Travelled to:
1 × Portugal
1 × Singapore
Collaborated with:
A.Sun E.Lim
Talks about:
document (2) comment (2) summar (2) orient (2) blog (2) understand (1) feedback (1) sentenc (1) popular (1) extract (1)
Person: Meishan Hu
DBLP: Hu:Meishan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGIR-2008-HuSL #comprehension #documentation #feedback #summary
- Comments-oriented document summarization: understanding documents with readers’ feedback (MH, AS, EPL), pp. 291–298.
- SIGIR-2008-SunHL #case study #query
- Searching blogs and news: a study on popular queries (AS, MH, EPL), pp. 729–730.
- CIKM-2007-HuSL #summary
- Comments-oriented blog summarization by sentence extraction (MH, AS, EPL), pp. 901–904.