Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Gionis I.B.Dhia T.Abdessalem G.D.F.Morales T.Neumann G.Weikum F.M.Manshadi B.Awerbuch R.Gemula R.Khandekar J.Mestre F.Chierichetti A.Panconesi P.Raghavan A.Tiberi E.Upfal
Talks about:
network (2) social (2) match (2) peer (2) near (2) unstructur (1) distribut (1) communiti (1) algorithm (1) neighbor (1)
Person: Mauro Sozio
DBLP: Sozio:Mauro
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- VLDB-2013-ManshadiAGKMS #algorithm #distributed #scalability
- A Distributed Algorithm for Large-Scale Generalized Matching (FMM, BA, RG, RK, JM, MS), pp. 613–624.
- CIKM-2012-DhiaAS #named #network #privacy #social
- Primates: a privacy management system for social networks (IBD, TA, MS), pp. 2746–2748.
- VLDB-2011-MoralesGS #pipes and filters #social
- Social Content Matching in MapReduce (GDFM, AG, MS), pp. 460–469.
- KDD-2010-SozioG #how #problem
- The community-search problem and how to plan a successful cocktail party (MS, AG), pp. 939–948.
- PODS-2008-SozioNW #network #peer-to-peer #replication
- Near-optimal dynamic replication in unstructured peer-to-peer networks (MS, TN, GW), pp. 281–290.
- PODS-2007-ChierichettiPRSTU #clustering
- Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning (FC, AP, PR, MS, AT, EU), pp. 103–112.