Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
3 × Canada
3 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ S.Hölldobler S.Haufe C.Drescher T.Witkowski H.Störr D.A.d.Waal U.C.Sigmund J.Schneeberger Y.Martin I.Narasamdya D.Rajaratnam H.J.Levesque M.Pagnucco R.Baumann G.Brewka H.Strass V.Zaslawski S.Brüning G.Große
Talks about:
action (8) program (6) calculus (4) fluent (4) logic (4) equat (3) game (3) knowledg (2) problem (2) general (2)
Person: Michael Thielscher
DBLP: Thielscher:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- KR-2014-RajaratnamLPT
- Forgetting in Action (DR, HJL, MP, MT).
- KR-2012-HaufeT #automation #game studies #verification
- Automated Verification of Epistemic Properties for General Game Playing (SH, MT).
- ICLP-J-2011-DrescherT #logic programming #named #prolog
- ALPprolog — A new logic programming method for dynamic domains (CD, MT), pp. 451–468.
- KR-2010-BaumannBSTZ #calculus
- State Defaults and Ramifications in the Unifying Action Calculus (RB, GB, HS, MT, VZ).
- KR-2010-Thielscher #calculus
- Integrating Action Calculi and AgentSpeak: Closing the Gap (MT).
- ICLP-2009-Thielscher #game studies #programming #set
- Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing (MT), pp. 327–341.
- KR-2006-ThielscherW #calculus #semantics
- The Features-and-Fluents Semantics for the Fluent Calculus (MT, TW), pp. 362–370.
- KR-2004-MartinNT #calculus
- Knowledge of Other Agents and Communicative Actions in the Fluent Calculus (YM, IN, MT), pp. 623–633.
- ICLP-2003-Thielscher #automation
- Controlling Semi-automatic Systems with FLUX (MT), pp. 515–516.
- ICLP-2002-Thielscher #constraints #finite #reasoning
- Reasoning about Actions with CHRs and Finite Domain Constraints (MT), pp. 70–84.
- CL-2000-StorrT #calculus #equation
- A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus (HPS, MT), pp. 733–746.
- KR-2000-Thielscher #representation
- Representing the Knowledge of a Robot (MT), pp. 109–120.
- KR-1998-Thielscher #how
- How (Not) To Minimize Events (MT), pp. 60–73.
- JICSLP-1996-Thielscher #logic programming #proving #semantics #source code
- A Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs (MT), pp. 483–497.
- KR-1996-Thielscher #problem
- Causality and the Qualification Problem (MT), pp. 51–62.
- LOPSTR-1995-WaalT #deduction #problem #program analysis #program transformation #using
- Solving Deductive Planning Problems Using Program Analysis and Transformation (DAdW, MT), pp. 189–203.
- ICLP-1994-Thielscher #equation #logic programming #representation
- Representing Actions in Equational Logic Programming (MT), pp. 207–224.
- ILPS-1993-BruningHSTS #deduction
- Disjunction In Resource-Oriented Deductive Planning (SB, SH, UCS, MT, JS), p. 670.
- ILPS-1993-HolldoblerT
- Actions and Specificity (SH, MT), pp. 164–180.
- JICSLP-1992-GrosseHSST #equation #logic programming
- Equational Logic Programming Actions, and Change (GG, SH, JS, UCS, MT), pp. 177–191.