Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Cataldo N.S.Shami T.Matthews D.Maltz ∅ F.R.Campagnoni M.X.Zhou D.R.Millen M.Müller S.Yarosh G.Gay J.T.Hancock A.Perer I.Ronen I.Guy G.Valetto M.E.Helander S.Chulani M.N.Wegman C.Williams S.Whittaker H.Badenes B.A.Smith T.Lau
Talks about:
communiti (4) develop (4) enterpris (3) expertis (3) communic (3) help (3) collabor (2) technic (2) softwar (2) product (2)
Person: Kate Ehrlich
DBLP: Ehrlich:Kate
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CSCW-2014-EhrlichC #communication #development #performance
- The communication patterns of technical leaders: impact on product development team performance (KE, MC), pp. 733–744.
- CHI-2013-MatthewsWBSMEZL #community #enterprise #online
- Community insights: helping community leaders enhance the value of enterprise online communities (TM, SW, HB, BAS, MM, KE, MXZ, TL), pp. 513–522.
- CSCW-2013-YaroshMZE #enterprise #exclamation #process #taxonomy
- I need someone to help!: a taxonomy of helper-finding activities in the enterprise (SY, TM, MXZ, KE), pp. 1375–1386.
- CHI-2012-CataldoE #communication #development
- The impact of communication structure on new product development outcomes (MC, KE), pp. 3081–3090.
- CHI-2012-MullerEMPRG #community #enterprise #online #social #social media
- Diversity among enterprise online communities: collaborating, teaming, and innovating through social media (MM, KE, TM, AP, IR, IG), pp. 2815–2824.
- CSCW-2012-EhrlichC #analysis #communication #development #distributed #multi #performance
- All-for-one and one-for-all?: a multi-level analysis of communication patterns and individual performance in geographically distributed software development (KE, MC), pp. 945–954.
- CHI-2009-ShamiEGH
- Making sense of strangers’ expertise from signals in digital artifacts (NSS, KE, GG, JTH), pp. 69–78.
- CHI-2008-EhrlichS
- Searching for expertise (KE, NSS), pp. 1093–1096.
- CHI-2008-ShamiEM #exclamation
- Pick me!: link selection in expertise search results (NSS, KE, DRM), pp. 1089–1092.
- MSR-2007-ValettoHECWW #congruence #development #repository #using
- Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects (GV, MEH, KE, SC, MNW, CW), p. 25.
- CHI-1995-MaltzE #collaboration
- Pointing the Way: Active Collaborative Filtering (DM, KE), pp. 202–209.
- CHI-1991-Ehrlich #interface
- Human interface at SUN (East) (KE), pp. 471–472.
- SIGIR-1989-CampagnoniE #information retrieval #using
- Information Retrieval Using a Hypertext-Based Help System (FRC, KE), pp. 212–220.