pp. 26–38.
ICALP-v2-2015-ColcombetS #linear #order #quantifier #set- Limited Set quantifiers over Countable Linear Orderings (TC, AVS), pp. 146–158.
ICALP-v2-2015-MichalewskiM #higher-order #logic #monad #quantifier- Baire Category Quantifier in Monadic Second Order Logic (HM, MM), pp. 362–374.
CHI-2015-BlockHHSCPDES #interactive- Fluid Grouping: Quantifying Group Engagement around Interactive Tabletop Exhibits in the Wild (FB, JH, MSH, AS, JC, BCP, JD, EME, CS), pp. 867–876.
CHI-2015-IvkovicSGS #3d #game studies- Quantifying and Mitigating the Negative Effects of Local Latencies on Aiming in 3D Shooter Games (ZI, IS, CG, SWTS), pp. 135–144.
CHI-2015-LawsonKLFH #design #problem #quantifier- Problematising Upstream Technology through Speculative Design: The Case of Quantified Cats and Dogs (SWL, BK, CL, TF, LH), pp. 2663–2672.
CSCW-2015-QuattroneCM #bias #dataset- There’s No Such Thing as the Perfect Map: Quantifying Bias in Spatial Crowd-sourcing Datasets (GQ, LC, PDM), pp. 1021–1032.
DHM-HM-2015-KikuchiSZTGH #quantifier- Effects of Quantified Instructional Tool on Spray-up Fabrication Method (TK, ES, YZ, YT, AG, HH), pp. 104–113.
SIGIR-2015-HtunHB #collaboration #information management #information retrieval #towards- Towards Quantifying the Impact of Non-Uniform Information Access in Collaborative Information Retrieval (NNH, MH, LB), pp. 843–846.
ESEC-FSE-2015-WitscheyZWMMZ #developer #security #tool support- Quantifying developers’ adoption of security tools (JW, OZ, AKW, ERMH, CBM, TZ), pp. 260–271.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Xiao #architecture- Quantifying architectural debts (LX), pp. 1030–1033.
HPCA-2015-XiJBWB #architecture #fault- Quantifying sources of error in McPAT and potential impacts on architectural studies (SLX, HMJ, PB, GYW, DMB), pp. 577–589.
CADE-2015-EchenimPT #equation #generative #logic #quantifier- Quantifier-Free Equational Logic and Prime Implicate Generation (ME, NP, ST), pp. 311–325.
CAV-2015-DeshmukhMP #consistency #metric #using- Quantifying Conformance Using the Skorokhod Metric (JVD, RM, VSP), pp. 234–250.
CAV-2015-ReynoldsDKTB #quantifier #smt #synthesis- Counterexample-Guided Quantifier Instantiation for Synthesis in SMT (AR, MD, VK, CT, CWB), pp. 198–216.
LICS-2015-Place #quantifier #regular expression- Separating Regular Languages with Two Quantifiers Alternations (TP), pp. 202–213.
CBSE-2014-MateescuSY #model checking #parallel #process #using- Quantifying the parallelism in BPMN processes using model checking (RM, GS, LY), pp. 159–168.
DATE-2014-SeidlK #quantifier- Partial witnesses from preprocessed quantified Boolean formulas (MS, RK), pp. 1–6.
FASE-2014-OuederniSCP #behaviour #named- Comparator: A Tool for Quantifying Behavioural Compatibility (MO, GS, JC, EP), pp. 306–309.
ICSME-2014-BouwersDV #architecture #encapsulation- Quantifying the Encapsulation of Implemented Software Architectures (EB, AvD, JV), pp. 211–220.
ICALP-v2-2014-Bojanczyk14a #infinity #quantifier- Weak MSO+U with Path Quantifiers over Infinite Trees (MB), pp. 38–49.
ICALP-v2-2014-PlaceZ #first-order #quantifier #word- Going Higher in the First-Order Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy on Words (TP, MZ), pp. 342–353.
CHI-2014-ChoeLLPK #comprehension- Understanding quantified-selfers’ practices in collecting and exploring personal data (EKC, NBL, BL, WP, JAK), pp. 1143–1152.
CHI-2014-Hincapie-RamosGMI #interactive #metric- Consumed endurance: a metric to quantify arm fatigue of mid-air interactions (JDHR, XG, PM, PI), pp. 1063–1072.
CHI-2014-ReineckeG #visual notation- Quantifying visual preferences around the world (KR, KZG), pp. 11–20.
KDD-2014-WangWW- Quantifying herding effects in crowd wisdom (TW, DW, FW), pp. 1087–1096.
ICLP-J-2014-SaadFG #constraints #reasoning #reliability- The P-Box CDF-Intervals: A Reliable Constraint Reasoning with Quantifiable Information (AS, TWF, CG), pp. 461–475.
IJCAR-2014-HetzlLRTW #logic #quantifier #similarity- Introducing Quantified Cuts in Logic with Equality (SH, AL, GR, JT, DW), pp. 240–254.
PODS-2013-AbouziedAPHS #learning #quantifier #query #verification- Learning and verifying quantified boolean queries by example (AA, DA, CHP, JMH, AS), pp. 49–60.
TACAS-2013-JohnC #linear #quantifier- Extending Quantifier Elimination to Linear Inequalities on Bit-Vectors (AKJ, SC), pp. 78–92.
