James F. Allen, Richard Fikes, Erik Sandewall
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
KR, 1991.
@proceedings{KR-1991, address = "KR'91). Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA", editor = "James F. Allen and Richard Fikes and Erik Sandewall", isbn = "1-55860-165-1", publisher = "{Morgan Kaufmann}", title = "{Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}", year = 1991, }
Contents (60 items)
- KR-1991-Allen #reasoning
- Planning as Temporal Reasoning (JFA), pp. 3–14.
- KR-1991-Amsterdam #reasoning
- Temporal Reasoning and Narrative Conventions (JA), pp. 15–21.
- KR-1991-AttardiS
- Reflections about Reflection (GA, MS), pp. 22–31.
- KR-1991-BalkeniusG #network
- Nonmonotonic Inferences in Neural Networks (CB, PG), pp. 32–39.
- KR-1991-BarringerFGH #execution #logic
- Meta-Reasoning in Executable Temporal Logic (HB, MF, DMG, AH), pp. 40–49.
- KR-1991-Bell #logic
- Pragmatic Logics (JB), pp. 50–60.
- KR-1991-BrogiT #information management #logic #representation
- Metalogic for Knowledge Representation (AB, FT), pp. 61–69.
- KR-1991-Bylander #abduction #functional #problem
- The Monotonic Abduction Problem: A Functional Characterization on the Edge of Tractability (TB), pp. 70–77.
- KR-1991-Castaing #formal method #representation
- A New Formalisation of Subsumption in Frame-Based Representation Systems (JC), pp. 78–88.
- KR-1991-ChalasaniEM #algorithm #performance #permutation #problem
- Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments (PC, OE, JM), pp. 89–98.
- KR-1991-ChouW #modelling #named
- Immortal: A Model-Based Belief Revision System (ScTC, MW), pp. 99–110.
- KR-1991-DavisC #clustering
- Clustering Temporal Intervals To Generate Reference Hierarchies (WSD, JRC), pp. 111–117.
- KR-1991-DelgrandeJ #logic #revisited
- Default Logic Revisited (JPD, WKJ), pp. 118–127.
- KR-1991-DevanbuL #reasoning
- Plan-Based Terminological Reasoning (PTD, DJL), pp. 128–138.
- KR-1991-DierbachC #reasoning
- A Formal Basis for Analogical Reasoning (CD, DLC), pp. 139–150.
- KR-1991-DoniniLNN #complexity #concept
- The Complexity of Concept Languages (FMD, ML, DN, WN), pp. 151–162.
- KR-1991-Doyle
- Rational Belief Revision (JD), pp. 163–174.
- KR-1991-DuboisP #reasoning
- Conditional Objects and Non-Monontonic Reasoning (DD, HP), pp. 175–185.
- KR-1991-Freuder #constraints #problem
- Completable Representations of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (ECF), pp. 186–195.
- KR-1991-FrischS #deduction #framework
- A General Framework for Modal Deduction (AMF, RBS), pp. 196–207.
- KR-1991-GabbayLV #logic programming #order #semantics #source code
- Credulous vs. Sceptical Semantics for Ordered Logic Programs (DMG, EL, DV), pp. 208–217.
- KR-1991-Geffner
- Beyond Negation as Failure (HG), pp. 218–229.
- KR-1991-GelfondPLT
- Disjective Defaults (MG, HP, VL, MT), pp. 230–237.
- KR-1991-GeneserethH #source code
- Partial Programs (MRG, JYjH), pp. 238–249.
- KR-1991-Ginsberg #reasoning
- Computational Considerations in Reasoning about Action (MLG), pp. 250–261.
- KR-1991-Ginsberg91a #reasoning
- The Computational Value of Nonmonotonic Reasoning (MLG), pp. 262–268.
- KR-1991-Grahne
- Updates and Counterfactuals (GG), pp. 269–276.
- KR-1991-GreinerO #approximate
- Probably Approximately Optimal Derivation Strategies (RG, PO), pp. 277–288.
- KR-1991-Grosof
- Generalizing Prioritization (BNG), pp. 289–300.
- KR-1991-GroveH #logic #multi
- Naming and Identity in a Multi-Agent Epistemic Logic (AJG, JYH), pp. 301–312.
- KR-1991-Haddawy #logic #probability #representation
- A Temporal Probability Logic for Representing Actions (PH), pp. 313–324.
