Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Erickson C.M.Danis W.A.Kellogg G.Valetto K.Ehrlich S.Chulani M.N.Wegman C.Williams
Talks about:
assist (2) repositori (1) congruenc (1) administr (1) investig (1) technic (1) softwar (1) project (1) practic (1) develop (1)
Person: Mary E. Helander
DBLP: Helander:Mary_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CSCW-2008-EricksonDKH #named
- Assistance: the work practices of human administrative assistants and their implications for it and organizations (TE, CMD, WAK, MEH), pp. 609–618.
- MSR-2007-ValettoHECWW #congruence #development #repository #using
- Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects (GV, MEH, KE, SC, MNW, CW), p. 25.