ICSM-2013-LeottaRAGZR #documentation #empirical #maintenance- A Pilot Experiment to Quantify the Effect of Documentation Accuracy on Maintenance Tasks (ML, FR, GA, VG, JZ, GR), pp. 428–431.
SAS-2013-0001MP #abstract domain #automaton #quantifier- Quantified Data Automata on Skinny Trees: An Abstract Domain for Lists (PG, PM, GP), pp. 172–193.
SAS-2013-BjornerMR #horn clause #on the #quantifier- On Solving Universally Quantified Horn Clauses (NB, KLM, AR), pp. 105–125.
STOC-2013-Ajtai #bound #quantifier- Lower bounds for RAMs and quantifier elimination (MA), pp. 803–812.
ICALP-v2-2013-ChenM #quantifier #query- Block-Sorted Quantified Conjunctive Queries (HC, DM), pp. 125–136.
IFM-2013-AlbertCPR #abstraction #distributed #quantifier- Quantified Abstractions of Distributed Systems (EA, JC, GP, GRD), pp. 285–300.
CHI-2013-BernsteinBBK #network #social- Quantifying the invisible audience in social networks (MSB, EB, MB, BK), pp. 21–30.
HCI-IMT-2013-MorrisseyK- “Realness” in Chatbots: Establishing Quantifiable Criteria (KM, JK), pp. 87–96.
HIMI-D-2013-Remy #in the cloud #simulation #standard- Quantifying the Impact of Standards When Hosting Robotic Simulations in the Cloud (SLR), pp. 365–374.
OCSC-2013-KalwarHP13b #behaviour #comprehension #internet- Quantifying Cultural Attributes for Understanding Human Behavior on the Internet (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 40–49.
SEKE-2013-KassabE #design pattern #interactive #quality #towards- Towards Quantifying Quality, Tactics and Architectural Patterns Interactions (S) (MK, GEB), pp. 441–446.
SAC-2013-AbdallahHA #approach #design #quantifier- Quantified extreme scenario based design approach (AA, RH, MAA), pp. 1117–1122.
CADE-2013-KovasznaiFB #quantifier- : A Tool for Polynomially Translating Quantifier-Free Bit-Vector Formulas into (GK, AF, AB), pp. 443–449.
CADE-2013-ReynoldsTGKDB #finite #quantifier #smt- Quantifier Instantiation Techniques for Finite Model Finding in SMT (AR, CT, AG, SK, MD, CB), pp. 377–391.
CAV-2013-0001LMN #data type #invariant #learning #linear #quantifier- Learning Universally Quantified Invariants of Linear Data Structures (PG, CL, PM, DN), pp. 813–829.
CAV-2013-BeyenePR #horn clause #quantifier- Solving Existentially Quantified Horn Clauses (TAB, CP, AR), pp. 869–882.
CSL-2013-BerkholzKV #bound #logic #quantifier- Bounds for the quantifier depth in finite-variable logics: Alternation hierarchy (CB, AK, OV), pp. 61–80.
CSL-2013-HarwathS #first-order #invariant #locality #logic #on the #quantifier- On the locality of arb-invariant first-order logic with modulo counting quantifiers (FH, NS), pp. 363–379.
SAT-2013-BubeckB #modelling #quantifier- Nested Boolean Functions as Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UB, HKB), pp. 267–275.
SAT-2013-IgnatievJM #approach #quantifier #satisfiability- Quantified Maximum Satisfiability: — A Core-Guided Approach (AI, MJ, JMS), pp. 250–266.
SAT-2013-LonsingEG #learning #performance #pseudo #quantifier- Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation (FL, UE, AVG), pp. 100–115.
VMCAI-2013-BiondiLMW #information management #protocol #random- Quantifying Information Leakage of Randomized Protocols (FB, AL, PM, AW), pp. 68–87.
QoSA-2012-KrebsMK #metric #performance- Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments (RK, CM, SK), pp. 91–100.
DATE-2012-BartoliniSFCB #energy #performance #scalability- Quantifying the impact of frequency scaling on the energy efficiency of the single-chip cloud computer (AB, MS, JNF, AKC, LB), pp. 181–186.
DRR-2012-LiMV #visual notation- Quantify spatial relations to discover handwritten graphical symbols (JL, HM, CVG).
ESOP-2012-LengletW #quantifier- Expansion for Universal Quantifiers (SL, JBW), pp. 456–475.
WCRE-J-2009-LoRRV12 #algorithm #evaluation #mining #quantifier- Mining quantified temporal rules: Formalism, algorithms, and evaluation (DL, GR, VPR, KV), pp. 743–759.
ICALP-v2-2012-AtseriasD #approximate #bound #quantifier- Degree Lower Bounds of Tower-Type for Approximating Formulas with Parity Quantifiers (AA, AD), pp. 67–78.
FM-2012-BarringerFHRR #automaton #monitoring #performance #quantifier #runtime #towards- Quantified Event Automata: Towards Expressive and Efficient Runtime Monitors (HB, YF, KH, GR, DER), pp. 68–84.
CSCW-2012-GogginsBV #coordination #developer #named #proximity- Proximity: a measure to quantify the need for developers’ coordination (SPG, KB, GV), pp. 1351–1360.
KR-2012-BordeauxJSM #on the #quantifier- On Unit-Refutation Complete Formulae with Existentially Quantified Variables (LB, MJ, JPMS, PM).
LOPSTR-2012-SeghirB #array #program transformation #quantifier #verification- Simplifying the Verification of Quantified Array Assertions via Code Transformation (MNS, MB), pp. 194–212.