- KR-1991-HalpernV #model checking #proving #theorem proving
- Model Checking vs. Theorem Proving: A Manifesto (JYH, MYV), pp. 325–334.
- KR-1991-HollunderB #concept #strict
- Qualifying Number Restrictions in Concept Languages (BH, FB), pp. 335–346.
- KR-1991-Kaufman #formal method #reasoning
- A Formal Theory of Spatial Reasoning (SGK), pp. 347–356.
- KR-1991-Lamarre #logic
- S4 as the Conditional Logic of Nonmonotonicity (PL), pp. 357–367.
- KR-1991-Lakemeyer #on the
- On the Relation between Explicit and Implicit Belief (GL), pp. 368–375.
- KR-1991-Lifschitz #towards
- Toward a Metatheory of Action (VL), pp. 376–386.
- KR-1991-KatsunoM #difference #knowledge base #on the
- On the Difference between Updating a Knowledge Base and Revising It (HK, AOM), pp. 387–394.
- KR-1991-MarekST #logic
- Modal Nonmonotonic Logics: Ranges, Characterization, Computation (VWM, GFS, MT), pp. 395–404.
- KR-1991-Myers #integration #logic
- Universal Attachment: An Integration Method for Logic Hybrids (KLM), pp. 405–416.
- KR-1991-Nebel #reasoning
- Belief Revision and Default Reasoning: Syntax-Based Approaches (BN), pp. 417–428.
- KR-1991-PagePF #constraints #logic
- Generalizing Atoms in Constraint Logic (CDPJ, AMF), pp. 429–440.
- KR-1991-PearlV #formal method
- A Theory of Inferred Causation (JP, TV), pp. 441–452.
- KR-1991-PequenoB #consistency #logic #nondeterminism
- The Logic of Epistemic Inconsistency (THCP, AB), pp. 453–460.
- KR-1991-ProvanP
- The Utility of Consistency-Based Diagnostic Techniques (GMP, DLP), pp. 461–472.
- KR-1991-RaoG #architecture #modelling
- Modeling Rational Agents within a BDI-Architecture (ASR, MPG), pp. 473–484.
- KR-1991-RodiP #using
- A Nonmonotonic Assumption-Based TMS Using Stable Bases (WLR, SGP), pp. 485–495.
- KR-1991-Schaub #perspective #semantics
- Assertional Default Theories: A Semantical View (TS), pp. 496–506.
- KR-1991-Schweizer
- A Metalinguistic Treatment of Epistemic Contexts (PS), pp. 507–513.
- KR-1991-Baalen #automation #design #satisfiability
- The Completeness of DRAT, A Technique for Automatic Design of Satisfiability Procedures (JVB), pp. 514–525.
- KR-1991-Vreeswijk #reasoning
- The Feasibility of Defeat in Defeasible Reasoning (GV), pp. 526–534.
- KR-1991-WellmanH
- Qualitative Intercausal Relations, or Explaining “Explaining Away” (MPW, MH), pp. 535–546.
- KR-1991-Wellman #constraints #multi #simulation
- Qualitative Simulation with Multivariate Constraints (MPW), pp. 547–557.
- KR-1991-Wilensky #ontology #representation
- The Ontology and Representation of Situations (RW), pp. 558–569.
- KR-1991-Witteveen #maintenance
- Skeptical Reason Maintenance is Tractable (CW), pp. 570–581.
- KR-1991-Gardenfors
- Nonmonotonic Inferences Based on Expectations: A Preliminary Report (PG), pp. 585–590.
- KR-1991-Rich #information management #question #reasoning #representation
- Implemented Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems: An Endangered Species? (CR), pp. 591–592.
- KR-1991-Attardi
- Knowledge Sharing: A Feasible Dream (GA), pp. 597–598.
- KR-1991-Genesereth
- Knowledge Interchange Format (MRG), pp. 599–600.
- KR-1991-Gruber #knowledge base #ontology #reuse
- The Role of Common Ontology in Achieving Sharable, Reusable Knowledge Bases (TRG), pp. 601–602.
11 ×#logic
11 ×#reasoning
5 ×#representation
3 ×#constraints
3 ×#formal method
3 ×#problem
2 ×#concept
2 ×#information management
2 ×#knowledge base
2 ×#modelling
11 ×#reasoning
5 ×#representation
3 ×#constraints
3 ×#formal method
3 ×#problem
2 ×#concept
2 ×#information management
2 ×#knowledge base
2 ×#modelling