ICLP-2012-LeeM #modelling #quantifier- Stable Models of Formulas with Generalized Quantifiers (Preliminary Report) (JL, YM), pp. 61–71.
ICLP-J-2012-AlvianoFLM #complexity #datalog #decidability #quantifier #semantics- Disjunctive datalog with existential quantifiers: Semantics, decidability, and complexity issues (MA, WF, NL, MM), pp. 701–718.
IJCAR-2012-BruttomessoGR #composition #quantifier- From Strong Amalgamability to Modularity of Quantifier-Free Interpolation (RB, SG, SR), pp. 118–133.
LICS-2012-ChenD #quantifier- Decomposing Quantified Conjunctive (or Disjunctive) Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 205–214.
LICS-2012-ChenM #algebra #category theory #constraints #quantifier #theorem- An Algebraic Preservation Theorem for Aleph-Zero Categorical Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (HC, MM), pp. 215–224.
SAT-2012-BalabanovCJ #quantifier- Henkin Quantifiers and Boolean Formulae (VB, HJKC, JHRJ), pp. 129–142.
SAT-2012-GelderWL #preprocessor #quantifier- Extended Failed-Literal Preprocessing for Quantified Boolean Formulas (AVG, SBW, FL), pp. 86–99.
SMT-2012-PhanBM #quantifier #satisfiability- Anatomy of Alternating Quantifier Satisfiability (Work in progress) (ADP, NB, DM), pp. 120–130.
WICSA-2011-BouwersCDV #architecture- Quantifying the Analyzability of Software Architectures (EB, JPC, AvD, JV), pp. 83–92.
ESOP-2011-BrauerK #quantifier #synthesis- Transfer Function Synthesis without Quantifier Elimination (JB, AK), pp. 97–115.
TACAS-2011-JungLWY #generative #invariant #quantifier- Predicate Generation for Learning-Based Quantifier-Free Loop Invariant Inference (YJ, WL, BYW, KY), pp. 205–219.
ICSM-2011-KobayashiMIHKY #fault #impact analysis #named #predict #scalability- ImpactScale: Quantifying change impact to predict faults in large software systems (KK, AM, KI, YH, MK, TY), pp. 43–52.
WCRE-2011-KellensRNSJ #evolution #quantifier #reasoning #source code #using- Reasoning over the Evolution of Source Code Using Quantified Regular Path Expressions (AK, CDR, CN, RS, VJ), pp. 389–393.
KDD-2011-LiuHLMPV #modelling #predict #quality #visual notation- Latent graphical models for quantifying and predicting patent quality (YL, PyH, RL, SM, CP, AV), pp. 1145–1153.
SIGIR-2011-ScholerTS #consistency #quality- Quantifying test collection quality based on the consistency of relevance judgements (FS, AT, MS), pp. 1063–1072.
CAV-2011-JohnC #algorithm #composition #equation #linear #quantifier- A Quantifier Elimination Algorithm for Linear Modular Equations and Disequations (AKJ, SC), pp. 486–503.
CAV-2011-PhamTTC #constraints #fixpoint #named #quantifier- FixBag: A Fixpoint Calculator for Quantified Bag Constraints (THP, MTT, AHT, WNC), pp. 656–662.
CSL-2011-CantoneLA #decidability #logic #order #quantifier #set- A Decidable Quantified Fragment of Set Theory Involving Ordered Pairs with Applications to Description Logics (DC, CL, MNA), pp. 129–143.
RTA-2011-BruttomessoGR #array #formal method #quantifier- Rewriting-based Quantifier-free Interpolation for a Theory of Arrays (RB, SG, SR), pp. 171–186.
SAT-2011-BuningZB #normalisation #quantifier- Transformations into Normal Forms for Quantified Circuits (HKB, XZ, UB), pp. 245–258.
VMCAI-2011-BrilloutKRW #quantifier- Beyond Quantifier-Free Interpolation in Extensions of Presburger Arithmetic (AB, DK, PR, TW), pp. 88–102.
DAC-2010-OzdemirPDMLC #3d #architecture #parametricity- Quantifying and coping with parametric variations in 3D-stacked microarchitectures (SO, YP, AD, GM, GHL, ANC), pp. 144–149.
FLOPS-2010-MorihataM #automation #parallel #quantifier #recursion #using- Automatic Parallelization of Recursive Functions Using Quantifier Elimination (AM, KM), pp. 321–336.
LATA-2010-JordanZ #first-order #quantifier- Untestable Properties Expressible with Four First-Order Quantifiers (CJ, TZ), pp. 333–343.
CIKM-2010-KhachatryanB #multi #nondeterminism- Quantifying uncertainty in multi-dimensional cardinality estimations (AK, KB), pp. 1317–1320.
CAV-2010-Monniaux #lazy evaluation #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination by Lazy Model Enumeration (DM), pp. 585–599.
CSL-2010-Platzer #difference #distributed #hybrid #logic #quantifier- Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic for Distributed Hybrid Systems (AP), pp. 469–483.
ICTSS-2010-Gladisch #first-order #generative #logic #quantifier #source code #specification #testing- Test Data Generation for Programs with Quantified First-Order Logic Specifications (CG), pp. 158–173.
IJCAR-2010-Bjorner #linear #quantifier- Linear Quantifier Elimination as an Abstract Decision Procedure (NB), pp. 316–330.
IJCAR-2010-BrilloutKRW #calculus #quantifier- An Interpolating Sequent Calculus for Quantifier-Free Presburger Arithmetic (AB, DK, PR, TW), pp. 384–399.
LICS-2010-He #finite #first-order #on the #quantifier #strict- On the Strictness of the First-Order Quantifier Structure Hierarchy over Finite Structures (YH), pp. 170–178.
SAT-2010-BubeckB #quantifier- Rewriting (Dependency-)Quantified 2-CNF with Arbitrary Free Literals into Existential 2-HORN (UB, HKB), pp. 58–70.
DATE-2009-LeveugleCMV #fault #injection #quantifier #statistics- Statistical fault injection: Quantified error and confidence (RL, AC, PM, PV), pp. 502–506.
VLDB-2009-FeketeGA- Quantifying Isolation Anomalies (AF, SG, JPA), pp. 467–478.
WCRE-1999-LoRRV99a #algorithm #evaluation #mining #quantifier- Mining Quantified Temporal Rules: Formalism, Algorithms, and Evaluation (DL, GR, VPR, KV), pp. 62–71.
SAS-2009-SeghirPW #abstraction #array #quantifier #refinement- Abstraction Refinement for Quantified Array Assertions (MNS, AP, TW), pp. 3–18.
STOC-2009-KolaitisK #graph #quantifier #random- Random graphs and the parity quantifier (PGK, SK), pp. 705–714.
DLT-2009-BehleKR #quantifier #regular expression- Regular Languages Definable by Majority Quantifiers with Two Variables (CB, AK, SR), pp. 91–102.
DLT-2009-MogaveroM #logic #quantifier- Branching-Time Temporal Logics with Minimal Model Quantifiers (FM, AM), pp. 396–409.
CIKM-2009-BeckerBGJP #web #what- What happens after an ad click?: quantifying the impact of landing pages in web advertising (HB, AZB, EG, VJ, BP), pp. 57–66.
SIGIR-2009-CambazogluPB #distributed #performance #quality #web- Quantifying performance and quality gains in distributed web search engines (BBC, VP, RABY), pp. 411–418.
QAPL-2009-MuC #abstraction #data flow- An Interval-based Abstraction for Quantifying Information Flow (CM, DC), pp. 119–141.
RE-2009-SongHR #case study #experience #framework- Experiences in Developing Quantifiable NFRs for the Service-Oriented Software Platform (XS, BH, JR), pp. 337–342.
CAV-2009-GeM #modulo theories #quantifier #satisfiability- Complete Instantiation for Quantified Formulas in Satisfiabiliby Modulo Theories (YG, LMdM), pp. 306–320.
CAV-2009-Jiang #composition #functional #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination via Functional Composition (JHRJ), pp. 383–397.
CSL-2009-BaranyKR #quantifier- Cardinality Quantifiers in MLO over Trees (VB, LK, AR), pp. 117–131.
CSL-2009-Dezani-CiancagliniGR #quantifier- Intersection, Universally Quantified, and Reference Types (MDC, PG, SRDR), pp. 209–224.
SAT-2009-BuningZB #quantifier #subclass- Resolution and Expressiveness of Subclasses of Quantified Boolean Formulas and Circuits (HKB, XZ, UB), pp. 391–397.
DATE-2008-WilleLDG #logic #quantifier #synthesis- Quantified Synthesis of Reversible Logic (RW, HML, GWD, DG), pp. 1015–1020.
TACAS-2008-McMillan #generative #invariant #proving #quantifier #using- Quantified Invariant Generation Using an Interpolating Saturation Prover (KLM), pp. 413–427.
CSMR-2008-AldekoaTMD #maintenance #product line- Quantifying Maintainability in Feature Oriented Product Lines (GA, ST, GSM, OD), pp. 243–247.
ICALP-B-2008-BojanczykS #first-order #logic #quantifier- Tree Languages Defined in First-Order Logic with One Quantifier Alternation (MB, LS), pp. 233–245.
ICALP-B-2008-Chen #constraints #quantifier- Quantified Constraint Satisfaction and the Polynomially Generated Powers Property (HC), pp. 197–208.
CIKM-2008-ChoudharyMB #dataset #evolution #on the- On quantifying changes in temporally evolving dataset (RC, SM, AB), pp. 1459–1460.
ECOOP-2008-RajanL #named #quantifier- Ptolemy: A Language with Quantified, Typed Events (HR, GTL), pp. 155–179.
POPL-2008-GulwaniMT #logic #quantifier- Lifting abstract interpreters to quantified logical domains (SG, BM, AT), pp. 235–246.
SAC-2008-GoldsztejnMR #algorithm #approximate #performance #quantifier- An efficient algorithm for a sharp approximation of universally quantified inequalities (AG, CM, MR), pp. 134–139.
CSL-2008-CharatonikW #constraints #quantifier- Quantified Positive Temporal Constraints (WC, MW), pp. 94–108.
ICLP-2008-PearceV #equilibrium #logic #quantifier #set #source code- Quantified Equilibrium Logic and Foundations for Answer Set Programs (DP, AV), pp. 546–560.
IJCAR-2008-Nipkow #linear #quantifier- Linear Quantifier Elimination (TN), pp. 18–33.
LICS-2008-ChenMM #constraints #problem #quantifier- Quantified Constraints and Containment Problems (HC, FRM, BM), pp. 317–328.
SAT-2008-CreignouDER #quantifier #random- New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas (NC, HD, UE, RR), pp. 34–47.
CASE-2007-00010DAR #behaviour #feature model #realtime- A Micropositioning System with Real-Time Feature Extraction Capability for Quantifying C. elegans Locomotive Behavior (WW, YS, SJD, MA, PJR), pp. 243–248.
ICALP-2007-BurgisserC #complexity #problem #quantifier- Exotic Quantifiers, Complexity Classes, and Complete Problems (PB, FC), pp. 207–218.
CHI-2007-GuiardDC #documentation #evaluation #navigation- Quantifying degree of goal directedness in document navigation: application to the evaluation of the perspective-drag technique (YG, YD, OC), pp. 327–336.
HCI-IDU-2007-WongK #concept #design #interface #visualisation- Quantifying the Narration Board for Visualising Final Design Concepts by Interface Designers (CYW, CWK), pp. 273–282.
HCI-IPT-2007-HamHFWPSB #mobile #modelling #usability- Model-Based Approaches to Quantifying the Usability of Mobile Phones (DHH, JH, PF, WW, SP, CS, MB), pp. 288–297.
SIGIR-2007-QiuLBCK #ambiguity #metadata #query #using- Quantify query ambiguity using ODP metadata (GQ, KL, JB, CC, ZK), pp. 697–698.
SAC-2007-BordeauxZ #constraints #linear #quantifier- A solver for quantified Boolean and linear constraints (LB, LZ), pp. 321–325.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ChilimbiNV #effectiveness #performance #profiling #testing- Quantifying the effectiveness of testing via efficient residual path profiling (TMC, AVN, KV), pp. 545–548.
CADE-2007-GeBT #modulo theories #quantifier #satisfiability #using #verification- Solving Quantified Verification Conditions Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories (YG, CB, CT), pp. 167–182.
LICS-2007-BodirskyC #constraints #quantifier #similarity- Quantified Equality Constraints (MB, HC), pp. 203–212.
SAT-2007-SamerS #quantifier #set- Backdoor Sets of Quantified Boolean Formulas (MS, SS), pp. 230–243.
DATE-2006-GiunchigliaNT #quantifier- Quantifier structure in search based procedures for QBFs (EG, MN, AT), pp. 812–817.
DRR-2006-ZhangA #dataset #towards- Toward quantifying the amount of style in a dataset (XZ, SA).
ESOP-2006-Ahmed #logic #quantifier #recursion- Step-Indexed Syntactic Logical Relations for Recursive and Quantified Types (AJA), pp. 69–83.
ICSM-2006-KuleszaSGCSL #aspect-oriented #maintenance #programming- Quantifying the Effects of Aspect-Oriented Programming: A Maintenance Study (UK, CS, AG, RC, AvS, CJPdL), pp. 223–233.
ICALP-v2-2006-Boreale #calculus #information management #process- Quantifying Information Leakage in Process Calculi (MB), pp. 119–131.
ICALP-v2-2006-GuerriniM #commutative #linear #logic #multi #quantifier- Commutative Locative Quantifiers for Multiplicative Linear Logic (SG, PM), pp. 396–407.
EDOC-2006-HaiLG #web #web service- Quantifying Contexts for User-Centered Web Service Discovery (HL, QL, NG), pp. 399–404.
ICPR-v1-2006-SilvaMMO #gesture #interactive #multi #quantifier #towards- A Multi-agent Based Interactive System Towards Child’s Emotion Performances Quantified Through Affective Body Gestures (PRDS, APM, AM, MO), pp. 1236–1239.
KDD-2006-Forman #classification #fault #roadmap- Quantifying trends accurately despite classifier error and class imbalance (GF), pp. 157–166.
KDD-2006-FormanKS #mining- Pragmatic text mining: minimizing human effort to quantify many issues in call logs (GF, EK, JS), pp. 852–861.
KR-2006-Coste-MarquisFLBM #policy #quantifier #representation- Representing Policies for Quantified Boolean Formulae (SCM, HF, JL, DLB, PM), pp. 286–297.
CSL-2006-BodirskyC #constraints #quantifier- Collapsibility in Infinite-Domain Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (MB, HC), pp. 197–211.
IJCAR-2006-Chaieb #quantifier #verification- Verifying Mixed Real-Integer Quantifier Elimination (AC), pp. 528–540.
IJCAR-2006-ZamanskyA #calculus #canonical #quantifier- Canonical Gentzen-Type Calculi with (n, k)-ary Quantifiers (AZ, AA), pp. 251–265.
LICS-2006-DemriL #automaton #ltl #quantifier- LTL with the Freeze Quantifier and Register Automata (SD, RL), pp. 17–26.
SAT-2006-BubeckB #complexity #dependence #modelling #quantifier- Dependency Quantified Horn Formulas: Models and Complexity (UB, HKB), pp. 198–211.
SAT-2006-BuningZ #quantifier- Minimal False Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 339–352.
SAT-2006-TangM #quantifier- Solving Quantified Boolean Formulas with Circuit Observability Don’t Cares (DT, SM), pp. 368–381.
TACAS-2005-LeinoMO #proving #quantifier #theorem proving- A Two-Tier Technique for Supporting Quantifiers in a Lazily Proof-Explicating Theorem Prover (KRML, MM, XO), pp. 334–348.
OOPSLA-2005-HertzB #garbage collection #memory management #performance- Quantifying the performance of garbage collection vs. explicit memory management (MH, EDB), pp. 313–326.
QAPL-2004-ClarkHM05 #quantifier- Quantified Interference for a While Language (DC, SH, PM), pp. 149–166.
COCV-J-2005-AmmeRF #mobile- Quantifying the Benefits of SSA-Based Mobile Code (WA, JvR, MF), pp. 103–119.
SAT-J-2004-BuningZ05 #equivalence #modelling #quantifier- Equivalence Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 224–234.
SAT-J-2004-ChenD05 #algebra #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 71–79.
SAT-J-2004-TangYRM05 #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Propositional and Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 292–305.
CSL-2005-ChenD #algorithm #consistency #constraints #game studies #quantifier- From Pebble Games to Tractability: An Ambidextrous Consistency Algorithm for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (HC, VD), pp. 232–247.
SAT-2005-AudemardS #approach #quantifier- A Symbolic Search Based Approach for Quantified Boolean Formulas (GA, LS), pp. 16–30.
SAT-2005-Benedetti #quantifier- Quantifier Trees for QBFs (MB), pp. 378–385.
SAT-2005-BubeckBZ #equivalence #modelling #quantifier- Quantifier Rewriting and Equivalence Models for Quantified Horn Formulas (UB, HKB, XZ), pp. 386–392.
SAT-2005-Coste-MarquisBL #branch #heuristic #quantifier- A Branching Heuristics for Quantified Renamable Horn Formulas (SCM, DLB, FL), pp. 393–399.
SAT-2005-LingSB #logic #quantifier #satisfiability #synthesis #using- FPGA Logic Synthesis Using Quantified Boolean Satisfiability (ACL, DPS, SDB), pp. 444–450.
WCRE-2004-MarinescuR #design #object-oriented #quality- Quantifying the Quality of Object-Oriented Design: The Factor-Strategy Model (RM, DR), pp. 192–201.
ICALP-2004-Skelley #quantifier #reasoning #source code- Propositional PSPACE Reasoning with Boolean Programs Versus Quantified Boolean Formulas (AS), pp. 1163–1175.
RE-2004-HillWN #approach #non-functional #process #requirements- Quantifying Non-Functional Requirements: A Process Oriented Approach (RLH, JW, KN), pp. 352–353.
SAC-2004-LosadaDBB #ad hoc #fuzzy #quantifier #retrieval #using- Experiments on using fuzzy quantified sentences in adhoc retrieval (DEL, FDH, AB, SB), pp. 1059–1064.
CSL-2004-Bojanczyk #bound #quantifier- A Bounding Quantifier (MB), pp. 41–55.
CSL-2004-Miller #quantifier- Bindings, Mobility of Bindings, and the “generic judgments”-Quantifier: An Abstract (DM), p. 24.
IJCAR-2004-Subramani #integer #quantifier #source code- Analyzing Selected Quantified Integer Programs (KS), pp. 342–356.
LICS-2004-SeshiaB #bound #quantifier #using- Deciding Quantifier-Free Presburger Formulas Using Parameterized Solution Bounds (SAS, REB), pp. 100–109.
SAT-2004-BuningZ #equivalence #modelling #quantifier- Equivalence Models for Quantified Boolean Formulas (HKB, XZ), pp. 230–237.
SAT-2004-ChenD #algebra #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 224–229.
SAT-2004-TangYRM #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 214–223.
VMCAI-2004-LahiriB #abstraction #invariant #quantifier- Constructing Quantified Invariants via Predicate Abstraction (SKL, REB), pp. 267–281.
ITiCSE-2003-MeedenNBK #difference #gender #using- Using departmental surveys to assess computing culture: quantifying gender differences in the classroom (LM, TN, DSB, DK), pp. 188–192.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SolvangDS #flexibility #fuzzy #logic #network- Applying Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network for Quantifying Flexibility of Supply Chains (WDS, ZD, BS), pp. 557–561.
ICSE-2003-MooreKKA #architecture #design #lessons learnt- Quantifying the Value of Architecture Design Decisions: Lessons from the Field (MM, RK, MK, JA), pp. 557–563.
CADE-2003-Nelson #quantifier #reasoning- Reasoning about Quantifiers by Matching in the E-graph (GN), p. 166.
CSL-2003-BornerBJK #algorithm #complexity #constraints #quantifier- Quantified Constraints: Algorithms and Complexity (FB, AAB, PJ, AAK), pp. 58–70.
CSL-2003-Vorobjov03a #effectiveness #quantifier #tutorial- Effective Quantifier Elimination over Real Closed Fields (Tutorial) (NV), p. 545.
SAT-2003-BuningSZ #modelling #on the #quantifier- On Boolean Models for Quantified Boolean Horn Formulas (HKB, KS, XZ), pp. 93–104.
SAT-2003-EglySTWZ #quantifier- Comparing Different Prenexing Strategies for Quantified Boolean Formulas (UE, MS, HT, SW, MZ), pp. 214–228.
FLOPS-2002-Garcia-DiazN #constraints #quantifier- Solving Mixed Quantified Constraints over a Domain Based on Real Numbers and Herbrand Terms (MGD, SN), pp. 103–118.
HPCA-2002-SairSC #behaviour- Quantifying Load Stream Behavior (SS, TS, BC), pp. 197–208.
CADE-2002-Moller #difference #library #named #quantifier- DDDLIB: A Library for Solving Quantified Difference Inequalities (JBM), pp. 129–133.
PLDI-2001-Chilimbi #abstraction #locality #performance- Efficient Representations and Abstractions for Quantifying and Exploiting Data Reference Locality (TMC), pp. 191–202.
SIGIR-2001-FranzMWZ01a #corpus #parallel- Quantifying the Utility of Parallel Corpora (MF, JSM, TW, WJZ), pp. 398–399.
ICSE-2001-KazmanAK #architecture #cost analysis- Quantifying the Costs and Benefits of Architectural Decisions (RK, JA, MK), pp. 297–306.
ICSE-2001-KrishnamurthyS #distributed #quantifier #specification #testing- The Specification and Testing of Quantified Progress Properties in Distributed Systems (PK, PAGS), pp. 201–210.
HPCA-2001-HeathKPN #architecture #communication #scalability- Quantifying the Impact of Architectural Scaling on Communication (TH, SK, RPM, TDN), pp. 267–277.
IJCAR-2001-CerritoM #logic #quantifier- Free-Variable Tableaux for Constant-Domain Quantified Modal Logics with Rigid and Non-rigid Designation (SC, MCM), pp. 137–151.
IJCAR-2001-GiunchigliaNT #named #quantifier #satisfiability- QUBE: A System for Deciding Quantified Boolean Formulas Satisfiability (EG, MN, AT), pp. 364–369.
SAT-2001-HuntMS #complexity #constraints #probability #problem #quantifier- Complexity and Approximability of Quantified and Stochastic Constraint Satisfaction Problems (HBHI, MVM, RES), pp. 217–230.
ICALP-2000-Libkin #constraints #independence #quantifier- Variable Independence, Quantifier Elimination, and Constraint Representations (LL), pp. 260–271.
HPCA-2000-BurnsG #layout #question #smt- Quantifying the SMT Layout Overhead — Does SMT Pull Its Weight? (JB, JLG), pp. 109–120.
CSL-1999-Bradfield #fixpoint #game studies #quantifier- Fixpoint Alternation and the Game Quantifier (JCB), pp. 350–361.
CSL-1999-LautemannW #quantifier #reduction- MonadicNLIN and Quantifier-Free Reductions (CL, BW), pp. 322–337.
CSL-1999-Stewart #array #quantifier- Program Schemes, Arrays, Lindström Quantifiers and Zero-One Laws (IAS), pp. 374–388.
RTA-1999-CaronSTT #quantifier #satisfiability- Deciding the Satisfiability of Quantifier free Formulae on One-Step Rewriting (ACC, FS, ST, MT), pp. 103–117.
VLDB-1998-KornLKF #data mining #mining #paradigm #performance- Ratio Rules: A New Paradigm for Fast, Quantifiable Data Mining (FK, AL, YK, CF), pp. 582–593.
STOC-1998-TherienW #quantifier #word- Over Words, Two Variables Are as Powerful as One Quantifier Alternation (DT, TW), pp. 234–240.
CHI-1998-LohseS #design #user interface- Quantifying the Effect of User Interface Design Features on Cyberstore Traffic and Sales (GLL, PS), pp. 211–218.
CHI-1998-ZhaiM #coordination #multi- Quantifying Coordination in Multiple DOF Movement and Its Application to Evaluating 6 DOF Input Devices (SZ, PM), pp. 320–327.
KR-1998-CervesatoFM #calculus #complexity #model checking #quantifier- The Complexity of Model Checking in Modal Event Calculi with Quantifiers (IC, MF, AM), pp. 368–379.
KR-1998-CostelloP #quantifier- Quantifiers and Operations on Modalities and Contexts (TC, AP), pp. 270–281.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-BlasbandR #quantifier- All-Purpose Quantifiers (DB, JCR), pp. 8–17.
HPDC-1998-Al-TawilM #quantifier- LogGP Quantified: The Case for MPI (KAT, CAM), pp. 366–367.
CSL-1998-BaazV #fuzzy #logic #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in Fuzzy Logic (MB, HV), pp. 399–414.
LICS-1998-DawarHS #finite #quantifier- Ordering Finite Variable Types with Generalized Quantifiers (AD, LH, AS), pp. 28–43.
LICS-1998-Yokouchi #quantifier- Completeness of Type Assignment Systems with Intersection, Union, and Type Quantifiers (HY), pp. 368–379.
ALP-1997-AbdennadherS #constraints #generative #quantifier- Model Generation with Existentially Quantified Variables and Constraints (SA, HS), pp. 256–272.
PLILP-1997-BowersHI #logic programming #quantifier- Resolution for Logic Programming with Universal Quantifiers (AFB, PMH, FI), pp. 63–77.
CSL-1997-Schweikardt #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Grids and Pictures (NS), pp. 441–460.
LICS-1997-MatzT #graph #infinity #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Graphs is Infinite (OM, WT), pp. 236–244.
ICALP-1996-BookVW #on the #probability #quantifier- On Type-2 Probabilistic Quantifiers (RVB, HV, KWW), pp. 369–380.
ICPR-1996-RudshteinL #recognition #reliability- Quantifying the reliability of feature-based object recognition (AR, ML), pp. 35–39.
SEKE-1996-KangB #design #using #visualisation- Using Design Cohesion to Visualize, Quantify, and Restructure Software (BKK, JMB), pp. 222–229.
CADE-1996-Ohlbach #named #quantifier- SCAN — Elimination of Predicate Quantifiers (HJO), pp. 161–165.
CADE-1996-Salzer #axiom #multi #quantifier- Optimal Axiomatizations for Multiple-Valued Operators and Quantifiers Based on Semi-lattices (GS), pp. 688–702.
LICS-1996-Nurmonen #finite #order #quantifier- Counting Modulo Quantifiers on Finite Linearly Ordered Trees (JN), pp. 484–493.
DAC-1995-HagenHK #heuristic #layout #quantifier- Quantified Suboptimality of VLSI Layout Heuristics (LWH, DJHH, ABK), pp. 216–221.
DLT-1995-DrosteK #composition #quantifier- Trace Languages Definable with Modular Quantifiers (MD, DK), pp. 386–395.
SAC-1995-BoscLP #flexibility #quantifier #query #relational- Quantified statements in a flexible relational query language (PB, LL, OP), pp. 488–492.
LICS-1995-DawarG #quantifier- Generalized Quantifiers and 0-1 Laws (AD, EG), pp. 54–64.
LICS-1995-Gottlob #finite #quantifier- Relativized Logspace and Generalized Quantifiers over Finite Structures (GG), pp. 65–78.
LICS-1994-DawarH #power of #quantifier- The Expressive Power of Finitely Many Generalized Quantifiers (AD, LH), pp. 20–29.
LICS-1994-Otto #quantifier- Generalized Quantifiers for Simple Properties (MO), pp. 30–39.
CSL-1993-MakowskyP #quantifier- Oracles and Quantifiers (JAM, YBP), pp. 189–222.
CSL-1993-Stewart #fixpoint #quantifier- Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers and the Least Fixed Point Operator (IAS), pp. 318–333.
KR-1992-GabbayO #higher-order #logic #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in Second-Order Predicate Logic (DMG, HJO), pp. 425–435.
LICS-1992-VaananenK #finite #game studies #quantifier- Generalized Quantifiers and Pebble Games on Finite Structures (PGK, JAV), pp. 348–359.
ML-1991-Kadie #induction #learning- Quantifying the Value of Constructive Induction, Knowledge, and Noise Filtering on Inductive Learning (CMK), pp. 153–157.
CSL-1991-Seibert #quantifier #word- Quantifier Hierarchies over Word Relations (SS), pp. 329–352.
STOC-1990-PanconesiR #approximate #quantifier- Quantifiers and Approximation (Extended Abstract) (AP, DR), pp. 446–456.
CSL-1990-FlogelKB #quantifier #subclass- Subclasses of Quantified Boolean Formulas (AF, MK, HKB), pp. 145–155.
SIGMOD-1989-Bry #evaluation #performance #quantifier #query #revisited #towards- Towards an Efficient Evaluation of General Queries: Quantifier and Disjunction Processing Revisited (FB), pp. 193–204.
STOC-1989-Ierardi #algebra #formal method #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in the Theory of an Algebraically-closed Field (DI), pp. 138–147.
CSL-1989-Stark89a #logic programming #quantifier #source code- A Quantifier-Free Completion of Logic Programs (RFS), pp. 384–395.
ICALP-1988-StraubingTT #quantifier #regular expression- regular Languages Defined with Generalized Quantifiers (HS, DT, WT), pp. 561–575.
LFP-1988-Martini #bound #modelling #quantifier- Bounded Quantifiers Have Interval Models (SM), pp. 164–173.
VLDB-1987-Dayal #approach #quantifier #query- Of Nests and Trees: A Unified Approach to Processing Queries That Contain Nested Subqueries, Aggregates, and Quantifiers (UD), pp. 197–208.
ICALP-1987-HaferT #logic #monad #quantifier- Computation Tree Logic CTL* and Path Quantifiers in the Monadic Theory of the Binary Tree (TH, WT), pp. 269–279.
CSL-1987-KarpinskiBS #complexity #horn clause #on the #quantifier- On the Computational Complexity of Quantified Horn Clauses (MK, HKB, PHS), pp. 129–137.
POPL-1986-JeffersonK #execution #quantifier #specification- Executable Specifications with Quantifiers in the FASE System (SJ, SNK), pp. 318–326.
CADE-1986-Konolige #logic #quantifier- Resolution and Quantified Epistemic Logics (KK), pp. 199–208.
ICLP-1986-Naish86 #prolog #quantifier- Negation and Quantifiers in NU-Prolog (LN), pp. 624–634.
ICSE-1984-BeaneGS #design- Quantifying Software Designs (JB, NG, JS), pp. 314–323.
PODS-1983-Dayal #approach #quantifier #query- Processing Queries with Quantifiers: A Horticultural Approach (UD), pp. 125–136.
SIGMOD-1983-JarkeK #performance #quantifier #query- Range Nesting: A Fast Method to Evaluate Quantified Queries (MJ, JK), pp. 196–206.
SIGMOD-1982-BernsteinB #calculus #performance #quantifier #relational #testing- Fast Methods for Testing Quantified Relational Calculus Assertions (PAB, BTB), pp. 39–50.
ICALP-1979-BroyDPPW #data type #quantifier- Existential Quantifiers in Abstract Data Types (MB, WD, HP, PP, MW), pp. 73–87.
STOC-1978-ReddyL #bound #quantifier- Presburger Arithmetic with Bounded Quantifier Alternation (CRR, DWL), pp. 320–325.